Hooks & Attention Catchers For Content & Ads Course
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Using a hook/grabber in your ads or content is essential to gaining an initial interaction. As a general rule, the hook/grabber should comprise less than half of the introduction, leaving plenty of room to explain the content to follow. This course goes over hooks and grabbers to take your content and ads to the next level.


No we are not talking about how long a bull rider needs to stay on an angry bull. We are talking about how long attention is given online. We only have 8 seconds to make the impression to get them to dig deeper!

Let’s make that 8 seconds count!

You can always start with a statement that is designed to build curiosity and make the audience look up and listen to you attentively.

Developing curiosity is the number 1 human emotion when it comes to engagement online. We will work on developing that curious component in your business. Let’s develop the I want to see more mentality with your potential customers.

Ask questions in your hooks and content! Yes, you will learn how to have your customers question the decisions they are making and how you may be the perfect solution. We are the solution lets show them how we can do that!

Let’s work on developing compelling messaging that focuses on trust and gives them goosebumps.

This course will cover:

Generate Curiosity
Developing Good Hooks
Making A Statement with Your Content
Use Your Imagination
Be a Story Teller

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