Organic Vs. Paid Search And Social Media: A Guide For Local Business Owners via @sejournal, @JRiddall

Local business owners consistently face a familiar digital marketing conundrum.

With a myriad of options available and seemingly growing daily, including the recent introductions of AI into the mix, how do you determine the best and most effective approach for your business?

To begin, most local businesses have two (or technically four) primary paths to consider: Organic and paid strategies for both search and social media.

In this guide, we’ll explore the nuances of each option, weigh the pros and cons, and offer actionable insights to help make informed decisions on where to invest your valuable time, resources, and funds.

Understanding Organic And Paid Strategies

Let’s start by defining the fundamental difference between organic and paid strategies:

  • Organic: Focuses on building long-term brand awareness, trust, and authority via the creation and distribution of consistent, high-quality, optimized content and community engagement. This strategy requires the careful cultivation of a loyal customer base, which naturally takes time and effort.
  • Paid: Involves investing in often online advertising campaigns to achieve immediate visibility and reach a broader audience quickly. A paid strategy offers a shortcut but requires balancing cost vs. lead volume and quality.

And so, with both search and social media, local business owners are faced with organic and paid options, each of which has unique time, resource, and cost considerations in terms of initial implementation and results.

Below, we’ll review the best practices required for success, along with the pros and cons of each strategy.

While not listed as a best practice, assume all strategies require ongoing monitoring and optimization based on desired outcomes and results – a must for all digital marketing efforts.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

The term search engine marketing is sometimes equated with paid strategies only, but it should really be considered the umbrella for both organic search (local SEO) and paid search (PPC).

Organic Local SEO

The goal of local SEO is for your business to appear prominently in the Local Map Pack and/or organic search results when your customers are looking for services or products you offer.

Google Local Map Pack and Organic Results screenshotScreenshot from search for [barrie plumbers], Google, May 2024

Local SEO is much like traditional SEO but requires a few additional steps to be taken.

Best Practices

  • Keyword research: Identify keywords tied to your business’s services/products, location and competition, which potential customers will be searching for.
  • Website/on-page optimization: Build a mobile-friendly, responsive, locally-focused website. Optimize your website’s title tags, headings, internal/external links, meta descriptions, and content with relevant keywords.
  • Local listings: Create a comprehensive and active Google Business Profile (GBP) and ensure your NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) is consistent across online directories.
  • Reviews: Positive, authentic customer reviews, particularly those on GBP, which have been responded to quickly, will go a long way towards establishing local dominance.
  • Backlinks: Identify relevant local and industry-specific sources to obtain inbound links from to boost authority.
  • Content marketing: Consistently produce and share high-quality, locally relevant content that answers your audience’s questions and provides consistent value.


  • Cost-effective: While SEO requires time and effort to conduct research, identify opportunities or gaps, implement best practice solutions, and monitor results, the overall cost (depending on several factors) tends to be lower than paid search.
  • Credibility: Organic search results are generally perceived as more trustworthy by users.
  • Long-term benefits: A well-optimized web presence (e.g., an optimized website, Google Business Profile, high-quality shared content, and relevant backlinks) can consistently attract organic traffic over time.


  • Delayed results: As noted, establishing authority and trust is a long-term game. It can take several months to see significant results from SEO activities.
  • Algorithmic and AI dependency: Search engine algorithms and now LLMs feeding AI-generated results (see Google AI overviews) are constantly evolving, which necessitates ongoing optimization.
  • Competitive: Establishing authority and visibility for popular keywords can be quite challenging, especially for local businesses in highly populated areas.

Some, including yours truly, will argue that establishing local authority and visibility is very much tied to running a solid business, delivering exceptional services, and engaging with your community.

Well-run local businesses are effectively engaged in local SEO and have an opportunity to be found by their customers via organic search.

Local Paid Search (PPC)

Paid search involves creating and distributing engaging text, image, or video (YouTube) ads on Google or Bing’s search or display networks linked to conversion-focused standalone or website landing pages.

At a local level, service businesses have the option of purchasing Google Local Services Ads, which require qualified businesses to go through a verification process.

Google Local Map PackScreenshot from search for [barrie plumbers], Google Maps, May 2024

Best Practices

  • Keyword bidding: Choose relevant keywords with relatively high search volumes and low competition.
  • Ad copy optimization: Write compelling ad copy highlighting your unique value proposition.
  • Landing page optimization: Create landing pages aligned with your ad copy and encourage conversions.
  • Remarketing: Target users who previously visited your website with ads tailored to products or services they may have interacted with.


  • Immediate visibility: Ads tied to keyword searches appear near the top of search results immediately.
  • Targeted reach: Ads can be precisely targeted to specific demographics and locations.
  • Easily measured results: Track impressions, clicks, and conversions to analyze campaign performance and adjust ad spend accordingly.


  • Costly: PPC advertising can be expensive, especially for competitive keywords, such as “plumbers in New York.” A Wordstream study found the average CTR across all industries in Google Ads is 1.91% on the search network and 0.35% on the display network. This means you need to pay for a lot of impressions in order to get clicks.
  • Quantity over quality: Lots of PPC traffic does not typically translate into lots of conversions.
  • Click fraud: Many clicks may come from bots or your competitions, thereby wasting a portion of your allotted budget.
  • Temporary results: Once you stop paying, your ads and traffic will disappear.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

I don’t need to tell you about social media’s pervasiveness in our modern world. However, many local businesses still aren’t quite sure how or if it fits into their marketing mix.

The answers to these questions often lie in the nature of your business and the behaviors and preferences of your audience. In other words, do you have or can you create content that lends itself to social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok?

Do you expect your audience will go to these channels or other social channels in search of this content?

Most local businesses certainly can benefit from a social media strategy as it’s effectively an extension of their community online.

Organic Social Media

Organic social refers to posting text, images, audio, video, and/or links to any social media channel.

In order for this content to be seen and engaged with, it’s necessary to build and nurture a social following (which is sometimes a missed step in the social media marketing process.)

Facebook page screenshotScreenshot of Superior Plumbing & Heating of Barrie Facebook page/post, May 2024

Best Practices

  • Visually engaging content: Use high-quality images and videos to capture your consumer’s attention.
  • Content calendar: Plan and schedule your social media posts in advance.
  • Hashtags: Use relevant, keyword-rich hashtags to reach a wider audience who use them as a social search mechanism.
  • Calls to action: Encourage viewers to click, visit or buy!
  • Audience building: Follow, like, and share content from other relevant local businesses and content creators.
  • Community engagement: Respond to all comments, messages, and mentions promptly.


  • Cost-effective: Most social media platforms are generally free to use.
  • Brand building: Foster customer relationships, build community, and showcase your brand’s personality.
  • Customer engagement: Interact directly with customers, answer questions, and address their concerns.


  • Limited reach: Even if you establish a following, which takes time, organic reach on social media is declining, making it harder to reach a significant audience.
  • Social network dependency: Social media algorithms control the prioritization and display of content in user feeds, also limiting potential reach.
  • Time-consuming: Creating engaging content and managing multiple social media accounts takes time.

Paid Social Media

Paid social, much like paid search, offers the options of text, image, or video ads distributed via the social network where you expect your audience to be engaged.

Facebook ad screenshotScreenshot of mobile Meta/Facebook Ad, May 2024

Best Practices

  • Audience targeting: Create and target custom hyper-local audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors tracked and stored by the social networks.
  • Ad format: Choose the right ad format for your campaign objectives (e.g. image ads, video ads, carousel ads).
  • Ad copy: Write compelling ad copy highlighting your unique value proposition.
  • Landing page optimization: Create landing pages aligned with your ad copy and encourage conversions.


  • Targeted reach: The ability to reach very specific demographics, interests, and behaviors
  • Increased visibility: The opportunity to boost your popular organic posts to reach a larger audience.
  • Measurable results: Track clicks, impressions, and conversions to analyze and optimize campaign performance.


  • Costly: As with PPC, paid social media advertising can be expensive, especially when competing in competitive industries or highly populated locations.
  • Ad fatigue: Consumers may become annoyed or simply blind to excessive/intrusive advertising.
  • Algorithm dependency: Social media algorithms also prioritize paid content, making it difficult for posts to gain traction.

Local Challenges

Regardless of the tactic chosen, there are some challenges local business owners need to acknowledge and address.

  • Limited budgets: Local businesses often have smaller marketing budgets, making it difficult to compete with larger companies on paid search and social media platforms. Be strategic in your spending and focus on targeting the right audience with the right message.
  • Local competition: Local businesses face stiff competition from other businesses in their area, both online and off. Standing out from the crowd can be challenging, especially in saturated markets. Look for opportunities to differentiate your business through unique value propositions, exceptional customer service, and targeted campaigns.
  • Limited resources: Many local businesses have limited staff and digital marketing expertise. You may simply not have the time or knowledge to manage complex paid search and social media campaigns effectively. Consider outsourcing to a digital marketing agency or consultant, but do your homework and ask to see what results they have produced for other local businesses.
  • Keeping up with trends: It can be overwhelming for local businesses to keep up with the latest trends and best practices. Partnering with a digital marketing expert can help them stay ahead of the curve.

Choosing The Right Strategy For Your Local Business

The most effective approach for your local business will depend on your specific goals, budget, and target audience. In assessing your options, consider the following factors:

  • Goals: What are you trying to achieve? Increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, generate leads, or increase sales?
  • Budget: How much are you willing to spend on marketing? Monthly, quarterly, or seasonally?
  • Target audience: Who are the people you are trying to reach? What keywords do you think they are using when searching for your services or products? What social media platforms do they use?
  • Timeframe: How quickly do you need to see results for a particular service or product offering?

A well-rounded digital marketing strategy often involves a combination of organic and paid tactics – not organic vs. paid, but organic and paid.

A common and effective approach is to identify organic keywords or topics on which your business has some level of authority and/or visibility, from which you are already receiving traffic and upon which you can build.

Perhaps this represents a unique product or service you offer or one that your customers particularly favor. This is where you focus your local SEO attention.

Concurrently, you may also identify high-value, low-competition keywords you are willing to pay for either via PPC or paid social ads, provided they deliver quick, meaningful results.

Another strategy involves using paid search or social as a test to understand which keywords or topics resonate with your audience and on which channels before you devote time and effort to building and rolling out a full organic content strategy.

If you do have the budget for a comprehensive approach, consider integrating both paid search and paid social into your digital marketing strategy.

Use paid search to capture high-intent users actively searching for your products or services and paid social to build brand awareness, nurture leads, and reach a wider audience.

A Few Words On Analytics

One reason digital marketing has gained so much prominence, besides increasing consumer demand for immediate gratification, is the power of data underlying all online interactions.

While sometimes overwhelming, all digital marketing can be tracked, analyzed, and optimized based on what’s working and what isn’t.

Website interactions and inbound channel traffic can be tracked via Google Analytics, PPC ads offer detailed impressions, click and conversion tracking via Google Adwords and Bing Ads, and virtually all paid social platforms include detailed tracking options.

For small businesses, this may be as simple as understanding how many leads or paying customers are being generated from online sources.

However, the more detailed information you can get about the channels responsible for delivering actual customers to your online or physical door, the better.

The Holy Grail is to be able to understand the return you are getting on your investment in each channel, but at least getting close will help validate your strategic decisions.

The Decisions Are Yours

Ultimately, which strategies fit your specific needs will be up to you and will certainly require some fine-tuning over time.

By understanding the true costs, pros, and cons of each approach, you can develop a balanced approach which will deliver tangible results.

More resources: 

Featured Image: chainarong06/Shutterstock

Your Guide To Dominating Local Search Marketing via @sejournal, @meetsoci

This post was sponsored by SOCi. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own.

As a marketer, you may feel like the ground is shifting under your feet with so many changes in the world of search. From Google’s recent announcement to release AI Overviews to all U.S. users to OpenAI revealing GPT-4o, there’s a lot to keep up with.

How will these changes impact your search efforts? Do you need to shift your search strategy?

We have the answers for you and more!

In this blog, we’ll explain how search marketing has changed, what this means for your brand, and share tactics to improve your online visibility. At the end, we’ll also introduce our new game-changer for local search management.

Let’s get into it!

The Evolution Of Search Marketing

As search evolves, many marketers are worried about their brand remaining visible online. While AI-generated search experiences are so new, we do know that now isn’t the time to make any drastic changes to your search marketing strategies.

You can test how your brand appears in generative AI (genAI) results (what we’ve dubbed GAIRs), but there’s no reason to sound an alarm — at least not yet.

Today, nearly three-quarters of consumers conduct local searches at least once a week. Similarly, in the U.S., over 800 million monthly searches contain some variation of “near me,” and more than 5 million keywords are related to “near me.”

Focusing on conventional local SEO efforts is the best way for your brand to ensure its visibility in traditional and GAIRs.

Local SEO for businesses with multiple locations involves incorporating a local SEO strategy for each business location. A multi-location SEO strategy, when done correctly, will boost your local search rankings, help you gain local customers, and improve brand awareness.

If your business doesn’t have multiple locations, you can still follow the tactics below to ensure your business is visible to your target audience in your specific area.

5 Ways To Improve Your Online Visibility

Now that you understand how search has evolved and the importance of local SEO, let’s dive into five local SEO tactics your brand can leverage to boost online visibility.

1. Claim & Optimize Local Listings

Local listings are online profiles of local businesses. They appear on search engines, local directories, and platforms like Google, Apple Maps, Yelp, Bing, and Facebook.

To increase your visibility on Google and beyond, your brand must claim local listings across all major local directories and remove duplicate listings.

Additionally, you need consistent and accurate information across all listings. At a minimum, your local listings should include the following information:

  • Name, address, and phone number (NAP) citations.
  • Business categories. (Example: Sushi restaurant)
  • Business hours, especially during holidays and major events
  • Products and services your business offers.
  • Links to your website and social media profiles.
  • Attributes. (Example: Curbside pickup or wheelchair-accessible seating)
  • High-quality photos and videos.

After optimizing your local listings, you can focus on your local pages.

2. Create Local Pages For Each Location

A local page, sometimes called a local landing page, is a web page you create for an individual store location or franchisee. It’s similar to local listings but lives on your site rather than an external directory like Yelp or Google.

Your multi-location business might have dozens or hundreds of local pages, each containing specific information about that store and the surrounding area.

Local pages should contain most of the business information found on your local listings. However, they’re also high-conversion pages. Therefore, they should also contain calls to action (CTAs) such as “order now” buttons or promotional sales and discounts.

Well-designed and optimized local pages can help your business appear high in local organic search results. As mentioned, these higher rankings often lead to more conversions and business for your stores!

3. Leverage A Store Locator

Store locators are similar to local pages. A store locator is a web page that lists all of your local stores or third-party dealers that sell your products.

Store locators help move website visitors through the customer journey by displaying valuable location information and unique details about each store. They make it easier for customers to purchase online and to contact or visit local stores.

Well-optimized and compatible store locators and local pages will help improve:

  • Local search rankings.
  • Website traffic and online conversions.
  • Analytics, such as where visitors are searching and coming from.

4. Implement An Online Reputation Management Strategy

While reputation management might not be something you’d consider when you think of improving your online visibility, you’d be surprised. According to local SEO experts, high numerical Google ratings are the sixth highest ranking factor in Google’s local pack and finder. At the same time, the quantity of native Google reviews (with text) is the eighth ranking factor.

A high quantity and quality of reviews don’t just affect local search rankings — they also impact conversion rates. According to our State of Google Reviews research report, an increase in one full star on a Google Business Profile (GBP) corresponds with a 44% increase in conversions.

To improve your reputation management strategy and gain more reviews:

  1. Respond to existing reviews in a personalized manner to show customers you value their feedback.
  2. Utilize social media to encourage customer feedback, ratings, and reviews.
  3. Make leaving a review accessible! Include links to your GBP on your website and in emails.
  4. Monitor the feedback that your business receives from reviews and make adjustments accordingly.

5. Create Unique Content

Generating localized content for your local pages, website, and listings is also essential. You want to ensure that your localized content optimizes and targets specific areas.

For instance, if you’re targeting the keyword “sporting goods store Seattle,” you want to update your URL, title tag, meta description, and headings with locally relevant keywords.

You should also leverage local images, including photos of your stores and products. Remember to include geo-targeted meta descriptions, alternative text, and descriptions within your images.

Types of local content your brand can create include but are not limited to:

  • Blogs.
  • Surveys.
  • Infographics.
  • Whitepapers.
  • Social media content.
  • Neighborhood guides.
  • User-generated content. (UGC)

For a more in-depth look at what it takes to improve your brand’s local SEO strategy, download our Top 10 Things You Should Be Doing in Local SEO Now guide!

How SOCi Can Help

Now that you understand what goes into creating a solid local search strategy, it’s time to boost your brand’s visibility. As marketers, you get how crucial search marketing is, but let’s be real, coming up with a plan to roll it out on a big scale is easier said than done.

That’s where SOCi comes in! We’ve built SOCi for more than a decade to ensure multi-location businesses rank well on local search and social media platforms, can create engaging content, and have the ability to manage each location’s online reputation.

We’ve enhanced our CoMarketing Cloud with SOCi Genius, an AI automation layer to help automate all of your daily localized marketing tasks. As part of SOCi Genius, we recently released Genius Search, a game-changer in search marketing!

As the newest innovation within the CoMarketing Cloud, Genius Search transcends traditional listings management by offering a dynamic, data-driven local search strategy that aligns with evolving consumer behaviors and market trends.

Genius Search uses the top data signals, such as reviews, search keywords and volume, weather, holidays, and others to deliver monthly AI-powered recommendations that can be accepted with the click of a button. Once accepted, these optimizations instantly improve your business listings’ rankings to directly relate to each location’s community.

It’s time to level up your local search strategy, and SOCi is here to help. Request a personalized demo today for more insight on Genius Search and our other Genius products!

Ready to start optimizing your website? Sign up for SOCi and get the data you need to deliver great user experiences.

Image Credits

Featured Image: Image by SOCi. Used with permission.

Google To Shut Down Business Profile Chat Feature via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google has announced that it will discontinue the chat feature in Google Business Profiles.

The wind-down process will start on July 15, and the functionality will complete on July 31.

The news was emailed to businesses, acknowledging the potential difficulty of the decision and emphasizing Google’s commitment to remaining a helpful partner in business management.

Google’s email to businesses reads:

“We are reaching out to share that we will be winding down Google’s chat feature in Google Business Profile on July 31, 2024. We acknowledge this may be difficult news – as we continually improve our tools, we occasionally have to make difficult decisions which may impact the businesses and partners we work with. It’s important to us that Google remains a helpful partner as you manage your business and we remain committed to this mission.

Google will stop creating new conversations after July 15, and chat functionality will fully end on July 31. Please note, customers will still be able to find and contact your business via Google Search and Maps – and learn more information about you from your website links, business description, photos, and anything else you share on your Business Profile.”

Impact On Businesses & Customers

Starting July 15, customers can no longer initiate new chat conversations with businesses through Google.

Customers currently engaged in chat conversations will receive notifications informing them of the upcoming phase-out of the chat feature.

However, customers will still be able to locate and contact businesses using Google Search and Maps and access information through website links, business descriptions, photos, and other elements shared on Business Profiles.

Google’s Decision To Discontinue Business Chat

Google says the decision to wind down the chat feature is part of ongoing efforts to streamline its offerings.

To assist businesses in the transition, Google has provided guidance on the next steps:

  1. Chat History Download: Businesses that wish to retain a record of their past Business Profile chats can download their chat history of customer conversations using Google Takeout.
  2. Alternative Chat Solutions: Google suggests that businesses invite customers to alternative chat solutions to continue conversations seamlessly.

Background & Context

Google Business Profile, formerly known as Google My Business, is a free tool for businesses to manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. The chat feature enabled customers to communicate directly with companies through their Business Profiles.

While the chat functionality will no longer be available, Google remains committed to providing a platform for companies to manage their online presence and connect with customers.

Featured Image: Vladimka production/Shutterstock

7 Automotive SEO Best Practices For Driving Business In 2024 via @sejournal, @AdamHeitzman

Whether you’re behind the wheel of a dealership, running a tire shop, or steering any other type of automotive business, mastering SEO remains an indispensable component of a successful marketing strategy in 2024.

Today’s automotive consumers are more connected and informed than ever.

Moreover, the preference for organic search results over paid advertisements remains strong, highlighting the critical importance of SEO in today’s digital-first consumer landscape.

However, staying up-to-date on Google’s search engine results page (SERP) and algorithm changes requires diligence.

To further illustrate this, consider these insights:

  • 88% of potential car buyers now turn to digital channels to gather information.
  • Car buyers dedicate 14 hours and 39 minutes to online research and finding the perfect car for their needs.
  • 95% of car shoppers checked social media platforms during their car-shopping journey.
  • 81% of car shoppers find online activities improve their overall buying experience, citing both saving time (93%) and price transparency (valued by 78%) as key benefits.
  • Nearly half (46%) of car dealers surveyed made at least 9% of their sales through entirely online purchases.

Armed with these insights, let’s explore the top seven automotive SEO strategies for 2024, designed to put your business in the lead and drive it toward success.

1. Craft Compelling, Original Content And Leverage Rich Snippets

In SEO, content is still king. For automotive businesses, this means creating in-depth, informative content that engages and informs your audience.

Focus on valuable resources like blog posts, buying guides, and vehicle reviews that blend informative details with engaging storytelling.

Here is a great example of more informational content from a dealership in Miami. They do an excellent job of incorporating CTA’s within the helpful content to funnel users to their selection of vehicles:

What car is right for you articleImage from, April 2024

On individual car listing pages, they even add Dealer Notes to further add more uniqueness to their pages so it isn’t just a regurgitation of the manufacturer’s information:

Dealer Notes exampleImage from, April 2024

Rich snippets enhance your visibility in search results, providing a snapshot of your content’s value.

Implementing structured data markup also helps search engines understand and display your content more effectively, increasing the likelihood of clicks.

vehicle listing structured dataScreenshot from Google Search Central, February 2024

Helpful automotive-related schema resources:

Read more: How To Optimize For Rich Snippets: A Complete Guide

2. Elevate Your Strategy With Video SEO

Video content has become an indispensable tool for businesses. It provides a dynamic platform to showcase vehicles, demonstrate features, and share customer testimonials.

A recent survey shows that, by leveraging video content, 86% of marketers experienced increased web traffic, and 87% saw a direct boost in sales.

As a brand, you should use this opportunity to embrace video SEO and amplify your visibility on search engines and social platforms.

Incorporate relevant keywords in video titles, descriptions, and tags to ensure your video aligns with search queries.

You may also use short, engaging videos that highlight your inventory’s unique selling points to captivate potential buyers and drive traffic to your site.

Look at this great example from Mazda of North Miami that leverages video on their car listing pages to show the car off to potential customers:

video on car listing exampleImage from, April 2024

Even better, they marked up this page using structured data and are now benefitting from their listing page showing the video element in the SERPs which should only further improve their organic CTR:

New Mazda for sale Google SERPImage from Google, April 2024

Read more: How Short Videos & User-Generated Content Impacts Marketing

3. Optimize For Mobile-First Indexing

With the majority of online searches now conducted on mobile devices, a mobile-optimized website is essential for SEO success.

Google’s mobile-first indexing means the mobile version of your site is the primary version Google considers for ranking.

Make sure your website is responsive, mobile-friendly, and intuitive. This is crucial for capturing the mobile audience.

This is a perfect example of how a dealership should incorporate a mobile-first design. They do an excellent job of showing the most pertinent information for a consumer to browse (pictures, specs, pricing, CTAs).

2024 BMW for sale, mobile view of websiteScreenshot from, April 2024

Read more: 14 Mobile Optimization Best Practices You Need To Know

4. Boost Your Local Presence

Local SEO is vital for automotive businesses looking to attract nearby customers.

Claim and optimize your Google Business Profile.

Strategically include local keywords in your website content and engage with local community events to enhance your visibility in local search results.

Also, testimonials and reviews act as powerful social proof. In automotive digital marketing, 82% of consumers turn to online reviews for local businesses.

To help future buyers feel confident in their choices, encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews about their experience.

Google search for [st louis car dealerships]Screenshot from search for [st louis car dealerships], Google, February 2024

Read more: Local SEO Schema: A Complete Guide To Local Markup & Rich Results

5. Build Authority Through Strategic Link Building

Backlinks signal to search engines that your site is a credible and authoritative source of information.

Automotive businesses should aim to acquire high-quality backlinks from reputable automotive blogs, local business directories, and industry publications.

These backlinks not only improve your site’s SEO performance but also drive targeted traffic, enhancing your online visibility and reputation within the industry.

This dealership in Miami does a great job of leveraging sponsorships to local events in their community to capture additional inbound links to improve their authority:

Ahrefs results form referring domains Screenshot from Ahrefs, April 2024

Read more: How To Get Quality Backlinks: 12 Ways That Really Work

6. Prioritize Technical SEO For A Healthier Website

Technical SEO ensures your website is accessible and readable by search engines, addressing issues that could hinder your site’s performance.

By conducting regular technical audits, you can identify and rectify problems such as slow loading speeds, broken links, and duplicate content.

A technically sound website provides a solid foundation for your SEO efforts, ensuring your content and keywords can be effectively indexed and ranked.

Read more: How To Do Technical SEO For Ecommerce Websites

7. Enhance User Experience With E-E-A-T Principles

Google has placed increasing emphasis on experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) when evaluating websites.

For automotive websites, this means creating content that not only showcases your knowledge of the automotive industry but also provides users with valuable, trustworthy information.

This could include detailed guides on choosing the right vehicle, practical tips for car maintenance, or insights into the latest automotive technology.

By demonstrating firsthand experience and expertise in your content, you can significantly improve your site’s authority and trustworthiness in the eyes of both users and search engines.

Look at how leverages authorship to further validate EEAT principles:

2024 RAM 1500 reviewImage from, April 2024

Example: You could share a series of blog posts written by your experienced mechanics on how to maintain vehicles during different seasons, offering practical car care advice. This would demonstrate your in-depth knowledge of the topic and position your brand as a reliable source for your customers.

Read more: What Is User Experience? How Design Matters To SEO


In 2024, the importance of a robust, data-driven SEO strategy for automotive businesses has never been clearer.

Drive your organic presence to new heights by:

  • Creating high-quality content.
  • Optimizing for video.
  • Adopting a mobile-first design.
  • Managing your local listings.
  • Building a strong backlink profile.
  • Maintaining your website’s technical health.
  •  Focusing on E-E-A-T principles to provide a positive user experience.

Implementing these seven strategies will not only enhance your visibility in search engine results but also position your business as a leader within the automotive industry.

More resources:

Featured Image: iQoncept/Shutterstock

Compelling content examples: Brannon Miami screenshots

Video SEO example: Mazda of North Miami screenshots

Google SERP & Ahrefs screenshots: Taken by author

EEAT image: screenshot

Google Search & Maps Get Upgrades For Greener Travel via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google announced updates to its Maps and Search products on Monday aimed at helping users find and choose more sustainable transportation options over gas-powered vehicles.

James Byers, Google Search’s Group Product Manager, states:

“When it comes to traveling and commuting, we want people to have the right information to make more sustainable choices.”

Eco-Friendly Route Suggestions

A smartphone displaying Google Maps navigation centered on Paris, with several greener travel routes and estimated times to a destination marked on the screen.Screenshot from:, April 2024.

If travel times are comparable, one of Google Maps’ key new features will be the provision of transit and walking route suggestions alongside driving routes.

This update will be rolled out in over 15 major cities worldwide in the coming weeks, including Amsterdam, Barcelona, Paris, Rome, and Sydney.

Train & Bus Route Information

A smartphone displaying a Google Search for greener travel options for train tickets from Boston to Philadelphia with several travel options listed according to time and price.

Google is expanding its ability to find long-distance train and bus routes through search.

Users searching queries like “Boston to Philadelphia train” will see schedules, prices, and direct links to book tickets on the results page.

Train route information will now be available for 38 countries, while long-distance bus routes will initially be added for 15 countries.

When users search for flights on Google’s dedicated Flight tool, they will see train route suggestions as an alternative for applicable routes.

“So it’s easy to find the more sustainable option no matter where you begin your search,” Byers stated.

Highlighting Lower-Emission Flights

In cases where flying remains the best option, Google will show you the environmental impact.

Byers explains:

“These estimates are powered by the Travel Impact Model (TIM), a methodology we published in 2022 for predicting per-passenger flight emissions.

To make this information even more accessible, TIM estimates are now also available through a developer API that allows any app or website to display flight emissions.”

Google is also releasing a Google Sheets add-on and online calculator to make the emissions estimates more widely available.

Looking Ahead

While Byers acknowledged “there’s still a long road ahead when it comes to sustainable travel,” he expressed hope that “today’s updates will give more people the information they need to choose lower-carbon alternatives.”

The new features come as consumers increasingly seek ways to make sustainable choices. By integrating these metrics into its flagship maps and travel tools, Google is nudging users towards greener options.

Featured Image: Screenshot from, April 2024. 

Google Limits News Links In California Over Proposed ‘Link Tax’ Law via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google announced that it plans to reduce access to California news websites for a portion of users in the state.

The decision comes as Google prepares for the potential passage of the California Journalism Preservation Act (CJPA), a bill requiring online platforms like Google to pay news publishers for linking to their content.

What Is The California Journalism Preservation Act?

The CJPA, introduced in the California State Legislature, aims to support local journalism by creating what Google refers to as a “link tax.”

If passed, the Act would force companies like Google to pay media outlets when sending readers to news articles.

However, Google believes this approach needs to be revised and could harm rather than help the news industry.

Jaffer Zaidi, Google’s VP of Global News Partnerships, stated in a blog post:

“It would favor media conglomerates and hedge funds—who’ve been lobbying for this bill—and could use funds from CJPA to continue to buy up local California newspapers, strip them of journalists, and create more ghost papers that operate with a skeleton crew to produce only low-cost, and often low-quality, content.”

Google’s Response

To assess the potential impact of the CJPA on its services, Google is running a test with a percentage of California users.

During this test, Google will remove links to California news websites that the proposed legislation could cover.

Zaidi states:

“To prepare for possible CJPA implications, we are beginning a short-term test for a small percentage of California users. The testing process involves removing links to California news websites, potentially covered by CJPA, to measure the impact of the legislation on our product experience.”

Google Claims Only 2% of Search Queries Are News-Related

Zaidi highlighted peoples’ changing news consumption habits and its effect on Google search queries (emphasis mine):

“It’s well known that people are getting news from sources like short-form videos, topical newsletters, social media, and curated podcasts, and many are avoiding the news entirely. In line with those trends, just 2% of queries on Google Search are news-related.”

Despite the low percentage of news queries, Google wants to continue helping news publishers gain visibility on its platforms.

However, the “CJPA as currently constructed would end these investments,” Zaidi says.

A Call For A Different Approach

In its current form, Google maintains that the CJPA undermines news in California and could leave all parties worse off.

The company urges lawmakers to consider alternative approaches supporting the news industry without harming smaller local outlets.

Google argues that, over the past two decades, it’s done plenty to help news publishers innovate:

“We’ve rolled out Google News Showcase, which operates in 26 countries, including the U.S., and has more than 2,500 participating publications. Through the Google News Initiative we’ve partnered with more than 7,000 news publishers around the world, including 200 news organizations and 6,000 journalists in California alone.”

Zaidi suggested that a healthy news industry in California requires support from the state government and a broad base of private companies.

As the legislative process continues, Google is willing to cooperate with California publishers and lawmakers to explore alternative paths that would allow it to continue linking to news.

Featured Image:Ismael Juan/Shutterstock

How To See Google Search Results And Rankings For Different Locations via @sejournal, @lorenbaker

As a business owner or digital marketer, understanding your local search ranking on Google is crucial for attracting nearby customers and increasing your online visibility.

With so many consumers using search engines to find local products and services, optimizing for local search has become a key component of any successful SEO strategy.

In this article, we’ll explore various methods to check your local ranking on Google, ensuring that your business stays competitive in your target market.

Why Do Search Results Vary By Location?

Google prioritizes local relevance in its search results to provide users with the most helpful information based on their location.

The search engine uses various factors to determine a user’s location, including:

  • Device location (via Wi-Fi, cell phone triangulation, or GPS).
  • Labeled places on Google Maps.
  • Home address linked to the user’s Google account.
  • Previous activity across Google products.
  • IP address.

Google uses these factors to determine your location and provide search results that are relevant to your area. This means you and your neighbor might see different search results even if you search for the same thing.

Since most people only look at the first page of search results, ranking well in local searches is essential, especially if your business relies on customers visiting your physical location.

Optimizing your website is essential to ensuring your business appears in local searches. But how can you tell if it’s working?

It would be very time-consuming to travel to different places just to check how well you rank in various locations.

Fortunately, Google provides a way to check your local rankings without leaving your office. Here’s a guide on how to do it:

Add A Local Parameter To Your Search

Google has a useful search parameter feature that allows you to search for local businesses in a specific area, even if you’re not physically there. To do this, add “&near=cityname” to the end of the search URL.

For instance, let’s say you’re in Kansas City and want to see how a coffee shop chain called “Jitters” compares to its competitors in Seattle. You can start by searching for “coffee shops near me” on Google.

When the search results appear, look at the URL in your browser’s address bar. It will be pretty long, but don’t worry about that. Just scroll to the very end of the URL and add “&near=Seattle” (without the quotes).

Hit enter, and Google will show you the search results as if you were in Seattle. This way, you can quickly check out the local competition for Jitters in Seattle without traveling there yourself.

search for [coffee shops near me], GoogleScreenshot from search for [coffee shops near me], Google, March 2024

Change Your Regional Settings

You can manually change regional settings on Google to view search results at a country level.

This gives you search results on a country level rather than providing results from your IP address or other sources.

To do this, click Settings on the bottom right corner of and select Search Settings. This will send you to the Search Settings page (obviously).

Search settings: GoogleScreenshot from, March 2024.

Scroll to the bottom, and you’ll see a list of Region Settings.

Choose the region you want to use for search and save the settings. You’ll now see search results from the country you chose.

Continuing our coffee shop example, let’s say Jitters just opened a location in Lisbon. You’ll select Portugal as your region, allowing you to check the rankings of the new Portuguese beanery.

Note: If you don’t add the local parameter discussed earlier to the search URL, you’ll continue to see results based on your current location.

Manage Your Work & Home Locations On Google Maps

Google’s local search is helpful because it uses machine learning to identify the places you often visit, such as your home and workplace.

It learns your commuting patterns, which can save you time and give you more relevant search results.

It can be challenging, though. Sometimes, Google might think you work at a job you left a while ago. But it’s easy to set your home and work locations manually.

You can set and change your home and work locations in Google Maps. This lets you search for things using phrases like [near home] or [near work].

To do this, open Google Maps and click on the Menu. Then click Your Places and choose Locations. Select Work or Home and type in the address. Click Save, and you’re good to go.

Now, when you search, you can add [near home] or [near work] to find things close to either of those locations.

Delete Location History In Your Google Account Activity Controls

Google’s apps and devices often track where you go in the background if location services are turned on.

For instance, if Google sees that you often go to a martial arts gym, it’ll guess that when you search for something related to “boxing,” you probably mean the sport, not cardboard boxes.

You can delete this history manually or switch the tracking off.

Go to the Location History part of your Google account, and you can turn it on or off with a click. You can also choose which devices you want it to track. If you want to erase all or some of your location history, you can do that from your browser or Google Maps.

Remember that deleting this info means you’ll lose some personalized features, like suggestions based on where you’ve been, traffic updates, and auto-created Google Photo albums.

Override Your Location With Google Chrome Developer Tools

If you know your way around tech, you can also use developer tools in the Chrome browser to trick Google into thinking you’re somewhere else. This lets you see how search results look from different places.

To do this, open up DevTools and then open a command prompt. Click on Show Sensors and press enter.

Under Geolocations, pick one of the listed cities or choose Custom Location. If you select Custom Location, you can type in specific longitude and latitude coordinates.

You can also select Location Unavailable to see your site’s appearance when Google doesn’t know where someone is.

Change Location Settings On Your Device

Some smartphones and tablets have a setting that allows you to change your virtual location.

For devices that don’t have this option, there are other ways to trick your phone into thinking you’re somewhere else.

The simplest method is to download an app to change your GPS location. These apps are available for iPhones (from the App Store) and Android devices (from Google Play).

Most of these apps work by connecting to a different network provider, making your device believe it’s in your chosen location.

This way, when you search, the results will be based on the new location you’ve selected, not your actual physical location.

Experiment With Google Ads Preview And Diagnosis Tool

Google offers a handy tool called Ad Preview and Diagnosis that lets you see how your paid advertisements look when people search for keywords related to your business in their local area.

But that’s not all – this tool has another cool feature that allows you to simulate Google searches from various locations.

To use this feature, open the tool and look for the Location dropdown menu. Click on it, and you can enter any location, a whole country, a specific city, or even a precise zip code.

This way, you can get a broad overview or a detailed look at how your ads perform in different places.

Another great thing about this tool is switching between desktop and mobile views.

This helps you ensure that your ads look good and perform well on both devices, which is crucial since more and more people are using their smartphones to browse the web.

View Local Search Results With is a simple and free website that lets you see how websites rank on Google for specific keywords in a particular location.

All you need to do is enter the keywords you want to check, choose the region and language, and provide an address. The website will convert the address into coordinates and send all the information to Google.

It then opens a new tab showing you the Google search results for that location, as if you were searching from there yourself.

You don’t need any other tools or data to use

Use A VPN To Change Your Location

You can remove location data from your search results by changing your device’s location settings.

The most common and easiest way to do this is by using a virtual private network (VP).

VPNs connect your device to a remote server before your connection goes to the internet. By masking your device, they can help get around frustrating location-based restrictions and hide your activity from ISPs and public networks.

They’re also a great way to get search results as if you were in a different location.

The only downside is that most VPNs have limited IP locations from which to choose. If you want to see exactly how your coffee shop ranks in searches made in Vancouver, you might be out of luck.

Automate With Local Rank Checking Tools

Keeping an eye on how your business appears in local search results is pretty simple when you only have a few locations.

But imagine if our fictional coffee shop, Jitters, gets bought out by a bigger company that wants to expand the brand internationally.

Suddenly, you’re faced with the daunting task of monitoring local search results for all 315 locations worldwide.

Trying to handle that manually would be a nightmare! Luckily, there are tools out there designed specifically for this situation.

These tools, known as rank checkers, can automatically perform local searches and create reports for you.

With this information at your fingertips, you can quickly pinpoint where to focus your SEO efforts for maximum impact.

Some of these you may be familiar with include:

Location Is Everything

Google search results can vary depending on who is searching, where they are located, and what device they are using.

This makes it tricky to have a standard approach to optimizing your website for search engines.

Since Google prioritizes local search results, ensuring your business shows up for people in your area is crucial. This is true whether you’re handling a single location or managing a website for a business with several branches.

The good news is that you don’t need to be physically present in that area to check what local users see in their search results.

There are a few different methods for checking your rankings from various locations, each with pros and cons.

Regardless of which method you think works best for you, you can’t ignore the ability to adjust your SEO to focus on customers within a specific region.

More Resources:


Why is local search ranking important for businesses?

Having your business rank well in local search results is essential because it significantly impacts how easily potential customers in your area can find you.

Most people use search engines to search for products and services nearby. So, if your business shows up at the top of those local search results, you’re more likely to get people coming into your store, making purchases, and becoming aware of your brand within the community.

When you optimize your business for local SEO, you have a better chance of attracting customers who are explicitly looking for what you have to offer, which often translates to more sales and a better return on your investment.

What factors does Google consider for local search relevance?

Google uses multiple methods to determine a searcher’s location, such as:

  • Pinpointing your device’s location through Wi-Fi, cell phone towers, or GPS.
  • Checking any places you’ve labeled on Google Maps, like your home or work address.
  • Looking at the home address connected to your Google Account.

Google also considers your previous interactions and activities across various Google services to better understand your preferences. Additionally, your IP address provides a general idea of your geographic location.

By combining all these factors, Google can:

  • Deliver search results that are most relevant to you based on location.
  • Offer personalized suggestions tailored to your needs and proximity.
  • Ensure that you receive the most helpful and localized information possible

Featured Image: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

Why And How Local Businesses Should Use Video In Their Digital Marketing via @sejournal, @JRiddall

The popularity of digital video content is undeniable.

Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, all of which are heavily video-based, are at the top of the social media ladder.

For many younger audiences, these platforms, along with a plethora of streaming services, have usurped all others as their primary source of entertainment and/or information.

Some are even being touted as the next search engines. This is still hotly debated.

Likewise, video marketing is on the rise, and many marketers have come to see this as a preferred method of engaging with their target audiences.

However, at a local business level and for local business owners, it feels like there is still something of a reluctance to fully embrace this important medium.

Perhaps this is due to a lack of time or resources – a common challenge for small business owners who are busy just trying to run their business.

Or maybe, for some, there is a fear of not producing a “polished” product.

However, one of the important aspects of video marketing is its authenticity; it doesn’t need to be perfect. We’ll talk more about this shortly.

So Why Video?

Before we get into what type of video content local business owners might consider creating, let’s review why video has become such an important marketing tool for so many.

  • Video is easy to consume and highly visual by nature, making it an engaging and entertaining content format.
  • Because video is so engaging, it lends itself to being shared via social media and other channels, thereby extending the reach of your marketing message.
  • These days, video content is fairly easy to create. While you might need a script for some specific types of videos – which we’ll also discuss shortly – creating an effective message can be as simple as turning on the camera on your phone and starting to talk.
  • Video can easily be shared across multiple platforms and embedded into other content like web pages and blogs to enhance their appeal.
  • Digital video content can be a differentiator. Because, as discussed, many small business owners are slow or reluctant to adopt video marketing, this presents an opportunity for those who do to stand out.
  • Video, and particularly YouTube, content increasingly appears in Google’s organic search results, which isn’t surprising, given that Google owns YouTube. Further, YouTube itself is a search engine within which millions of users are conducting searches on a daily basis. Videos can and should be optimized to appear in search.
  • As mentioned, video content is authentic and enables business owners to demonstrate their expertise, both of which are important factors in Google’s E-E-A-T, a significant determinant of organic search visibility.
  • Video adds incredible value on many levels for those willing to explore and experiment.

Now, For The How

Having clearly established the importance of video in the marketing mix, the question some will have is, “What type of videos should I create?”

The answer to this question is that it depends on a few factors, as do all marketing decisions, including the type of business and services/products you offer, the target audience, budget, and your imagination.

What should not be a cause for concern is relative video quality. Gone are the days of videos needing to be overly directed, produced, or polished.

For many, and particularly younger audiences, low-budget, off-the-cuff video messages are seen to be more authentic and real – as they quite often are.

Do not be afraid to simply start recording and introducing your audience to your business and the products or services you offer. It’s a great first step.

Below are a few types of videos that may fit your local business and customer base.

Service Or Product Overviews

Any service or product-based business can leverage video to easily highlight and describe its unique offerings.

For example, a landscaper may create walk-through videos of lawns, gardens, or patios they’ve worked on, while a med spa owner may demonstrate how the latest and greatest skin-tightening treatment works.

Having willing customers appear in these types of videos to provide their authentic testimonials can go a long way to establishing trust with your audience and encouraging the sharing of your content across social or other channels.

Since the pandemic, there has been no shortage of consumers willing to support their local service providers.

Promotional Videos

Brand advertising lends itself naturally to video content.

Many local business owners are familiar with running TV or radio ads, but digital video platforms have opened the door to unlimited possibilities.

Have fun and create your own commercials, again incorporating customers, staff, or relevant business partners.

Use your imagination to create entertaining promos for your services, products, or special events.

Customer Testimonials

One of the most powerful types of video content you can create or obtain is a customer testimonial.

A form of user-generated content (UGC) – which is extremely popular on social media – a positive client review is a glowing stamp of approval on you and your business.

The effect of online reviews for local businesses is already well known, but acquiring, publishing, and sharing authentic video testimonials takes your trustworthiness to another level.

People like to buy from businesses they trust and many rely on reviews and testimonials as their proof.

How To Videos

Some businesses offer services that lend themselves well to creating value-packed how-to videos.

For example, a plumbing company may create and share a video on their website or social channels on how to prevent clogged or frozen pipes as free advice.

Then, when those pipes do get clogged or frozen, they will be top of mind for their viewers and just a click or call away.

How-to videos have the added benefit of demonstrating the expertise that Google is so fond of.

Ask Me Anything Or FAQs

Like how-tos, video can be a great vehicle for answering your customers’ common or most pressing questions and, where necessary, incorporating short demos or other relevant visuals for clarity.

And by recording a video, you can avoid having to answer the same or similar question repeatedly.

Here, too, you can consider getting your audience involved by having them pose the questions, with you or your appropriate staff members providing the answers.

Short video FAQs can be added to enhance the written FAQs on your website. FAQs, by definition, are solid SEO-oriented content providing a natural boost to your authority.

Behind The Scenes Footage

The popularity of television shows like “How It’s Made” proves people like to be able to pull back the curtain, go behind the scenes, and get a glimpse of how certain processes work – particularly those that result in a product or service they consume.

These videos are similar to a product or service overview but perhaps go a little deeper into details for those customers who need to know more.

Describe and demonstrate a technique, product, or process you specialize in or which is unique to your business. This can set you apart from your competition both online and off.

Webinars Or Live Event Recordings

Local professional services businesses can build important brand recognition and a sense of community by hosting or sponsoring live webinars or in-person events.

Anyone who attends these types of events will be interested in a recording for future reference.

These recordings can naturally be shared on a website events page and via appropriate social media channels.

When broadcasting and subsequently sharing these video events via social media, be sure to include unique hashtags, e.g., “#[Location]TaxAdvice2024,” as they serve multiple purposes: brand/event awareness, important search key,  and an opportunity to incorporate product or service related keywords for SEO purposes.

Video Optimization

Digital videos, just like any other content, can be optimized for optimal organic search visibility. When creating, publishing, and sharing these videos, consider the following:

  • Incorporate relevant keywords into the video filename and then the title, description and hashtags depending on the platform the video is being hosted on or shared to.
  • Add a call to action and link to a related product or service page near the top of your video description on YouTube, where it can be readily seen and clicked on.
  • Include calls to action and embed links to relevant website products, services, and event pages or to other related videos within videos posted on YouTube, Instagram Stories, or other platforms.

One quick tip on video length: less is more.

Video, like images, are worth at least a thousand words, and we all know today’s consumers, especially those in the younger demographics, have limited attention spans.

Where possible, the length of most videos should be kept in the one to three-minute range, and the shorter, the better to ensure optimal engagement.

However, on platforms like TikTok, it is not uncommon for videos to be under 30 seconds, and YouTube now offers “Shorts,” which are limited to 60 seconds.

Further, one of the ranking factors on YouTube is engagement time, i.e., whether or not videos are viewed in their entirety, so you want to ensure your viewers are fully engaged from start to finish.

And — Action!

Knowing all of the potential, are you ready to start creating and sharing some videos?

As noted, the accessibility and preferred authenticity of video created on a mobile device enables virtually all local business owners to leverage this powerful medium relatively quickly.

Incorporating video into a local business’s digital marketing strategy is not just a trend; it’s a necessity.

Video content enables businesses to communicate their message more effectively, connect with the local audience on a personal level, and stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

Your first step, as in any marketing campaign, should be to get a feel for your audience along with the types of video and platforms they prefer.

Then go ahead and start recording, optimizing for search, sharing, and watching to see what resonates.

By being creative and authentic, you will set you and your business apart.

So, grab your camera or smartphone, start brainstorming creative ideas, and let the power of video propel your local business forward.

You may even find yourself going viral! #videorocksin2024

More resources: 

Featured Image: Juan Pablo Olaya Celis/Shutterstock

Google Integrates Social Media Posts Into Google Business Profiles via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google has introduced a feature that automatically displays social media posts from platforms like Instagram and Facebook directly on Google Business Profiles (GBP).

This update aims to give customers a more comprehensive view of a business’s online activity and engagement.

According to a Google help page, businesses that have associated their social media links with their GBP may now find their social media posts automatically surface on their profiles.

This feature is currently available for select regions and may not be accessible to all Business Profiles.

Manage Your Social Media Links

To take advantage of this new feature, businesses can manage which social media links are displayed to customers on their Google Business Profile.

You can add one link from each platform: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, X (formerly known as Twitter), and YouTube.

Google emphasizes the importance of following specific formats for social media links to ensure they function correctly within the Business Profile.

For example, a Facebook link should follow the format “{username},” while an Instagram link should adhere to “{username}.”

Adding, Editing, & Removing Social Media Links

Adding, editing, or removing social media links is straightforward.

Navigate to your Business Profile, go to the “Edit profile” section, click on “Business information,” and then click on “Contact.”

From there, select “Social profiles” to add, update, or remove links.

Google may automatically add social media links to eligible Business Profiles. If you need to edit those links, you can add a new link for the same social media site by following the above steps.

Additional Notes

Google’s help page addresses common questions businesses may have regarding this new feature.

Google confirms that different Business Profiles can use the same social media link and that one link per social media site can be added to a Business Profile.

While performance metrics for social media links are unavailable, businesses can simultaneously manage their links via the API for multiple locations.

Here’s an example of what the feature looks like in action:

Looking Ahead

As Google continues to roll out this feature to more regions, businesses may see enhanced visibility and engagement by automatically displaying their social media posts on their Google Business Profile.

This update also incentivizes maintaining an active social media presence to capitalize on this new opportunity for increased exposure.


How does Google’s integration of social media posts into Google Business Profiles enhance a business’s online presence?

Integrating social media posts into Google Business Profiles (GBP) enriches a business’s online presence in several ways:

  • It provides customers with a more holistic view of the business’s activities.
  • The feature increases the business’s visibility and engagement by displaying real-time updates directly on the business’s GBP.
  • This level of integration emphasizes the importance of businesses’ active social media presence, which can directly influence potential customers’ impressions.

What are the steps for businesses to manage their social media links on their Google Business Profiles?

Businesses can manage their social media links on their Google Business Profile by following these steps:

  • Access the “Edit profile” section within their GBP.
  • Click on “Business information” and then “Contact”.
  • Select “Social profiles” to add, update, or remove links, ensuring they adhere to the specific formats required by Google.
  • Google also allows businesses with multiple locations to manage social media links through an API.

Can businesses connect multiple accounts from the same social media platform to their Google Business Profile?

According to the latest updates, businesses can connect only one account per social media platform to their Google Business Profile. This is a measure to keep the information presented to users clear and consistent. Businesses should choose their most active or relevant account to display.

What should businesses do if a social media link is automatically added to their Google Business Profile but needs to be changed?

Suppose a social media link is automatically added to a Google Business Profile but requires updating. In that case, the business owner can add a new link for the same social media site following these steps:

  • Add a new link within the “Social profiles” option under the “Contact” section in the “Edit profile” area.
  • Ensure the new link follows Google’s specific format requirements to function correctly within the Business Profile.
  • Once the new link is added, it should replace the previous one that was automatically integrated.

Featured Image: VDB Photos/Shutterstock

Local SEO For Non-Physical Businesses: Overcoming The Challenges via @sejournal, @AdamHeitzman

It’s hard to overstate the value of maximizing your organic visibility for location-based searches.

A well-executed local SEO strategy lets you reach far more local customers, which can deliver a massive boost to your in-store and online traffic and sales.

But if you don’t run a brick-and-mortar business, can you still take advantage of local SEO?

Fortunately, the answer is yes!

Today, we’ll explain how to overcome the challenges of building a solid local search presence without a physical storefront.

Difficulties Of Local SEO For Non-Physical Businesses

Search engines take into account the physical location of businesses when determining the most relevant listings to rank for local searches.

If a company has an address in Nashville, Google may rank it higher for user searches in and around the city.

But this poses an obvious concern for businesses without a physical address.

If search engines use the physical proximity of a business to a search user when ranking location-based results, how can a business with no physical location compete, even though it serves the local area?

The good news is that although having a physical address may make maximizing your local SEO presence easier, you can still succeed without a physical address.

For example, provided you run a service-area business (that is, you still have face-to-face contact with customers — just not at your own business address), Google allows you to create a Business Profile to manage your local visibility across Search and Maps.

For clarity, here’s Google’s official word on the matter:

“You can have a profile if your business doesn’t have a physical address as long as you make in-person contact with customers… You may also have a profile if you’re a service-area business that visits or delivers to customers directly, but doesn’t serve customers at its business address, like a plumber or cleaning service.”

And besides creating a Google Business Profile, there are a few other techniques non-physical businesses can use to boost their local SEO presence.

Let’s look at each solution in turn.

5 Ways To Master Local SEO Without A Business Address

1. Correctly Configure Your Google Business Profile

The first approach is to properly set up a Google Business Profile (GBP) for your service-area business.

A Google Business Profile is a tool that lets you create and update a free listing for your business across Google. Essentially, your GBP gives Google users a quick snapshot of your business, providing helpful information about things like opening hours, contact details, and customer reviews.

Here’s the GBP for a mobile car wash near me in Memphis, TN:

google search: mobile car washScreenshot for search term [mobile car wash], Google, January 2023

Google’s guidance for configuring a GBP for a service-area business differs slightly from its guidance for brick-and-mortar establishments.

The main difference is you have to specify your service area by city, zip code, or other type of area – not by your address. You can select up to 20 service areas, but the boundaries of all the combined areas should be within 2 hours’ driving distance from where your business is based.

Also, ensure that within Business Profile Manager, you leave the business location field blank under the Info tab. Setting your service area is enough to let Google (and search users) know where you operate.

2. Create Localized Content Targeting Location-Based Keywords

Generating location-specific content is another effective way to boost your site’s relevance for local searches, even without a physical location.

This involves creating content, service pages, blog posts, success stories, and other forms of content about topics relevant to the different communities you serve.

Incorporating geo-specific keywords into your content (like the name of the city or neighborhood you’re addressing) will help amplify your search visibility for relevant local searches.

For example, if you run a pool maintenance service in Phoenix, you might create articles titled “Top Challenges of Pool Maintenance in Phoenix’s Summer Heat.”

These articles integrate local keywords, address specific issues Phoenix pool owners are likely to encounter, and showcase your company’s understanding of local pool maintenance needs.

3. Develop Location-Specific Landing Pages

Creating dedicated landing pages for each of your target locations is another way to enhance your ranking potential for local searches.

These pages could include information about the specific services you offer in that area, local management, testimonials from local customers, and region-specific offers or promotions. Once again, be sure to incorporate local keywords to signal to search engines the relevance of your pages to local searches.

However, if you choose to implement this tactic, don’t just replicate the same basic page across different locations, changing nothing except the name of your target area.

Each localized landing page should be unique, providing genuinely useful and relevant information specific to that area. Duplicate content with only minor changes can negatively impact your SEO efforts.

4. Encourage Reviews And Testimonials From Local Customers

Accumulating reviews and testimonials from local customers is yet another way to boost your local SEO as a non-physical business.

Such reviews provide social proof to potential customers and demonstrate to search engines that your business is relevant and reputable within a specific area.

For this reason, you should encourage your local customers to leave reviews for your business on platforms like Google Business Profile, Yelp, and Facebook.

Keep in mind that asking for positive reviews in exchange for discounts, free services, or other financial incentives violates these platforms’ policies.

Instead, you should solicit honest customer reviews via thank you pages on your websites, follow-up emails, social media posts, and so on.

Responding to reviews is just as important as asking for them. Engaging with customer feedback reinforces your reputation for high standards and willingness to improve your services.

Plus, Google actively encourages businesses to engage with reviews to help improve local rankings.

Likewise, showcasing reviews and in-depth testimonials on your site, particularly location-specific landing pages, will instill confidence in potential customers about the credibility of your company.

5. Manage Your Local Citations

Finally, creating and updating online mentions of your business’s name, service area, and phone number can help your local SEO efforts.

Citations from reputable sites like Yelp, Foursquare, and local business directories signal to Google the relevance of your company in a specific area.

The key thing to remember when managing your local citations is that your business details should be accurate and consistent wherever they appear. This uniformity gives search engines more confidence to surface your business in local search results.

Also, keep in mind that the quality of your local citations is more important than the quantity. It’s best to prioritize getting listed on directories relevant to your industry and area of operations.

What About Online-Only Businesses?

So far, we’ve focused our attention on non-physical businesses that still make in-person contact with customers within a specific area.

But what about fully virtual businesses? Can they still enjoy the rewards of local SEO?

Again, the answer is yes – but it’s more difficult to achieve.

The main disadvantage virtual businesses face with local SEO is the inability to create listings on Google Business Profile and online directories that require, at the very least, a clearly defined service area.

That said, online-only businesses can still amplify their local search relevance by implementing the other tactics listed above: Creating localized content, targeting location-specific keywords, developing local landing pages, and gathering reviews and testimonials from local customers.

No Address? No Problem

Running a business without a physical address doesn’t mean you can’t reap the benefits of local SEO.

There are several other ways to let search engines know that you operate within a specific geographic area, from creating a GBP to publishing location-specific content.

Just remember that managing your local SEO efforts is an ongoing process whether or not you have a business address.

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