Google Universal Analytics 360 Sunsetting Soon: Migration Tips & Top Alternative Inside via @sejournal, @PiwikPro

This post was sponsored by Piwik PRO. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own.

This year, Google will finally phase out Universal Analytics 360, requiring paid users to switch to Google Analytics 360.

This is not something you can skip or postpone, and the clock is ticking.

The new analytics differ significantly from the previous version, and you can’t migrate data between them, so the transition can be challenging for organizations.

Since you’ll be starting from scratch, now is a good time to explore other options and determine if there are better solutions for your needs.

The three main areas to consider when deciding if you want to stay with Google or move to another platform are: the migration process, privacy and compliance, and ease of use.

When Is Google Universal Analytics 360 Sunsetting?

July 1, 2024 is when Google will phase out Universal Analytics 360.

What Should I Do Next?

Google encourages you to migrate to Google Analytics 360 as quickly as possible.

If you don’t, you could:

  • Lose critical advertising capabilities.
  • Lose the ability to export historical data.
  • Face delays in setting up Google Analytics 360.

    How To Migrate To Your Next Analytics Platform

    Moving to a new platform is much more than just implementation; it is vital to plan your migration properly. Below are five steps to help you through the entire process.

    Step 1. Evaluate Your Stack & Resources

    Before you switch analytics tools, take the time to evaluate your entire stack, not just the tool you’re changing. Ensure that your stack is up-to-date and meets your current business needs. Migrating to a new analytics vendor almost always requires more people and more time than originally estimated. It’s a good occasion to remove redundant tools from your stack; it might also allow you to integrate with new ones that can help you run your analytics and collect data more comprehensively.

    Step 2. Tidy Your Data

    Over time, data collection may get messy, and you find yourself tracking data that isn’t relevant to your business. A migration gives you a chance to clean up your data taxonomy. Ensure that your new tool allows you to use the same categories of data as the previous one. Pay close attention to any data that needs to be collected automatically, like location data (country, region, city), and device details (device type, browser). Finally, make sure the SDKs you need are supported by your new tool.

    Step 3. Implement A New Platform

    This step involves setting up the tracking code that collects data about visitors to your website or app and making any necessary modifications. Remember to set up tags to gather more detailed data through events or connect third-party tools.

    Speed Up The Transition: If you switch to Piwik PRO, you can use a migration tool to easily transfer your settings from Universal Analytics (GA3) and Google Tag Manager.

    Step 4. Evaluate Tour New Data

    Once you’re done implementing your new platform, you should run it parallel to your existing tool for a few months before finalizing the migration. During this time, you can audit your new data and correct any errors. In this manner, you can retain your historical data while simultaneously generating new data segments on the new platform.

    Step 5. Provide Training For Your Team

    All end users need training to comprehend the platform’s operations, retrieve necessary data, and generate reports. This step is frequently missed as it falls at the end of the project.

    Upon finishing this step, you will be set to switch to your new platform fully. If you find the migration process challenging, consider getting help from outside sources. Some analytics vendors offer hands-on onboarding and user training, which accelerates product adoption.

    Is Switching To Google Analytics 360 Worth The Hassle?

    You might be thinking, “Migrating to the successor of UA 360 won’t be a walk in the park,” especially if you work for a large organization.

    In addition to subscription and data migration costs, you may also need to train your staff or increase fees for external marketing agencies that will face new challenges.

    While Analytics 360 has incredible use cases, there may be other tools that better suit your needs.

    Switching to alternative solutions may be a good option for you.

    How To Pick A Replacement For Universal Analytics 360

    To decide whether to choose a new platform or stick with Google, consider a few important factors:

    1. Because GA 360 is a different software, your marketing and analytics departments will need to allocate extra resources to learn the new platform. You will also need the support of analysts, developers, and data architects to help you reconstruct reports based on the data architecture of the chosen platform. Choosing a solution with similar features and user experience to UA 360 can be a good option, because it saves resources, making onboarding faster and easier.
    2. You will also need to redesign your entire customer journey, because the data model in GA360 has changed from sessions to events. This process can be more challenging and costly than choosing a session-based platform or one that offers you freedom of choice.
    3. Another important consideration is the level of support offered by the vendor. This can greatly affect the quality of the migration and onboarding to a new platform. Although Google Analytics is currently the most popular tool for analyzing web traffic, the level of support it provides is limited. Other companies like Piwik PRO can offer more in this area, including personalized onboarding, product implementation, training, and dedicated customer support at every step.

    Consideration 1: Think About Privacy & Compliance

    Organizations around the world are increasingly concerned with data privacy and compliance. A 2023 Thomson survey found that 80% of business professionals acknowledge the importance of compliance as a crucial advisory function for their organizations. Gartner, on the other hand, predicts that, by 2025, 60% of large enterprises will use at least one privacy-enhancing computing (PEC) technique in analytics, business intelligence, and/or cloud computing.

    This is due to a growing number of new regulations that place greater control over personal data at the forefront. The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) are two of the most prominent examples. The landscape has been further complicated by events such as the Schrems II case, Brexit, and China’s Personal Data Protection Law. Data protection is also increasingly important in some sectors, such as healthcare, where regulations like HIPAA are mandatory.

    If your company operates globally or has ambitions to do so, the first thing to consider is who has full ownership of the data, where the servers hosting the data are located, and who owns them. Google Analytics 360 only offers cloud deployment in an unknown location, which means that data might be transferred between data centers in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. This makes it difficult to know exactly where the data is stored and ownership is unclear. For now, the issue of data transfers between the US and the EU has been resolved by the EU-US Privacy Shield framework agreement, but the future stays unclear. Last year, NOYB, led by Max Schrems, announced that it would soon appeal this decision to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).

    To meet privacy and compliance requirements in different countries and industries, choose a platform that allows you to customize your hosting plan and set specific parameters for data collection and analysis. Platforms like Piwik PRO Analytics Suite enable you to store your data on servers in Europe, the US, and Asia, based on your preferences. This translates into flexibility and security of your data.

    Consideration 2: Ease Of Use & Integration

    This may sound counterintuitive, but the new GA 360 might be too complex for many. While it offers numerous advanced functions for data analysts, it lacks features specifically designed for marketers. As a result, marketers may need help in configuring the system to efficiently use the data.

    On the other hand, in GA 360, the data model shifts from session-based to event-based. This is especially important if your teams depend on UA 360 behavioral reporting, benchmarking, and e-commerce flow reports, as these features are unavailable in the new release. You also need to revise all the reports for all the stakeholders.

    Conversely, Piwik PRO strongly emphasizes simplicity and enables marketers to quickly access the necessary data. Additionally, the data model combines both session-based and event-based structures. This approach ensures that you can start working with the data faster and deliver the reports that stakeholders are used to. Another big advantage of Piwik PRO is its model for working with raw data, which is a valuable source of knowledge about users and provides richer reporting in more contexts. Google Analytics does not provide raw data exports, so you have to use various services and tools to accomplish this. To be fair, however, exporting large raw data packets with Piwik PRO software may take longer than with Google solutions.

    The new GA 360 is most effective when used mainly with products from the Google ecosystem. When considering data activation, Google Ads is the most suitable option. When it comes to Piwik PRO, you still have this option, but integrating with other solutions is much easier. The platform offers four modules: Analytics, Tag Manager, Consent Manager and Customer Data Platform (CDP). The CDP module, available in the paid plan, lets you create detailed customer profiles and categorize your data into various audience segments. You can activate them to provide a personalized experience and run effective campaigns across multiple channels.

    The landscape of modern analytics is constantly changing. On the one hand, there are ongoing discussions about privacy and compliance regulations, while on the other, companies are trying out various methods to collect and analyze data. In the end, your choice of analytics platform will impact the performance of your marketing and sales efforts. So take the time to explore, and you may find other solutions that better suit your organization’s needs.

    Piwik PRO is a solid choice to explore for your next primary analytics solution. Book a personalized demo of the Enterprise version and see the benefits of introducing Piwik PRO Analytics Suite in your organization.

    Image Credits

    Featured Image: Image by Piwik PRO Used with permission.

    24 Effective Link Building Tactics That Work In 2024 via @sejournal, @Brian_W_Gareth

    1. Check Your Direct Competitors’ Backlinks

    Since link building helps your site rank higher, we can assume that the highest-ranking sites on SERPs have lots of good backlinks.

    The same is true for your competitors who rank higher than you.

    And if there are a lot of authoritative sites linking to them, wouldn’t it be nice if they linked to you too?

    Of course it would.

    Find those sites, and you can start building links there too, right?

    Not so fast.

    Step 1: Uncover Your True Competitors

    First, you need to know which sites are your online competitors. You don’t want to waste your time trying to outrank sites that are not even stealing your customers, after all.

    Here’s how to identify a direct competitor:

    • Their site serves the same purpose as yours and targets the same audience.
    • It ranks for the same keywords you want to rank for.
    • Their business operates in the same area as yours.
    • They rank higher than you.

    To start looking for your competitors, open WebCEO’s Dangerous Competitors tool.

    Screenshot from WebCEO, March 2024

    Click on the Settings button and visit these tabs:

    • Keywords: enter your ranking keywords there.
    • Competitors: if you already know some of your competitors, add their URLs there.
    • Search engines: add the search engines where you want to rank. Local business owners will also want to select locations to narrow down the results.

    Click on Save, and the tool will generate a table of sites belonging to your potential competitors. Visit those sites to make sure they are indeed your competitors.

    Step 2: Check Their Backlinks

    Time for the next step: checking their backlinks in Competitor Backlink Spy.

    Screenshot from WebCEO, March 2024
    1. Open Settings and enter your competitors’ URLs in the Competitors tab.
    2. Press Save, and the tool will list all of your competitors’ backlinks – specifically, the pages which link to your competitors.

    And now all you need to do is find promising domains among those linking pages. Visit those sites and look for the ones who are likely to give your site a backlink, too – after you’ve created link-worthy content and presented your case to those sites.

    By the way, your competitors can also be your backlink donors. Feel free to build links on their sites too!

    2. Must-Do Websites For Link Building

    Before other sites start linking to yours, you can create a few powerful backlinks yourself. There are websites for that exact purpose:

    Carefully pick sites that are relevant to your niche and create listings for your business there. Now you have several authoritative sites in your backlink profile.

    What’s more, other websites’ owners can find you there, too. Exposure to others is the first step towards gaining even more backlinks down the line.

    And if your site is already well-known enough, you can try creating a Wikipedia page about it. Even though links from Wikipedia are nofollow, the website itself possesses significant authority and can share some of it with you.

    3. Run A Blog & Write Articles About Relevant Topics

    In order to gain backlinks, you want to have linkworthy content on your website – the more, the better. Write about many different, but related topics about your niche and your business. For example:

    • Your products.
    • News in the industry.
    • Interesting case studies.
    • Recent going-ons in your company.
    • Interviews with clients and partners.

    The options are limitless. And the more you know about your work, the more you can share with your visitors. Curious writers attract curious readers. Go wild with your pen!

    And when you create your content, there are a few more things you can do to help it get more backlinks:

    1. Optimize it for keywords. The higher your content appears in search, the more likely users are to find it – and link to it in their own content if they need to. Use WebCEO’s Keyword Research tool to find search queries your target audience uses the most often.
    2. List your sources – with links. If you refer to other sources in your content, then listing them will make you appear more credible, especially if those sources are also good. And users love linking to credible sites.
    3. Link to other pages on your site. Help your visitors find all the content they may need. Navigation and footer bars are a must since they have links to your homepage, FAQ, contact info pages, and more. However, blog articles on related topics should also link to each other, in case your users need more details.
    Screenshot from WebCEO, March 2024

    4. Write Guest Articles

    Good old guest blogging! The tried and tested method of building links. Write an article for another site and include a link to yours – what could be easier?

    Of course, there’s a catch. There are two important steps to take first:

    1. Find relevant sites whose backlinks would be a boon for you;
    2. Convince them to accept a guest post from you.

    You already know how to find backlink donors: with Competitor Backlink Spy. Local bloggers, newspapers, and magazines won’t be able to hide from you.

    What about the second step? Your best bet here is email outreach.

    Pick a promising site whose contact information is available and send them an email like this:

    Hi Susan!

    I’m John Doe, and I write for {Example Blog}. Nice to e-meet you! I’ve been following your blog for a while, and I’ve found your recent post series about networking very helpful.

    Anyway, I’m writing to you because I’m quite familiar with your blog’s topics and I would love to contribute if you’re open to new guest authors. I’ve been brainstorming some topic ideas that I think would be a good match for your blog:

      • {Topic idea #1}
      • {Topic idea #2}
      • {Topic idea #3}

    If you have different topics in mind, I will be glad to write about them as well. I appreciate your time and really look forward to working together.


    John Doe

    If you don’t get a reply, it’s okay to try again – with a different text indicating that it’s not your first try.

    Be polite and remember that it’s meant to benefit you both. Good luck!

    5. Turn Unlinked Mentions Into Links

    If you’ve been around and doing business for a while, people are bound to talk about you. On their sites too.

    This is the easiest way to make backlinks. Somebody has already mentioned your business on their site – that’s already most of the work done! All that’s left is to add a link.

    Simply contact the person who can edit the page (via email or social media) and ask them to insert your site’s URL into the mention. Done and done.

    Finding unlinked mentions is even easier: just use a tool like WebCEO’s Web Buzz Monitoring.

    Screenshot from WebCEO, March 2024

    Just add your brand’s name in the Settings, and the tool will find pages with its unlinked mentions.

    6. Provide An Excellent User Experience

    Who will want to link to a page that’s barely working? Not the people who give out backlinks, that’s for sure. Even ordinary users will run if a page refuses to work – or even simply offends their eyes.

    On the other hand, there are only positives to pages providing good UX:

    • User activity leading to conversions (potentially spreading across the entire site).
    • Positive customer reviews.
    • Increasing Google rankings.
    • And new backlinks, of course.

    Imagine a perfect web page from your dreams, or just remember the best website you’ve ever visited some time before. Then make the same thing on your own site (or even better, if you can).

    What’s the recipe for the best user experience?

    • Helpful, high-quality content. Being helpful is more important than ever due to Google’s Helpful Content update. Your page can be informative and optimized with the best keywords, but if it doesn’t actually help your visitors, then it’s a huge problem.
    • High-quality visuals. Users love eye-catching images and videos, especially when they not only inform but also entertain. Make sure your images load correctly! If any of them don’t, find them with WebCEO’s Technical Audit tool and replace them.
    • No site errors. Broken images are but one possible issue that may ruin your site. Scan it for all types of errors with the same Technical Audit tool and fix them ASAP.
    Screenshot from WebCEO, March 2024
    • Fast loading speed. A slow-loading page is a useless page: if visitors leave, nothing happens there. Test your site pages with WebCEO’s Speed Optimization tool and follow its tips for making them load faster.
    • Mobile friendliness. Smartphones drive as much traffic as PC, so your site must be optimized for screens of all sizes. Scan your site with the Mobile Optimization tool and follow its recommendations for becoming more mobile-friendly.
    • User accessibility. Make sure your site can be easily used by everybody regardless of their physical ability. Test your site with a tool like EquallyAI’s ARIA to see where you can make improvements.

    7. Get Rid Of Harmful Backlinks

    Next, make sure your backlink profile isn’t hurting your site. What kind of backlinks can do that?

    • Bought backlinks.
    • Spammy backlinks.
    • Links from irrelevant sites.
    • Links from non-authoritative sites.

    If Google detects too many backlinks like that in your profile, it may deem your site untrustworthy and lower its search rankings. It may even incur a manual action.

    You can’t let harmful backlinks pile up and bring you down.

    Scan your backlink profile with WebCEO’s Toxic Pages tool.

    Screenshot from WebCEO, March 2024

    By default, it looks for linking pages that are obviously spammy: those with tons of outbound links and a low trust level. If you want to, tweak the tool’s search criteria to your liking in the Settings. You can even exclude specific domains from the tool’s search if you trust them.

    Screenshot from WebCEO, March 2024

    Once you have your list of toxic backlinks, start getting rid of them. Your options are:

    • Delete the backlinks from those pages yourself.
    • Ask somebody who can edit those pages to do it.
    • Generate a disavow list in Toxic Pages and submit it to Google Disavow.
    Screenshot from WebCEO, March 2024

    Want To See points 8-24?

    The full guide is exclusively available to WebCEO users. Sign up for free now and get your link building guide with 24 different tactics that will get you through 2024 and well beyond!

    Here’s What SEO Experts Have To Say About Leveraging SGE In 2024 via @sejournal, @fiverr

    Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) has come a long way since its experimental launch in May 2023.

    Starting out by simply generating paraphrased snippets for search engine queries, SGE now offers more comprehensive summaries and source links.

    Essentially, Google’s SGE is an interactive generative AI-powered feature that uses existing results to answer search queries.

    Think of it as a chatbot — but Google’s organic search results power it.

    Every indexed webpage that crosses a search engine results page (SERP) helps teach SGE what it knows.

    As exciting (and partly terrifying) as the feature is, you may be trying to understand its true potential to leverage it for your businesses.

    How Does Google SGE Work?

    SGE offers comprehensive answers to search queries, just like Open AI’s ChatGPT, but SGE cites sources.

    To see SGE in action:

    1. Navigate to Google to begin a search.
    2. Enter a search query or question into the search bar.
    3. Watch as multiple search results are written as a conversational response to your question.

    Context and more information are added to your result through SGE, especially when compared to the old featured snippets, which only displayed a snippet or sentence without its full context.

    Screenshot from Google for [conversational analytics] using normal search and SGE, February 2024

    As you can see, pre-SGE days allowed you to sift through multiple websites, giving each result traffic to their respective webpages.

    Now, SGE takes up the space where direct webpage results used to display, meaning that many websites may no longer get the traffic they used to get.

    How Will SGE Change How Google Search Works?

    As you can imagine, many SEO experts believe SGE will eat into organic traffic from top-of-funnel queries.

    There are three key reasons for a potential drop in organic traffic from SERPs:

    • Featured snippets only offer one clickable source, while SGE offers many. If you owned the top position, you may now be sharing clicks with multiple sources.
    • SGE takes up too much space on the SERPs, pushing the traditional SERP below the fold, resulting in fewer clicks.
    • You can ask follow-up questions right, which keeps searchers on the SERP instead of traveling to a site for more information.

    That said, there is still potential for pages to get traffic as long as the content answers the query.

    SGE Sites Pages That Are Not In The Top 10

    There have been many instances where SGE cites pages that don’t rank in the top 10 results — indicating that the data is pooled from a larger sample.

    However, you should adapt your strategy as SGE emerges from its experimental phase.

    A recent study found that 49% of consumers are interested in AI-powered searches, indicating that AI-generated SERPs are perceived positively.

    If Google wants to stay competitive, especially with Bing Search’s hard comeback last year, SGE will eventually be a permanent part of the SERPs.

    What SEO Experts Have To Say About SGE’s Impact On Digital Marketing

    Many businesses, like yours, rely on Google for their revenue. Whether that’s in the form of ads or organic results, SGE is set to disrupt both of these formats.

    How SGE Impacts Organic Traffic

    On the organic side, achieving the top 3 positions could lead to lackluster results.

    How SGE Impacts PPC

    On the advertising end, you might be safe, as Sponsored results appear above SGE.

    However, that only pushes organic results even further down.

    Screenshot from Google for [monday competitors], February 2024

    Some experts believe SGE to be like Featured Snippets but on steroids. Ihor Rudnyk, CEO of Collaborator, explains:

    We saw sites that gave simple and fast answers lost some of their traffic. That’s because users receive these answers directly in the SERPs. For example, weather prediction, currency rates, short facts, etc.

    Businesses focused on short, easy answers and fast information are in the worst position. I don’t see how you can change it without creating additional value for users. However, it’s easy to predict that the importance of brand awareness and direct traffic will continue to grow.

    Additionally, there will be a larger focus on creating pages with depth. It could be in the form of original data, a differentiated view or commentary on trends.

    SEO professionals will start to become more quality-focused, and quality will be defined as bringing something new, original or interesting to the debate in contrast to what it is defined as now — being ‘comprehensive’ (code for boringly covering the same stuff the next guy does).

    — Patrick Herbert, Director at Singularity Digital

    What Can You Do To Leverage SGE For Your Business?

    So, how can you prepare to stay relevant on the SERPs as SGE will soon dominate?

    Here are a few tips to get you started:

    1. Move From Informational To Transactional Content

    SGE is the biggest threat to informational content — especially concise content.

    Businesses that create thin content optimized for search will suffer. Creating more transactional pages could help you avoid this issue.

    Transactional content is more nuanced and requires extensive research, so users will be more likely to dig deeper into product/service websites.

    Not only that, but it also allows you to appear in SGE for high-intent search terms, which is the goal for businesses.

    Screenshot from Google for [best accounting software], February 2024

    2. Monitor Changes In Search Intent Over A Period

    Many marketers will soon shift their reliance on traditional keyword metrics like keyword density (KD) and search volume to search intent.

    Even with high KD and search volume, ranking for these keywords can be difficult. So, with SGE, it doesn’t make sense to go after such queries unless you’re prepared to write ultimate in-depth guides.

    This is why you need to look at search intent first.

    Ask yourself:

    • Does the topic make sense?
    • Can I realistically rank for this topic or at least get credited by SGE?
    2024 SEO Tools & Tactics To Refresh Your Strategy & Boost Performance via @sejournal, @ahrefs

    This post was sponsored by Ahrefs. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own.

    With AI taking the digital world over, constant Google algorithm changes, and growing competition, how can you shift your strategy to keep up?

    Constant changes mean SEO professionals need to find new ways to reach SEO success in 2024.

    If you’re looking to not simply survive but thrive amidst these seismic changes, it’s important to keep up with the latest trends and look for new ways to work on SEO.

    In this guide, we’ll uncover strategies to help you increase search discoverability, and we’ll introduce the tools you’ll need to implement them effectively.

    Some of the most significant improvements you can start making in 2024 include:

    • Knowing how to optimize processes with AI.
    • Mastering technical SEO and website optimization.
    • Executing and measuring your SEO more efficiently.

    How AI Capabilities Can Be Applied To SEO

    Everyone’s talking about how to best harness the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 2024.

    But if there’s one thing you should take away from the AI conversation, it’s this: AI can’t replace humans.

    Utilizing AI in 2024 is about striking the perfect balance and finding the synergy between human ingenuity and AI advancements.

    Rather than relying solely on AI technology, find ways to use it to enhance your results.

    For instance, if you’re a content marketer looking to streamline your process, AI could assist by offering insights, recommendations, and data-driven strategies to elevate the quality and relevance of your content.

    How Ahrefs Integrates AI in SEO & Content Marketing Tools

    With modern tools, keyword research became a simple and streamlined task. Except for finding good seed keywords to start with.

    If you’re familiar with Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer tool, you’ll be pleased to know that it was improved with a new AI assistant that effortlessly generates keyword suggestions.

    You can get AI keyword suggestions directly within the platform, without needing to go back and forth with ChatGPT when doing your keyword research.

    And when it comes to content marketing applications for AI, Ahrefs released a number of free AI-powered writing tools. With these tools you can:

    • Input your rough ideas and get an organized, well-structured outline in minutes.
    • Improve the quality, clarity, and readability of a sentence or paragraph with an instant content refresh.
    • Generate optimized meta titles for better search engine visibility.
    • Craft informative, SEO-friendly meta descriptions for your articles quickly and easily.
    • Simplify and summarize your content with precision.
    • Brainstorm variations of ready-to-use, SEO-friendly blog post ideas to drive more traffic to your blog.
    • Generate descriptive alt text for your images to improve accessibility and SEO without a hassle.
    • Get inspiration for your next piece of content by generating a variety of creative ideas.
    • And more!

    Stay ahead of the curve and start leveraging AI to your advantage with Ahrefs.

    How To Master Website Optimization & Technical SEO

    A well-optimized and technically sound website acts as a sturdy foundation, insulating you from the impact of ruthless core updates that search engines may roll out.

    With search algorithms becoming increasingly sophisticated, seamless user experience, fast loading times, and adherence to Core Web Vitals have become critical factors in SEO success.

    By mastering technical SEO and keeping your site in top-notch condition, you’re not just offering a seamless user experience but also signaling to search engines that your content is reliable and trustworthy. 

    This proactive approach helps to ensure your site remains visible and valuable amidst ever-evolving ranking criteria.

    With Ahrefs Site Audit tool, you can run a thorough SEO audit to uncover your website’s technical and on-page SEO issues, and find out exactly what’s holding your website back.

    Plus, the platform recently added some exciting new features to enhance your analysis efforts.

    Here are some key updates you should know about:

    • Core Web Vital (CWV) metrics: Filter your pages by various CWV data points during website recrawls. Visualize CrUX and Lighthouse scores, historical changes, and individual metric performance in the Performance report.
    • Google Data Studio integration: Build personalized reports by blending data from different sources and visualizing everything in the form of reports and dashboards.
    • Search by HTML code and page text: Easily search for specific elements extracted during a crawl, such as Google Analytics IDs or “out of stock” labels.
    • List of issues for a particular URL: Addressing an issue on a specific URL is streamlined with a dedicated tab showcasing all related issues, allowing comprehensive fixes.
    • Links Report in Site Audit Issues: Navigate issues more effectively with an additional links report tab, facilitating in-depth analysis at the links level. For instance, browse and export links related to 404 pages for a thorough understanding.

    Easy Way: Use An SEO Plugin To Help Optimize Your Content

    Ahrefs also launched a WordPress SEO plugin to further assist in your optimization efforts.

    With this new plugin, you can automate content audits and see how each article performs for a chosen target keyword.

    The tool also provides recommendations on how you can improve the article for better results.

    Here are a few key capabilities:

    Ready to get your site in tip-top shape for the year ahead? Check out Ahrefs’ latest offerings today.

    How To Execute & Measure Your SEO KPIs More Efficiently

    Keeping your website up-to-date with SEO trends is important – but the buck doesn’t stop there.

    Staying competitive requires you to keep a vigilant eye on your rival sites as well, dissecting their strategies, and adapting your own accordingly.

    Success in SEO isn’t just about visibility; it’s about outperforming your peers.

    With Ahrefs, you can use the Site structure report in Site Explorer to quickly see how a competing website is structured, and which parts generate the most organic traffic.

    Reassessing the competitive landscape and recalibrating your strategy based on real-time insights are the secrets to staying ahead of the curve.

    Site structure is not the only noticeable update to Ahrefs Site Explorer tool. Its overview report has also been updated and is worth exploring.

    Not only does it load noticeably faster than the previous version, but you get access to the following new features:

    • New history chart.
    • Comparison mode.
    • Paid traffic data.
    • Year-over-year mode.
    • Google algorithm updates.
    • Calendar report.
    • Site structure report.

    Start Ranking Higher & Maximizing Opportunities With Ahrefs Now

    In the rapidly evolving SEO landscape, Ahrefs emerges as a strategic ally, providing the tools you need to not only stay afloat but rise to new heights.

    From leveraging AI tools intelligently to mastering technical SEO and executing with precision, we’ve dissected the key strategies that will redefine your SEO in 2024 and beyond.

    It’s time to embrace change and elevate your search performance.

    Start your journey to sustained SEO success with Ahrefs’ vast array of tools and exciting new features.

    With their updated usage-based pricing model, you can access the features you need most. Try it today!

    Image Credits

    Featured Image: Image by Ahrefs. Used with permission.

    10 Steps To Grow Your SEO Authority & Topical Expertise via @sejournal, @Brian_W_Gareth

    Step 1: Demonstrate Each Element Of E-E-A-T

    First things first: how do you assert yourself as an authority on your chosen topic?

    If you are familiar with the concept of E-E-A-T, you won’t be surprised that it’s closely tied to topical authority. Working on one is the same as working on the other. And E-E-A-T makes it very easy to understand what exactly you need to do.

    What does E-E-A-T mean, and how do you demonstrate it?

    1. Experience: what you have personally dealt with as a person and a professional, and what you can share with your audience. Example: a detailed product review where you describe how you have used it.
    1. Expertise: a high level of skill and knowledge in your field. Example: a Knowledge Panel with an expert’s name, photo, credentials and contact information.
    1. Authoritativeness: earning the title of an expert by creating content and gaining rankings and backlinks over a long time. Example: being referred to as a credible source of information by another website.
    1. Trustworthiness: having a good reputation in the eyes of your target audience. Example: positive user reviews.

    Each of these elements signals to Google that your website is run by a real pro who knows what the users want. This is your end goal in very simple terms; now it’s time for details.

    Step 2: Stick To A Single Niche

    Can you dedicate your site to multiple niches?

    Sure. But as the saying goes, the person who chases two rabbits catches neither.

    If your chosen niches are not closely related, then Google will not view you as a specialist. But if they are closely related, then it’s very much possible.

    For example, TripAdvisor is a very well-known authority on all things related to travel: destinations, HoReCa, popular activities, and more.

    If you want to be acknowledged as an expert, the best bet is to pick a single niche – and commit to it fully. But if you are feeling ambitious, then pick several related topics and start pumping out content like the Internet will shut down tomorrow.

    Step 3: Start Gaining Experience & Never Stop

    How do you get good at something? By doing it countless times, of course!

    The more experience and knowledge you have, the more you can put into your content and show to your audience – and to Google. And the more you have to show, the more credible you appear in everyone’s eyes.

    And don’t be afraid to make mistakes. A bad experience is also a valuable experience.

    Step 4: Create Original, In-Depth Content – Lots Of It

    Obviously, no expert steals other people’s work. Real stars create their own content and make it as good as they can.

    Be original, be amazing, be productive – that’s pretty clear.

    What else should you do to get the most out of your content?

    • Update your outdated content. It’s easier and faster than writing a more up-to-date article from scratch. It’s also more correct from an SEO standpoint, as older pages have more authority than freshly made ones.
    • Include links to other sources. The more authoritative they are, the better. It makes your own content look more credible too, since you clearly know the best sources.
    • Fill your content with relevant keywords and phrases. Only your own experience can identify the best phrases to use, but WebCEO’s Keyword Suggestions tool is a great place to start looking.
    • Promote your content. Social media and email outreach are your best options.

    Also, quantity matters as much as quality. If you want to become a real authority, one or two articles won’t be enough no matter how great they are – you will need to make many more to cover your niche in full.

    Step 5: Create Different Types Of Content

    You may be sticking to one niche, but every niche can be presented in multiple formats.

    Therefore, you should rely on more than just blog posts. What else is there?

    • Podcasts.
    • Graphs and diagrams.
    • Case studies and research reports.
    • Images (photos, infographics).
    • Videos (including shorts, streams, webinars).

    The more you can make, the better. However, it’s okay to focus on only a few types of content as long as you can make them excellent.

    Step 6: Use An Efficient Internal Linking Structure

    When one page links to another, it shares some of its own authority with it.

    Interlink your site’s pages in an efficient way, and you will achieve two important goals:

    1. Your visitors will easily find any content they want.
    2. Your important pages will receive as much authority as possible.

    Note that page authority is not the same as topical authority. But the two are still connected, and increasing one increases the other.

    How Do I Create An Efficient Internal Link Structure?

    As was mentioned before, you need to create lots of content to explore a niche in full.

    Some of the pages you make will be closely related by covering different aspects of the same topic. Those pages can be grouped into a topic cluster.

    What Is A Topic Cluster?

    A topic cluster has (usually) one page with the main topic and several others with related topics. For example:

    10 Steps To Grow Your SEO Authority & Topical ExpertiseScreenshot from, April 2018

    The hub page has the most authority in the cluster and shares it with the rest, making them more visible in search, too.

    So how do you maximize your page authority – and topical authority with it? For that, you need to know exactly how much authority your pages hold. Find out with WebCEO’s Internal Links tool.

    10 Steps To Grow Your SEO Authority & Topical ExpertiseScreenshot from WebCEO, February 2024

    Then build topic clusters around your most authoritative pages.

    Step 7: Get Backlinks From Authoritative Sites

    Remember about authoritativeness? That’s the A in E-E-A-T, and it’s one of the most time-consuming parts because it requires building links to your content – the toughest part of SEO.

    But before anything else, you must find trusted sites whose backlinks will boost your authoritativeness. And the best way to do it is to see where your competitors are getting their backlinks.

    Open WebCEO’s Competitor Backlink Spy.

    10 Steps To Grow Your SEO Authority & Topical ExpertiseScreenshot from WebCEO, February 2024

    Add your competitors’ sites in the Settings and press Save. The tool will generate a table with all of your competitors’ backlinks, with anchor texts and domain authority.

    Ideally, you will want to build your own backlinks from the most authoritative sites. And yes, your competitors are fair game, too! Here are a few effective link building methods:

    • Create content that’s likely to get backlinks. The best examples include case studies, research papers, and statistics – users love interesting data.
    • Find unlinked mentions of your brand and turn them into backlinks.
    • Find articles with outdated information on other sites. If they have links to outdated sources, offer to replace them with a link to your own, up-to-date source.
    • Find broken links on other sites and offer a replacement from your own site.
    • Collaborate with other specialists in your niche (e.g. via podcasts).

    Step 8: Grow Your Online Reputation

    Gaining clout requires transparency.

    People and companies cannot become authorities by staying hidden in the shadows like the infamous hacker Anonymous. At the very least, you will need to attach a name and a face to your content – for example, in an author bio.

    10 Steps To Grow Your SEO Authority & Topical ExpertiseScreenshot from

    The more professional it looks, the better.

    What else can you do?

    • Get positive reviews from your users. Often, they leave a review if you simply ask. Don’t be discouraged by bad reviews – having a few of them makes you look more natural than having none at all.
    • Create an About Us page. Describe your company and your experts, and feel more than free to brag about your successes.
    • Create pages on social media. Ideally, you want a page for your company and a page for each of your experts on every social network where your presence makes sense. Of course, if you work solo, then all you need is a single page just for you. Don’t forget to link to your social media pages from your site.
    • Engage with your followers on social media. Like their posts, follow them back when appropriate and, most importantly, reply to them as soon as possible. Setting up a chatbot can help you tremendously with the latter.
    • Engage with your competitors in social media. Be active on their pages, and you just might end up stealing from them a client or two (or more).

    Step 9: Create A Wikipedia Page

    Wikipedia is a very well-known and trusted resource. Having a page there is a huge boost to any person or brand’s image – especially if the article is filled with detailed information.

    Of course, you can only create a Wikipedia page about yourself as a person if you are already famous. Otherwise, your best bet is a page about your company.

    Either way, you are going to need an auto-confirmed Wikipedia account – one that is at least 4 days old and has made at least 10 edits. After that, you can start making your page. Feel free to use other, similar pages as a basis.

    And remember to include citations and sources from sites other than your own.

    Step 10: Provide Excellent User Experience

    And of course, a true expert’s website is expected to run flawlessly. Professionals have standards – and so do users who consult experts.

    What can you do to make your site a welcoming place?

    • Increase your loading speed. Find your slow-loading pages with WebCEO’s Speed Optimization tool and follow its recommendations for improving them.
    10 Steps To Grow Your SEO Authority & Topical ExpertiseScreenshot from WebCEO, February 2024
    • Ensure mobile-friendliness. Your site must be responsive and work well on all devices. In the same Speed Optimization tool, click the Mobile tab and see where your site is falling short.
    • Fix technical errors. Find all errors on your site with the Technical Audit tool and fix them promptly.
    10 Steps To Grow Your SEO Authority & Topical ExpertiseScreenshot from WebCEO, February 2024
    • Translate your content into multiple languages. If you are after a multilingual audience, this is a must.
    • Ensure user accessibility. Make sure all kinds of visitors can use your site, not just healthy ones. Use a tool like ARIA by EquallyAI to see what sort of additions your site needs.

    Wrapping Up

    If you set the goal to become an expert in your field, then gaining topical authority will be a natural part of the process. It will take years of hard, prolific work; it’s your choice whether to commit or not. But the reward for this choice is acknowledgment in your community and in search engines.

    Take the first step on this long road. Arm yourself with SEO tools that will help your content reach the top rankings faster.

    21 AI Use Cases For Turning Inbound Calls Into Marketing Data [+Prompts] via @sejournal, @calltrac

    This post was sponsored by CallTrackingMetrics. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own.

    If you’ve been enjoying having random conversations with ChatGPT, or trying your hand at tricking a car dealership chatbot into giving you a new car for $1, just wait until you start using safe AI professionally.

    Marketers are finding lots of ways to use generative AI for things like SEO research, copywriting, and summarizing survey results.

    But one of the most natural and safe fits for AI is marketing data discovery during conversational call tracking.

    Don’t believe us?

    Here are a ton of AI marketing use cases that make perfect sense for your teams to start using.

    A Quick Call Tracking Definition

    Call tracking is the act of using unique phone numbers to tie a conversation to its marketing source, and collect other caller data, such as:

    • Location of caller.
    • New or returning caller.
    • Website activity associated with the caller.

    It can help attribute sales to:

    • Best performing marketing materials.
    • Best performing local website landing pages.
    • Best performing PPC campaigns.

    Manually tracking and analyzing each conversation can take hours, and often, important nuances are missed.

    This is where AI can help speed up marketing insight discovery and automatically update contact and sales pipelines.

    All you need is a prompt.

    What Prompt Or Quick Recipe Can I Use To Get AI Insights From Call Tracking?

    Your automatically logged call transcriptions + an AI prompt = automated conversation intelligence.

    Once you have this setup configured, you can drastically speed up your first-party data collection.

    To get more specific, prompts have two main parts. The question you want answered, and how you want AI to answer it. As an example:

    The question: What prompted the Caller to reach out?

    The prompt [how should AI answer]: You are a helpful Sales agent responsible for identifying what marketing channel prompted the contact to call. If the contact did not identify what prompted their call please only respond with “None”.

    Below are some example responses on what a contact might say:

    • Podcast ad.
    • Social post.
    • Friend or family recommendation.
    • Stopped by event booth.
    • Read reviews online.

    1 – 18. How To Use AI To Update Customer Contact Fields

    Starting off boring, but powerful: Generative AI can take your customer conversations and automate data entry tasks, such as updating caller profiles to keep them relevant and qualified.

    21 AI Use Cases For Turning Inbound Calls Into Marketing Data [+Prompts]Image created by CallTrackingMetrics, March 2024

    Impressive? No.

    But the time savings add up quickly, and let your team work on the things they like (that make the company money) instead of manually filling out wrap-up panels after a call.

    What Contact Information Can AI Automatically Update?

    1. Name – You’re going to get a name from caller ID which is a great start, but is it the name your caller prefers? Is it up to date or is it still the name of a former customer who left their company to chase their dreams? With a quick AI prompt, you can make sure you’re greeting the right person when they call back.
    2. Email Address – It might be a default value for form submissions, but getting an email address from a caller can take a lot of back and forth. AI isn’t going to ask for that last part again, or require you to read it back to them to verify. It’s just going to do it.
    3. Company Name – You might be using a sales intelligence tool like ZoomInfo to pull this kind of thing from a database. Still, you might also enjoy the accuracy of extracting directly from the words of your prospect.
    4. Buyer Role – Maybe not a basic field, but one AI can fill out nonetheless (much like other custom fields below!). Give your AI a list to choose from like a researcher, influencer, or decision maker. Sure would be nice to know how much influence they actually have without having to ask directly.

    Can AI Automatically Tag Conversations In My CRM?

    Of course!

    In CRMs and sales enablement tools, tags are used to categorize and segment your conversations for further analysis or follow-up.

    Some popular tags for call tracking are marking someone a new or returning caller.

    You can set a tag manually. You can set a tag using an if/then trigger. And because of what this whole thing is about, you can update tags using AI.

    21 AI Use Cases For Turning Inbound Calls Into Marketing Data [+Prompts]Image created by CallTrackingMetrics, March 2024

    Use AI to automatically add tags to your prospect’s profile, based on their actual calls.

    1. Spam – Sure, you can mark something spam yourself, but why not let AI do it for you so you can move on to real work?
    2. Product Tags – What was the caller asking about? Add product tags to calls for further analysis, or to jump right into the sales pitch when they call back.
    3. Lifecycle Tags – Have AI examine what kinds of questions your prospect is asking and qualify them along a scale of just learning to ready to buy. Or even, mark them as an existing customer.
    4. Target Account – Did the caller mention their company size? Maybe you asked them about revenue or tech stack. If you let AI know what your ideal customer looks like, it’ll help you quickly identify them when you’re talking to one.

    Can Generative AI Score Leads In My CRM?

    Yes! However, if 100% of your calls end in sales, skip this part.

    For the rest of us, phone, text, and chat leads range from “never going to buy anything” to “ready to give you my credit card info.”

    You need a way to gauge which leads are closer to “ready.” This is where lead scoring comes in.

    21 AI Use Cases For Turning Inbound Calls Into Marketing Data [+Prompts]Image created by CallTrackingMetrics, March 2024

    While there are lots of ways to score your conversations, you can use AI to sift through the transcription and qualify a lead for you.

    For call scoring, this often looks like a score of 1 to 5.

    So, here are a few examples of how AI can automatically score your leads from transcripts and chat logs.

    1. Readiness to Buy – The most classic approach to scoring is asking, “How likely is this lead to buy?” A score of 1 is unqualified, and a score of 5 is they’re already paying us.
    2. Ideal Customer Fit – Just like adding a target account tag above, train your AI on what a good customer looks like, and it can also give you a score. How closely does this caller fit your ideal profile?
    3. Coaching – Not everything has to be about the lead. Sometimes we want to grade our own team. How well did your sales team stick to the script? Were they friendly? Let AI roll it up into a score for you.
    4. Follow-up Priority – Aggregate readiness to buy, customer fit, and other inputs to decide on how aggressively to follow up with your leads.

    Can Generative AI Capture & Update Custom Fields From Phone Calls & Chat Logs?

    Your company is likely not the same as every other company using call tracking to get customer insights.

    You’ll want some flexibility to determine what’s important to you, not what your call-tracking provider has determined to be important.

    With custom fields, you get to put your creativity and strategy together with AI’s scalability to automate pretty much anything.

    21 AI Use Cases For Turning Inbound Calls Into Marketing Data [+Prompts]Image created by CallTrackingMetrics, March 2024

    AI can accurately assess and notate:

    1. Product Familiarity – You’ve tagged a call with a product name, but how much time do you need to spend educating the prospect vs. selling them?
    2. Related Products – What else could you be selling this person?
    3. Appointments – If your team runs on appointments or demos, having an AI add a calendar date to a custom field opens up a world of automated possibilities.
    4. Next Steps – Follow up with an email, a call, or an appointment confirmation text. Have AI pull the best next step from your conversation.

    19 – 21. How To Use Generative AI To Take Action On Automatically Updated Sales Contacts

    Ok, so there are some time-savings when you use call tracking and AI to update fields.

    If that’s not quite exciting enough, let’s see what you can actually do with those automated fields.

    21 AI Use Cases For Turning Inbound Calls Into Marketing Data [+Prompts]Image created by CallTrackingMetrics, March 2024

    19. Automate Advertising Optimization

    Use conversion data to inform your decisions.

    Throw AI into the mix, and you go from A to optimized without lifting a finger.


    The tags and fields your AI just updated become qualifiers to send only the signals that matter to your business over to platforms like Google Ads where their machine learning will go wild to find more of the same. Where you might have been stuck sending a simple conversion (like any call with talk time over 90 seconds) now you can send those conversions with a three or better score for readiness to buy, and a product tag.

    20. Better Personalization In Your CRM

    To kick things off, your AI automatically scraped the conversation for an email address, so now you can add a new contact to an email-centric tool like HubSpot immediately at the end of the conversation. H

    ave you updated product tags? Use that as a great trigger to enroll them in a highly relevant email drip.

    Feed your call scores and product tags into your CRM’s lead scoring system and add complexity to a usually surface-level approach. Or do something as easy as sync their company name to their record so you can personalize outreach.

    21. Following Up & Closing Deals

    You’re not having AI fill out custom fields for fun, you’re doing it to make your job easier.

    And one of your primary jobs is following up after a conversation to get someone closer to purchasing.

    Agreed on a time for your next meeting? Send that date field to your favorite scheduling tool and get a calendar invite in their inbox. Or maybe you had a softer “call me next week” agreement? Use that to send the caller to an outbound dialer that’s set to call as soon as you log in the next week.

    How To Use AI For Analyzing Calls

    Moving beyond data entry, when you give AI a call transcription to work with, it can pull out insights to help your team get better.

    In the time it would take you to read through one eight-minute phone conversation, AI has analyzed your whole day’s worth of calls and is off taking whatever the robot equivalent of a coffee break is.

    What can AI do to upgrade your conversation intelligence? Unfortunately, after 16 use cases, we’re bumping up against our word count and we’ll have to save that for part two: Another Ton of AI Use Cases for Call Tracking.

    Image Credits

    Featured Image: Image by CallTrackingMetrics Used with permission.

    Google Ads Checklist: 5 Ways To Audit & Optimize Your Campaigns To Boost Results

    This post was sponsored by That PPC Guy. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own.

    Google Ads campaigns not yielding the desired results?

    Want to turn things around, but don’t quite know where to start?

    Unsure of where your PPC campaign may have gone wrong?

    Google Ads can be a powerful tool to drive traffic, generate leads, and increase sales.

    However, managing your campaigns successfully can be a complicated task – especially as a small business owner competing for search visibility against the big spenders.

    Between proper audience targeting, conversion tracking, and keyword optimization, there’s a lot that goes into making a Google Ads campaign effective.

    So, if you’re going to invest your precious time and money, you might as well get the results you deserve.

    With that said, let’s explore how you can: 

    First, what should you avoid when creating Google Ads?

    5 Common Causes For Underperforming Google Ads

    Some of the most common issues encountered by small businesses using Google Ads are:

    1. Missing or incorrect audience targeting.
    2. Lack of proper conversion tracking setup.
    3. Irrelevant or poorly targeted search terms/keywords.
    4. Failure to establish negative keywords.
    5. No connection to Google Business pages.

    So, let’s dive into how you can fix each of these issues to improve your Google Ads campaigns.

    1. How To Improve Google Ads Audience Targeting

    One of the most common pitfalls in Google Ads campaigns is improper audience targeting, as many tend to ignore or neglect to select the bulk of their audience.

    It’s estimated that $37 Billion in marketing spend is wasted every year due to poor targeting and a lack of relevancy.

    This is why it’s important to optimize your audience targeting effectively by refining your settings to ensure they align with your campaign objectives and audience demographics.

    You can select and segment your audience based on:

    • Who they are.
    • Their interests and habits.
    • What they’re actively researching.
    • People who’ve already interacted with your ads or website, and may return.

    Google offers many in-market and affinity audiences to select from, and you can also add bid adjustments to emphasize the most relevant audiences.

    Another option is to build custom audience segments using URLs, customer lists, and keywords.

    The Easy Way: 

    While you focus on your favorite tasks that grow your business, That PPC Guy can build your custom audiences, using your customer data to get you in front of your ideal audience.

    2. How To Improve Future Conversions With Conversion Tracking

    Accurate conversion tracking is essential for determining your ROI and measuring the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns.

    If you don’t take the time to set up conversion tracking properly, you’ll miss out on valuable information about what makes your customers decide to convert.

    With Google Ads, you can track conversion actions such as web purchases and sign-ups, phone calls, app installs and in-app actions, local actions, and more.

    How To Import GA4 Conversions Into Google Ads

    Once you’ve set up conversions in Google Analytics 4, you can import them into Google Ads for reporting and bidding, using the following steps:

    1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
    2. In the top right, click Tools and Settings Google Ads | tools [Icon].
    3. Go to Measurement > Conversions.
    4. In the top left, click + New conversion action.
    5. Click Import, select Google Analytics 4 properties, then click Continue.
    6. Select each conversion event you want to import, then click Import and continue.
    7. Click Done.

    The Easy Way:

    That PPC Guy can audit your attribution and conversion tracking and give you a personalized strategy to increase your paid ad ROI.

    3. How To Focus On Keyword Relevance & Targeting

    The success of your Google Ads campaigns ultimately hinges on the relevance of your keywords.

    Irrelevant or poorly targeted search terms can lead to wasted ad spend and low-quality traffic.

    Which Keywords Are Irrelevant?

    If you’re choosing the “wrong” keywords to target in your campaigns, it usually means that the search terms or phrases you’re using don’t align with the products, services, or content offered on your website.

    For example, if you own a clothing store specializing in formal wear, targeting keywords related to casual or athletic wear would be irrelevant.

    And ultimately, these keywords won’t accurately reflect the intent of users or attract your desired audience.

    Making sure you target the right keywords helps ensure your ads are being shown to users who are interested in or actively searching for what you have to offer. 

    How To Find Relevant Keywords That Will Attract The Right Visitors

    First, you’ll want to conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant keywords that align with your campaign goals and audience intent.

    Then, you’ll want to make sure you’re refining your keyword lists regularly so they remain targeted and effective.

    Whether you use an exact keyword match or a broad match type, you should continually review to ensure you’re reaching the right audience.

    Or, you could try the easy way and let That PPC Guy do the keyword research for you, and then build out a campaign around your objectives and budget. Get started by outsourcing your Google Ads Management now.

    4. How To Manage Your Negative Keyword Lists

    Neglecting to establish negative keyword lists can result in your ads being displayed for irrelevant search queries, leading to wasted clicks and low conversion rates.

    As you set up your campaigns, you want to create these lists in order to prevent your ads from being triggered by certain search terms that are not relevant to your business or likely to attract clicks from your targeted users.

    A negative keyword list is an effective way to exclude specific categories of keywords across multiple campaigns or the entire account.

    However, sifting through individual negative keywords within a campaign or ad group can be quite time-consuming, much like identifying duplicate keywords.

    With negative keyword lists, you can organize certain keywords into groups and apply them to different campaigns with ease.

    To access this feature in Google Ads, navigate to Tools and Settings>> Shared Library >> Negative keyword lists.

    Creating and regularly updating a negative keyword list is an essential part of optimizing your campaigns and ensuring that your ads are reaching the right audience.

    The Easy Way: 

    That PPC Guy will take the time to identify and implement negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic and improve the overall performance of your campaigns.

    Learn more about how PPC management services can help your business.

    5. How To Integrate Your Google Business Profile

    Integrating your Google Business Profile with your Google Ads campaigns can not only enhance your local visibility but also improve the overall performance of your ads. 

    A Google Business Profile is a free tool that allows businesses to create and manage their online presence, providing essential information such as location, contact details, hours of operation, and customer reviews to help users find and connect with them on Google Search and Maps.

    You’ll want to make sure that your Google Business Profiles are properly connected to your ads and optimize them for local SEO in order to maximize your reach within your target market.

    With location assets from Google Business pages, your ads can display information such as your address, a map to your location, or the distance to your business to help people find your stores.

    People can then click or tap your location when shown with your final ad to get further details about your location on your location page, which includes the most relevant business information all in one place.

    For seamless integration with Google Business pages, try Google Ads management with That PPC Guy.

    Start Auditing & Optimizing Your Campaigns With That PPC Guy

    Optimizing your Google Ads campaigns requires proactive effort and attention to detail – not to mention a deep understanding of the platform and its nuances, which can be overwhelming for those without extensive experience.

    That’s where active campaign management resources like That PPC Guy come in, with expert advice and solutions to help you master Google Ads and grow your brand.

    By addressing common challenges such as audience targeting, conversion tracking, keyword relevance, negative keyword management, and Google Business page integration, you can optimize your campaigns for success.

    Schedule a discovery call with That PPC Guy and learn more about how to achieve your business goals through Google Ad management.

    Image Credits

    Featured Image: Image by That PPC Guy. Used with permission.

    2024 AI & SEO: Your 24-Expert Guide To Successful SERPs via @sejournal, @Conductor

    Most people working in SEO will tell you that we have just been through an exceptional period of change and rapid learning required.

    From the explosion of generative AI – first from ChatGPT and then Bard running to catch up.

    The Google updates that were unrelenting.

    And Universal Analytics finally being deprecated and switched off, with GA4 being a steep learning curve for anyone who wasn’t prepared in advance.

    In 2024, as the dust settles around the introduction of gen AI, the predominant focus is going to be embracing the new tools to help as an assistant for workflow and productivity. For those who don’t take the time to experiment with AI and learn how to write prompts, there is a real threat of being left behind.

    We don’t see AI replacing good quality writers or SEO, but we do see AI as an opportunity to enhance and augment what we already do.

    [SEO Trends 2024] Download the free ebook 

    What SEO Pros Should Focus On In 2024

    As SEO is all about collaboration and sharing knowledge, we turned to some of the best minds in the industry to get their thoughts on where the industry is going and what might happen next.

    1. Kevin Indig, Growth Advisor:

    If Google’s frenzied algorithm updates in 2023 have shown us one thing, it’s that the bar for content and domain quality has risen faster than we thought. In 2024, we need to find ways to scale the production of high-quality content and groom our content portfolio.

    The most obvious way is using AI, but we need to significantly increase the output quality and add human input. In some cases, AI might be the wrong content creator, but I think we underestimate how good it can really be.

    2. Pedro Dias, Technical SEO and Growth Advisor, Visively:

    This is a hard question to answer [What SEO pros should focus on in 2024]. Mostly because SEO is so driven by specific problems you need to solve at different levels of an online business. And every business may have different needs depending on the stage they’re in.

    But, if I really have to pick a common issue I see across the board, it’s not really related to SEO tactics, or any specific search feature, but related to how SEOs and businesses are often misaligned with their expectations from search.

    So, an actionable and practical take on this would mean that SEOs need to close the gap on what their businesses can expect from search and where they are in this path. Then, they need to communicate clearly what needs to be done and why – I’ve recently tweeted/posted on X (Twitter) about the issues around complex prioritization, and the lack of clarity around business-related problem-solving.

    I think a lot of SEOs don’t do this well enough – probably because they lack the strategic vision of what the product they work for should look like in a search ecosystem in 2023 – and so, they often hit walls and don’t get the support they’d need to move ahead.

    And it doesn’t matter how advanced or good you are at Python or AI, or how knowledgeable you are around specific search niches. If you can’t translate this to “business-related problem solving” speak, you’ll be stuck indefinitely.

    3. Eli Schwartz, Author Of “Product Led SEO” And Growth Advisor:

    With the launch of the generative experience, Google will now be taking the top of the funnel for itself, leaving SEO to the mid-funnel. To be fair, it isn’t really “taking” it; they are just answering what is essentially commoditized information.

    To date, Google has only delved into short answers when it could rely on structured data that was more than likely to be accurate.

    In this bucket would be topics such as population counts, sports scores, ticker symbols, heads of state, and all other kinds of results that we see today in knowledge graph answers.

    Generative results in search mean that SEO moves from the top of the funnel to mid-funnel:

    Instead of targeting keywords with the most search volume to hopefully peel off the maximum amount of clicks, SEO efforts will need to be more deliberate to target the right users with the right keywords.

    1. Make sure your content aligns with an actual buyer persona.
    2. Use modifiers on those head keywords you used to target, like “price,” “reviews,” and “features.”
    3. Lastly, write content that compares you to your competitors.

    4. Shelley Walsh, SEO Content Strategist at SEJ and ShellShock:

    With so much changing in SEO, now is the time to look at what is fundamental and never changes.

    One of the foundations of good marketing is to put the user first.

    Recently, it was revealed in Google’s antitrust lawsuit how user clicks are a factor that influences visibility. This highlights that Google does put emphasis on user signals. And why does Google do this – because they know that the user is central to everything.

    If you can understand that SEO is structured around making it as frictionless as possible for a user to do what you want them to – then you have the right mindset to build your strategy.

    This underlines technical SEO and it underlines creating content that has a reason to exist.

    If you understand how a website works, how a search engine works and how users behave online, then connecting the user to the action is common sense. It’s not complicated, but it is really hard to do this well.

    Focus on the cross-section of usability, conversion, technical excellence and high-quality content output.

    Generative AI tools are changing how the discipline of SEO will be applied, but they can’t change the fundamentals.

    Tools are tools and should be treated as such. They can never replace applied knowledge, experience and expertise.

    When everything is changing, hold on to what is timeless.

    5. Jamie Indigo, Senior Technical SEO Lead, DeepCrawl:

    Ecommerce SEOs need to look at how Google is changing their role in SERPs. The company no longer wants to be the search engine you use to find the sites with the products – they want to be where you shop for products.

    SERPs will continue to cut out category and product listing pages in favor of showing product results directly in SERPs.

    “Shop {categoryName}” is likely where your category and product listing page traffic has come from historically.  Now “Shop” queries (and many other transactional intent keywords) trigger SERPs powered by Shopping Graph.

    Everything from prices, product reviews, seller reviews, multiple images, and down to the last “Buy now click” can be facilitated without leaving Google.  Google is using their new Notes feature to cultivate UGC social proof and facilitate quicker conversions.

    Organic Shopping results (seen by filtering Search Appearance to Product Results) will continue to gain prominence.  This means SEOs need to be the Merchant Center and optimize their feeds.

    Some enhancements, like deals, can only be submitted with Free Feeds.  Google will continue leveraging feed fields like “Discounts” to create SERP shopping pages that show both organic and paid feed results where that information is available.

    Google will likely expand their learnings into other verticals as they refine and ⚡️syngerize⚡️

    6. Mordy Oberstein, Head Of SEO Brand At Wix:

    One of the interesting things I’ve seen is a huge surge in rank volatility circa Q3 of 2023 (per the Semrush data set). When you compare rank fluctuations to early in the year and even prior years, there is a clear divergence from the overall trends.

    You don’t need to be a data scientist to see this. In the span of four months (less really), we had the August 2023 Core Update, the September 2023 HCU, the October 2023 Link Spam Update, the October 2023 Core Update, the November 2023 Core Update, and then the November 2023 Reviews Update.

    The obvious question is: What role does AI play in this? Is AI content behind all of these rank fluctuations?

    Yes and no.

    The scenario reminds me of COVID. When COVID hit, rankings went berserk. Old queries had new intents, and new queries had to be understood and processed by the algorithm. What’s happening now reminds me of that. And I think part of the reason is AI, but I think it goes beyond AI.

    Look at some of the things Google has recently announced, from Notes [an experimental feature in Search Labs]  to saying they are trying to reward more content that rests on firsthand knowledge to the perspectives filter to even the additional “E” for experience in E-E-A-T.

    I’ve been on a soapbox about this for years: We don’t appreciate how fast content consumption trends change and how impactful those changes are. The web is undergoing a fundamental shift.

    Yes, a big part of that is AI-written content, which opens the floodgates. (I know Google has said they are not targeting AI content, just low-quality content. However, to quote Animal House, “What’s the difference?”)

    But a lot of that is just how fast content trends are changing. The proof is in the announcements I just mentioned and the theme you see within them. Namely, a focus on information that rests on actual experience and people – not just brands or authors who seemingly only exist in the ethers of the internet.

    So what should SEOs focus on in 2024?

    Not AI. Not SGE – content trends.

    The advent of AI has reignited the conversation around what content users want, how they want to consume it, and how skeptical they are about it (I will tell you this is very much part of the conversation I have with my team at Wix when we create content). To the latter point, the more specific, nuanced, and targeted the content is – the more the consumer will trust it.

    Google knows this. And while it has focused on the great AI race to nowhere, I think seeing any lack of growth in Bing’s market share will be taken as a strong signal that AI is not what the user ultimately wants (although it’s probably what the shareholders want, so don’t expect it go anywhere).

    Increased topical parsing, increased relevancy, and increased quality (which, for these purposes, I am going to define qua the content’s ability to offer an authentic experience) will circle back around to coming into Google’s primary focus.

    Simply, Google, as it usually is (I say usually to factor in the AI wars), is focused on emerging user trends and consumption preferences.

    In 2024, I think SEOs should take a step out of the algorithmic bubble and start looking at the content trends that Google themselves are focused on.

    7. Katie Morton, Senior Managing Growth Editor, Search Engine Journal

    Adaptability and evolving strategy are essential in 2024 and beyond.

    With the release of AI, the one thing we can all predict from now until the end of time is exponentially faster technological innovation. This will result in near-constant changes in how we think about and work in an SEO industry that will be marked by—dare I say—upheaval.

    While 2023 was stunning in the number of major algorithm updates by Google, we haven’t seen anything yet. SEO pros need to get used to the one-two-punch of constant algorithm updates.

    To stay competitive in SERPs, SEO pros and content strategists need to embrace a strategy that involves the creation and optimization of multimodal content—that is, content that includes video, audio, and images, as well as text.

    The ability to optimize multimedia content to stay competitive in SERPs will soon dominate the SEO landscape in a big way.

    As AI evolves to improve its ability to create content, it makes sense that Google’s own algorithmic AI improves right alongside these developments.

    With AI’s growing capability of understanding audio, video, and images, Google’s algorithm will get better at accurately indexing and serving multimedia content. This will add competitive pressure to SEOs who are stuck in a text-only content environment.

    Helpful content is king. Google has made it clear that, when it comes to content, helpfulness is more important than ever. Users are increasingly listening to and watching content, and marketers are finding that use of video increases sales.

    With the helpfulness of multimodal content, along with Google’s increasing ability to understand video, audio, and images, it stands to reason that multimedia content will begin to play a bigger part in SERPs in 2024.

    Google recently announced its multimodal AI model, Gemini:

    “Gemini is built from the ground up for multimodality — reasoning seamlessly across text, images, video, audio, and code.”

    Google promises integration of Gemini in Search, Ads, Chrome, and Duet AI.

    Using prompts, Gemini can generate code, and text and images combined. It can also understand, reason and offer insights into vast amounts of data and multimodal inputs.

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    While Google’s launch demo caught flak for being contrived as opposed to an authentic demo, I think that’s a minor point. Gemini is touted as being a significant advancement in large language models (LLMs) and MMLU (massive multitask language understanding).

    After its full release, beginning with Gemini Pro on December 13, 2023 and additional version releases staggered in the coming months in 2024, we will have to wait and see whether Gemini lives up to the hype.

    It’s likely Gemini’s reputation will remain in flux as it’s benchmarked against the advancements of competitors, and as the AI model continues to learn, and learn faster in the wake of its public deployment.

    As if that’s not enough to keep you busy, it will also be key to business success to deepen your symbiotic relationships with marketing, sales, and your product and web development teams.

    In the face of ongoing economic challenges, Return on Investment (ROI) is mission-critical. The best SEO pros have business strategy on lock. They have a deep understanding of various revenue streams feeding the different business units they serve, and how to attract those customers organically for maximum revenue generation.

    It will be more important than ever for SEO pros to work closely with marketing, sales, product managers, and web developers to capture highly-qualified leads. User Experience (UX), content design, and conversion rate optimization (CRO) will be key to capturing the traffic SEO pros bring to business websites and platforms.

    The coming harsh economic realities of 2024 will necessitate a holistic approach to digital strategy—to ensure traffic is not only driven to the website, but also converted into meaningful leads, revenue, and business growth.

    In 2024 and beyond, the only constant in SEO will be change. The continual development, training, and integration of AI into the SEO industry; plus, changes in how we create content and what makes it “helpful” in Google’s eyes; and increased economic vulnerability on a global scale will all demand adaptability and strategic foresight.

    8. Motoko Hunt, President, International Search Marketing:

    As SEO professionals, we tend to focus on the search engine algorithms and rankings/visibilities.

    In 2024, I wish more SEOs would pay attention to clients’ business goals and provide the SEO recommendations that help them achieve their goals. It’s one thing to send a list of 100 action items, but it won’t help them unless the items are implemented.

    Oftentimes, the delay with the implementation is not that they are not interested in fixing the issues. Each company has different processes, resources, budgets, etc., as well as higher priority items. Try to understand how a client’s SEO/IT/Content processes are set up and how they operate.

    If you can prioritize the action items in smaller batches, it usually gets fixed gradually. Things move even quicker if you can create a business case of how a company can benefit from fixing each issue.

    We SEOs live deeply in the SEO world, but our clients are not SEO experts. The people who need to discuss (negotiate) the SEO fixes are definitely not SEO experts. By breaking your recommendations down into smaller action items, it’s easier for them to understand what they need to do.

    We are in a good time when most businesses understand the importance of SEO. There’s no need to convince them about SEO. At the same time, there are millions of SEOs out there to choose from.

    Besides the SEO skills, how you work with clients could separate you from other SEOs in 2024.

    9. Suganthan Mohanadasan, Co-founder and product lead, Snippet Digital:

    SEO experts should pay attention to changes in how people search online, especially when it comes to new demographics like millennials. It’s worth noting that not everyone relies solely on Google for their online searches anymore.

    Social media platforms have become significant search engines for many people, particularly when they’re looking for information about experiences like travel, holidays, or the latest trends.

    On the other hand, topics related to medical and financial matters still tend to be searched for on Google. So, it’s important to figure out where your target audience is searching and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

    This might mean creating content specifically for certain social media platforms or adapting and sharing existing content in the right channels to connect with your audience effectively.

    10. Duane Forrester, VP, Industry Insights, Yext:

    I have been doing SEO since 1998, so I’m basing my opinions here on an entire career’s worth of knowledge, learnings, and insights. It’s a constantly evolving space, which makes it challenging to get these predictions right, but always fun to try.

    In November of 2022, OpenAI launched ChatGPT broadly. It’s safe to say that at that point, most of us didn’t fully grasp the changes it would bring in such a short time. Yet, we’ve adapted, and I expect more adaptation through 2024.

    One key area people will need to focus on and get right is structured data. With the advent of generative AI-powered systems, more and more crawlers are scouring data to feed systems where consumers are turning for answers.

    That structured data helps ALL systems better understand content. It’s not just a “Google Thing,” so skipping this, or lagging behind, opens a gap that competitors can move through. Close the door, get it done.

    Tight on the heels of this, I expect we’re going to see an entirely new understanding of what it means to be “useful” when it comes to content and customer journeys. Sure, the search engines have been talking to us for years about the importance of “being useful,” but SEO teams still focus on keyword research, producing pages that fill content gaps, and getting it all published.

    And while those should remain part of a robust SEO program, teams need to add customer listening, sentiment extraction, and intent understanding into the mix, as well. Keyword research equalling content is an old playbook and one being eclipsed by businesses that effectively listen to customers and give them exactly what they’re looking for.

    One prediction close to my heart is that marketing, content, and SEO teams will realize the need for closer collaboration with all teams and put systems into place to break down the silos that have historically existed across these groups. The SEO program needs to understand what’s happening in the social spaces.

    Paid needs to share precisely what is and isn’t converting so that SEO can refine strategies with relevant content. There are many more examples, but I’m hopeful that 2024 is the year we start to see this change truly take root in businesses. 2024 is the year of meaningful, cross-team conversations: buy the pizza, invite your teammates, and align on shared goals.

    Ending on an AI-related note, I’m predicting that 2024 will be the year when personal agents begin to be widely adopted, reaching a scale of use that has real implications.

    We’re on the cusp of a new era in search technology that will be built on a foundation of user confidence in platforms that not only secure their personal information but also take direction from personalized search tools.

    These tools, be they virtual characters or GPT-style programs, will conduct searches as effectively as users themselves – and as they become more mainstream, businesses will need to pivot, focusing on structured data and user value to stay relevant.

    11. Dan Taylor, Partner & Head of Technical SEO,

    Google’s efforts to surface “hidden gems” in search is going to be something we have to factor into how we structure and portray our webpage’s value propositions and beneficial purposes.

    In my opinion, this effort to surface “authentic content” is also, in part, why Reddit has seen such an increase in search visibility – because despite our opinions on how useful or “quality” a lot of content is on the platform, it’s definitely authentic, genuine, and full of first-hand knowledge. This could also be an initial “over-correction”

    Doing this scalably across large websites will be a challenge. Still, it is achievable – and one way to develop this within any organization is to leverage content with your evangelists and create “we experience content.”

    For ecommerce businesses, this can be as simple as identifying your most loyal customers (sales, lifetime value) and reaching out to engage them in producing content either at a specific product or category level, or content for the wider brand.

    This content can add value to product listing pages (PLPs) and product description pages (PDPs), giving them a unique proposition to other brands with the same generic, optimized ecommerce landing pages.

    SaaS companies can do this through community-led content by facilitating product and tangential topic conversations in their own environment, taking them away from third-party forums that open the door for competitors to engage.

    12. Navah Hopkins, Optmyzr:

    This might seem really simple and basic, but there are still folks who don’t have a solid UTM strategy and cookie consent baked into their marketing operations. This is going to come back to bite folks as the privacy first web gets stricter on what can be tracked.

    The reason why both cookie consent and UTM parameters are important is attribution is constantly shifting, and if you don’t have a solid UTM strategy, odds are there will be misattributed traffic.

    Additionally, with the depreciation of some tracking IDs (like the gclid and fbclid), having a uniform UTM system will ensure PPC and SEO can exist side by side without reporting anomalies. Make sure that naming schemes are the same throughout your organization.

    Cookie consent has been a critical item for the EU for years and some parts of the US. In 2024, this is expanding to other US states, and so folks who put it on the back burner or didn’t want to risk visibility now will be playing catch-up.

    Cookie consent doesn’t need to be complicated, and you don’t need to make it obtrusive. You do need to make it an opt-in conversation, as well as let folks have the option to select which cookies they’re willing to let you track.

    13. Ross Tavendale, Managing Director, Type A:

    In 2024, SEOs should be getting to grips with AI. Not as something to create content or to do all your work for you, but as a gateway to massive amounts of computing power that your laptops and even virtual desktops have never seen.

    In 2024, SEOs should be zooming out of their campaigns and thinking about deliverables as ‘input databases’ and understanding how they are all connected.

    For example, a technical audit is an input database, GSC is an input database, and content gaps are an input database, all joined together with a simple joining key – the URL.

    With this in mind, we should be examining how we interact with these deliverables and what outputs we are looking to achieve and use data explorer in GPT to merge, clean, and wrangle this data together.

    We should also be thinking about how we can turn John Mueller and Matt Cutts into robots. Getting creative by downloading the transcripts of everything they have ever written and creating a custom GPT bot that can answer your SEO questions for you based on 10 years of their videos, podcasts, and articles.

    14. Gianluca Fiorelli, International And Strategic SEO Consultant:

    Concentrate on analyzing the search journeys… Using Google as a tool.

    We live in the era of Messy Middle; the search results pages bloated with search features and the related increase of the so-called “0 click SERP” are the consequence of how Google is dealing with the Messy Middle.

    Therefore, it is even more important now to understand what could be the potential search journey path a person may take starting from an initial “germinal” query.

    We can conduct this research with the help of focus groups and audience analyses. However, while this is correct and should not be quit as a procedure to follow, it misses one important thing: what we discover may not necessarily align with what Google thinks the same audience may search for.

    So, how can we see the search journeys Google considers the most probable?

    Looking at a search feature that has existed practically since the beginning of Google and that has been updated this year: the search menu, which now presents Filters and Topics (see here).

    Ok, but how can we use them?

    We can use them as a sort of People Also Ask for search journeys. If we can use People Also Ask as a way to discover potential topics for the creation of informational content hubs, we can do something similar with the Topics presented in the Search Menu.

    Example: “Painting Warhammer minis” because you are passionate about the Games Workshop game, have a website, and want to be the most visible possible on Google.

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    The topics Google presents to us are:

    • 40K.
    • For Beginners.
    • Guide PDF.
    • For money.
    • Guide book.
    • Service.

    If we click on them, we are directed to a new SERP showing us the results of the corresponding rewritten query search:

    • Painting Warhammer minis 40k.
    • Painting Warhammer minis for beginners.
    • Warhammer painting guide PDF.
    • Painting Warhammer miniatures for money.
    • Warhammer 40k painting guide Book.
    • Warhammer miniatures painting service.

    We already have great insights about three potential search journeys:

    • Practical guides about how to paint Warhammer minis: 1) per type of Warhammer game (40K, but it could also be Age of Sigmar or Blood Bowl or any other game). 2) per level (beginners but also medium and advanced painters).
    • Painting guides, both as downloadable PDFs (for us, this could be a lead generation goal) and books (affiliate? It could be).
    • Warhammer painting marketplace (“painting Warhammer miniatures for money” and “Warhammer miniatures painting service”), which could be our real source of revenue if we want to create a business around the passion and the fans of Warhammer.

    This is just a little example of the insights we can think about the potential search journeys our users may take inside Google, during which we should always be visible.

    We could – as we can with People Also Ask – dig further by clicking the Topics of the Topics we have just seen above. And they are there, hidden in plain sight.

    15. Jono Alderson, Independent Technical SEO Consultant:

    As ever, SEO seems to be going through an existential and identity crisis. It’s clear that Google (and others) are continuing to reinvent what a “search” is, and they’re continuing to change the relationship between searches and publishers in the process.

    As the internet fills up with near-infinite amounts of derivative, generated content (thanks, SEO industry), Google is understandably becoming pickier about what they ingest and what they return to users.

    So it’s no longer enough to produce content, get links, and have a strong technical foundation; that’s not even going to get you indexed in many verticals. And if you do get indexed, there’s no guarantee that your content will turn up on any of Google’s surfaces or send any traffic to your website.

    So, what do we do, as a discipline that is fundamentally one that produces content (which Google no longer wants or needs), chases coverage (as the traditional PR industry out-performs us as the role of websites and links diminishes), and improves websites (which play an increasingly passive role in Search)?

    I think there are a few practical things we can do.

    We can evaluate our content marketing machines with a critical eye (and surveying and feedback tools) to validate that they’re actually designed to help audiences, and not just to try to sell to solution-aware buyers.

    We can invest our link-building budgets in training our call center staff, reviewing our user experience, and improving our accessibility.

    We can make sure that our senior execs are media trained, on hand to give interviews and quotes to the media, and that they’re producing short-form video that shares and showcases their expertise.

    We can give away our best resources for free to win hearts and minds higher up the funnel.

    We can choose to stop being a discipline whose job is to produce content, get links, and improve websites. We can be an industry that improves how helpful businesses are to their audiences, using a breadth of domain expertise that no other industry can compare with.

    16. Sherry Bonelli, Owner Of Early Bird Digital Marketing:

    In 2024, SEOs need to forget about writing “SEO-optimized” content and instead focus on writing helpful content for their readers if they want to rank high on Google. With Google’s Helpful Content System, Google has made it clear that they will reward content that is written for the end user – not content written for search engines.

    Google’s Helpful Content System generates a signal used by their automated ranking systems to better ensure people see original, helpful content written for people in search results.

    This means that SEOs need to think differently about how they write and optimize content.

    First, you must think about the questions that your customers are asking about the products or services you offer and then write authoritative and informative content around those topics. Forget about focusing on keywords and instead focus on answering the questions people have about the topic.

    Try to answer the specific questions about the topic as early as possible in the content – don’t write long, flowery paragraphs just to try and get more words into your content. Get to the point and answer the questions.

    Also, be sure to add unique content – like research you’ve done, case studies, surveys, a unique perspective from the author, or some other exclusive content that isn’t found in all the other content about the topic. (That means you need to really evaluate competing pages!)

    Think about what will make your content stand out among all the other content about the same subject. What does your content have to offer that’s different?

    Ensure that the author is writing from experience and that the writer’s experience is clearly demonstrated in the content. Google is looking for expert perspectives from people with true experience about the subject matter – so make sure that the experience is evident in the content.

    For example, would you trust content written by a certified LEED Green Associate or someone who is just passionate about using recycled materials to build a building? Which one has more authority and expertise? Google would see the LEED Green Associate as having more authority and expertise if the content is written correctly.

    Next, ensure that you are building “writing authorities” at your company – people who are recognized as experts who are knowledgeable about the topics they are writing about.

    This needed expertise falls in line with E-E-A-T (Expertise, Experience, Authority, and Trust), which is discussed at length in the newly updated Quality Raters Guidelines (which every SEO should become familiar with).

    You can do this by having your writers write guest blog posts on leading industry websites, give webinars, speak at events and conferences, be expert panelists, guests on podcasts, etc. Be sure and promote all these things on the author’s bio page on your website and include backlinks to the articles, webinars, podcasts, etc.

    Once you have a solid, helpful piece of content written for the reader, then you can optimize the headers, alt tags, title, and description tags — and do the rest of the SEO basics.

    In 2024, content is going to be all about the end user. Get started writing helpful content today.

    17. Alli Berry, SEO & Content Consultant:

    Heading into 2024, I would recommend being dialed into the ongoing antitrust lawsuit against Google and any future lawsuits ahead. It seems likely that this is only the beginning for Google and other big tech companies.

    Thanks to the Department of Justice (DOJ), we’ve learned a lot of juicy information about Google’s algorithm, relevant to anyone working in SEO.

    For example:

    We’ve learned that there are three pillars of rank: on-page (what the document says about itself), links + anchors (what the web says about the document), and user interactions (what users say about the document).

    While we have known about on-page and links + anchors for years, the user interactions part has been more of a mystery. In the past, Google has denied using things like click data for rank.

    But we’ve now learned that Google is measuring user interactions in four ways:

    1. Hover/mouse movement.
    2. Clicks.
    3. Scrolls.
    4. Whether the user enters a new query.

    While some of the documents revealed with this information are from 2016, we now know how Google has been using click data, and based on some of the information they’ve redacted, they likely still are.

    This is actual proof that your metadata needs to do more than contain the right keywords. It should show immediate value to the user, be informative (and compelling), and establish trust to get those clicks. And once you’ve got the click, you need to retain the searcher with content that meets those criteria as well.

    Nothing we didn’t necessarily think before – but now we know.

    We all should be tuning in to see what else we learn in 2024 from this case.

    You can keep tabs on trial documents here.

    18. Cyrus Shephard, Founder and Head of Strategy at Zyppy SEO:

    So, I hate to say it, but in light of evidence pouring out of the US vs. Google antitrust trial, it’s become surprisingly clear how much Google relies on user behavior data to shape actual web rankings.

    For years, Google has told SEOs to “focus on the user,” but we never understood the secret reason that was true: rankings wholly rely on user behavior via clicks, scrolls, additional searches, and more.

    What does focusing on the user mean besides the typical empty platitudes? For most, it starts with having a title, description, and favicon that users want to click above all others. But it’s more than that. It showcases a navigation that highlights your Expertise, Authority, and Trust.

    Working as a Google Quality Rater, I only have a short time to evaluate each page, and so do users. Is your subject matter expertise clearly obvious on the page? Or do users need to click and hunt it out? Does your logo clearly communicate what you do?

    Google can’t likely read your logo, but users can, and Google can read users. Likewise, if you label your blog “Blog” in your navigation, how about labeling it something to show your expertise, such as “Protein Research,” “Tennis News,” or “Coffee Blog.”

    Finally, make sure to answer users’ questions as quickly and directly as possible. Google is very good at figuring out when a user is satisfied. These may sound like tired and trite pieces of advice, but we are starting to learn there is a lot of real Google science behind it.

    19. Dixon Jones, CEO, Inlinks:

    Find a Data Layer of your own!

    It is clear that AI is going to make big inroads. We can fight it, but I think that is a bit like burning books or banning the printing press. It is coming anyway, which will herald a new dawn of what may largely be regurgitated junk.

    If you have some unique data of your own, then you may be able to leverage this to be one step ahead of the pack.

    A great example might be some statistical data of your own. This can be used to generate interesting takes and analyses.

    The AI can still help you quickly interpret the data, but if the data is yours and yours alone, then you get something unique and, hopefully, something that people want. Something helpful.

    20. Fabrice Canel, Principal Product Manager – Microsoft Bing:

    Take control of your SEO game with real-time indexing by adopting IndexNow.

    IndexNow is the free protocol empowering websites to take control of their own content indexing instead of depending on unpredictable traditional crawl methods. With a simple ping, websites can now update multiple search engines with their content changes as soon as they happen.

    Whether you’re adding, updating, or deleting content, search engines quickly reflect your changes in their search results – giving consumers access to the most relevant information on your website at the time of search.

    With rapid ongoing expansion, by 2024, more than 10 search engines are expected to support it, and hundreds of millions of websites will support it.

    21. Martha van Berkel, Schema App:

    2024 is a year where the value of Schema Markup will go beyond just rich results. Its semantic value will determine how your marketing content is understood by search engines and other AI or Large Language Model (LLM) driven services that seek to provide answers to your customers.

    This change will require SEOs to shift from optimizing pages to translating their brand story into the language of machines – They will do this by building a content knowledge graph using Schema Markup.

    Your content knowledge graph will help AI and search engines understand the relationships between entities on your site and provide your organization with a control point to ensure your content and brand are understood as you intended.

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    As humans, we aren’t just reading the words when we read content. We’re relating concepts to our experiences and existing knowledge.

    For example, the mention of chocolate makes us think of our favorite chocolate bar or reminds us of our childhood experiences. A story about ranking change reminds us of the emotions and learnings we experienced when we won or lost the SEO game.

    How the machines’ neural brains work is not so different from ours. AI LLMs are reading content and making meaningful connections across words, topics, and entities to determine what content will evoke emotion, satisfaction, or a click for its human customers.

    In 2024, SEOs can use schema markup to build meaningful connections in the data to connect and delight current and future customers.

    There is no doubt that SEO is changing more rapidly than at any other time in the 25 year history of the industry.

    The challenge for SEO professionals that have been in SEO for more than five years is that they are having to adapt and learn new skills of leveraging AI tools. The edge they have is understanding how search has evolved helps them to look more holistically and bring a deeper knowledge to problem solving.

    For those just entering the industry, now is an exciting time and they will be more native at creating prompts and embracing new technology. However, understanding the fundamentals is still essential to be able to know how and when you can use tools.

    Experience is still critical, because a tool can never be a replacement for knowledge.

    More resources: 

    Featured Image: Fit Ztudio/Shutterstock 

    An SEO Expert’s Playbook To Optimizing Websites For E-E-A-T via @sejournal, @fiverr

    This post was sponsored by Fiverr Pro. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own.

    It’s been over a year since Google added “experience” to its search quality rater E-A-T guidelines, transforming it into E-E-A-T.

    However, many websites still struggle to establish a digital presence that follows these rules.

    While most assume that optimizing for E-E-A-T is as simple as adding an author bio on their website, that’s not true.

    Let’s look at what E-E-A-T entails and what SEO experts say about meeting these requirements.

    A Quick Recap Of E-E-A-T & Its Relevance In 2024

    Every year, Google releases an algorithm update to improve its algorithm’s capabilities in surfacing good content.

    The most recent algorithm update was in December 2022, where Google’s search quality rater guidelines were modified to reflect the following:

    • Experience (E): Indicates whether the author and website owner have the real-life experience to offer advice or commentary on a topic.
    • Expertise (E): Indicates if the author has the necessary education, credentials, or market presence to speak on the topic.
    • Authority (A): Assessment of the author’s and website’s authoritativeness – usually measured through industry-wide recognition, backlink quality, and signals of reputation (awards, citations, recommendations).
    • Trustworthiness (T): Indicates if you offer a trustworthy website experience to your users. It combines the E-E-A part of the equation with the end-user experience to determine quality.
    e-e-a-tImage from Fiverr Pro, January 2024

    Trustworthiness is considered the horizontal bar that nests the other elements.

    Taylor Scher, an SEO consultant, explains that people take the T element too seriously – creating a contradictory effect.

    “It’s a tale as old as time in SEO, but you shouldn’t hurt your website’s UX in favor of SEO.

    E-E-A-T is based around page experience and displaying trustworthiness anyway, so it’s a mistake to go in with the mindset of improving it and not thinking about how to do all this while providing a better experience to your readers/website visitors.”

    Let’s say you’re offering advice on YMYL topics (Your Money or Your Life) like “How to treat cold at home.”

    From an on-page SEO standpoint, you might have an author bio and a high domain rating.

    However, from a technical SEO and user experience standpoint, the lack of SSH encryption on the website could create a subpar experience. Users might think it’s a duplicate of another medical website.

    It’s a combination of these four elements that enable your success. This is why even non-YMYL sites have to up their game to stay relevant in the SERPs.

    An SEO Expert’s Playbook To Optimizing Websites For E-E-A-TImage created by Fiverr Pro, February 2024

    7 Strategies For Optimizing Websites For E-E-A-T

    Optimizing for E-E-A-T requires a complete audit of technical SEO and other tactics.

    Here’s what you need to optimize:

    1. Create An Author Bio & Editor Schema For Each Article

    A well-written author bio does two things:

    1. Shows personal experience.
    2. Establishes the author’s expertise.

    Think about it this way. Would you like to go to a finance website and see if it’s written by the company’s team or a PhD in Corporate Finance?

    That said, your authors don’t need a PhD, but rather a modicum of success in the industry.

    How To Create An Authoritative Author Bio

    Showcase your author’s credibility by adding their:

    • Years of experience.
    • Areas of focus.
    • Education (if applicable).
    • Professional accomplishments.
    • Social media/website links.

    Add schema markup for editors and reviewers, even in non-YMYL industries like SaaS and renewable energy.

    It goes a long way in showing the editorial integrity of your brand.

    It also sends trust signals to Google’s quality raters, even though author bylines are not a ranking factor.

    Pro Tip: Hire experienced freelance SEO experts to build this in your CMS’s backend.

    2. Don’t Forget To State The Obvious

    “Wirecutter does an incredible job at stating the obvious: each of their product reviews typically begins with a short paragraph describing the lengths they went to to produce the review,” says Jamie Sutton, Marketing Lead at HeadshotPro.

    In Wirecutter’s example, they explain how they tested each one and their differences.

    They also cite their sources for each interview and bedding example, adding trust in the product.

    An SEO Expert’s Playbook To Optimizing Websites For E-E-A-TScreenshot from Wirecutter, January 2024

    Similarly, you can explain your review process, criteria for data selection, or expert invitation.

    3. Source Expertise To Improve Your Reputation

    Internal expertise is not always easy to come by. That doesn’t mean you can’t look beyond your own company.

    This is especially true if you’re a newer brand still working on improving your E-E-A-T.

    Collaborate with industry experts and ask them to contribute when possible.

    Here’s how you can do that:

    • Send quote requests via HARO, Help a B2B Writer, Qwoted, etc.
    • Participate in LinkedIn or Facebook groups.
    • Invite thought leaders for an interview.
    • Ask subject matter experts to contribute a guest post.
    • Source insights from podcasts or webinars (with attribution).

    Alternatively, you can pitch your brand and internal experts to get featured.

    4. Write High-Quality Content With Attribution

    Content lies at the center of it all.

    The better the content quality, the better your reputation (with users and search raters).

    Even Google has published clear-cut guidelines around this:

    “People-first content means content created primarily for people, not to manipulate search engine rankings. We recommend that you focus on creating people-first content to be successful with Google Search rather than search engine-first content made primarily to gain search engine rankings. (Google)”

    So, create helpful content that has depth – not breadth.

    With artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT raising the bar for the bare minimum, you need to go above and beyond with your content.

    Here are a few best practices to keep in mind:

    • Stick to core topics relevant to your business.
    • Collaborate with other experts or companies.
    • Develop topic clusters that indicate your authority.
    • Avoid surface-level insights that even SGE can provide.
    • Distribute content on other channels to provide external signals.
    • Conduct regular content audits to identify gaps & refreshing opportunities.

    Google’s algorithm prefers fresh content — published recently.

    An SEO Expert’s Playbook To Optimizing Websites For E-E-A-TScreenshot from search for [productivity management], January 2024

    Additionally, cite your sources. Google’s algorithm monitors inbound and outbound links. So, cite and link to high-authority websites in your industry.

    For instance, Medical News Today cites scientific journals like The Lancet in every piece.

    An SEO Expert’s Playbook To Optimizing Websites For E-E-A-TImage from Fiverr Pro, January 2024

    5. Build Backlinks From Relevant Websites

    It’s 2024, and backlinks are still relevant.

    A Backlinko study analyzed 11.8 million search results and found that top-ranking web pages have more backlinks than lower-ranking ones.

    But there are two things to remember:

    1. The number of referring domains.
    2. Backlink quality.

    The links should come from relevant websites. For instance, ecommerce fashion websites should get links from fashion and clothing publications.

    Also, create valuable content that acts as link magnets.

    Anurag Surya, SEO specialist at Freshworks, explains that he uses research articles to do this.

    “I’d invest in creating industry-research articles that’ll have metrics based on primary research. No other websites would have these numbers, which means anyone searching for them would visit my page and hopefully link to it.”

    So, build links, but build them strategically.

    Pro Tip: Work with experienced link builders who can identify such opportunities for your brand.

    An SEO Expert’s Playbook To Optimizing Websites For E-E-A-TImage from Fiverr Pro, January 2024

    6. Focus On Your Online Brand Reputation

    Audit your brand’s presence online.

    Survey your customers, monitor incoming reviews, and observe public forums. These are common sources for getting feedback and understanding how people view your brand.

    You can also use tools like UserTesting or Maze to determine if users actually consider your site trustworthy. Display social proof to appear credible in the eyes of users.

    Add social proof not just from users but industry publications too.

    Also, respond to good and bad reviews pleasantly. It’ll improve brand perception over time.

    Ultimately, the better the brand perception, the better your overall authority.

    7. Attract & Use More User-Generated Content (UGC)

    User-generated content is an excellent way to increase your website’s E-E-A-T.

    Why? Because an unsolicited or unpaid review does the heavy lifting for your brand’s perception.

    Examples of UGC include:

    • Case studies.
    • Forum posts.
    • Public comments.
    • Ratings & reviews.
    • Videos on social media.
    • Personal blog posts.

    Google’s crawlers can access social sites like Reddit and Quora. Make sure your reputation has a positive feel to it.

    It gives you much-needed social proof and tells Google your site is a trusted resource.

    An SEO Expert’s Playbook To Optimizing Websites For E-E-A-TImage from Fiverr Pro, January 2024

    It’s Your Time To Become Relevant

    Optimizing your website for E-E-A-T requires a strategic approach.

    The process can be a massive undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be. Consider outsourcing your operations to SEO experts who monitor these changes and adapt to secure their search rankings.

    Ultimately, it’s a strategic decision that brings you one step closer to improving your website’s E-E-A-T.

    Image Credits

    Featured Image: Image by Fiverr Pro. Used with permission.

    In-Post Images: Images sourced by Fiverr Pro. Used with Permission

    Top 3 SEO Checklists For On-Page & Technical SEO In 2024 via @sejournal, @WixStudio

    This post was sponsored by Wix. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own.

    In the last 18 months, conversations about SEO have been dominated by artificial intelligence.

    New ways of working and new user journeys for search visitors have come to the forefront.

    In 2024, we can clearly see that there’s a great mix of “old hat” and “new hat” SEO best practices that you can start implementing right now.

    To help you keep up with the current SEO best practices, we’ve created a series of:

    Why Use SEO Checklists?

    Doing SEO is often a bit like conducting a symphony.

    There are lots of SEO activities, big and small, taking place across each website, and each SEO task, whether it be on-page or technical, contributes to the larger success of your website.

    Just as a conductor has their sheet music, the best consultants and agencies use SEO checklists, templates, cheat sheets, and other project management documents to make sure everything is on track.

    The medium of the SEO checklist has evolved from being as simple as a few items scribbled on the back of an envelope to something as complex as a dynamically generated interface within your CMS, offering AI functionality and integration with your favorite tools.

    This versatility means that they can be reworked to suit most requirements.

    In the sake of versatility, here are three, high-level types of SEO checklists that can help you elevate your brand’s website.

    1. SEO Checklists On Shared Documents

    If you’ve been in the industry for a while, you’re probably familiar with using a spreadsheet to keep track of SEO progress.

    Now, we’re living in the fast lane, with the ability to leverage shared SEO. Easily transferrable, this can be as complex or simple as required.

    Downloadable SEO checklists & templatesImage created by Wix, February 2024

    2. Dynamic, Real-Time SEO Checklists

    Fast forward to a next-generation SEO checklist: The Dynamic SEO Checklist.

    A dynamic SEO checklist responds to updates in content in real-time.

    This means that anytime a change is made to your website, you get a series of next steps to execute to make your content rank.

    Examples Of Real-Time SEO Checklists

    Site-level SEO Assistant is one new example of a real-time checklist.

    This type of checklist is built directly into your CMS and includes entry points and integrations that allow users to complete tasks in the list.

    From setting indexability to connecting to Google Search Console, you can complete important tasks from within the list itself.

    With intelligent recommendations and the ability to skip tasks as necessary, this kind of checklist works in tandem with your website.

    Built-in functionality like this can help you save time and get the most out of a CMS.

    Top 3 SEO Checklists For On-Page & Technical SEO In 2024Experience created by Wix, Feburary 2024

    3. AI-Powered SEO Checklists

    With the assistance of AI, you can get a dynamically generated checklist to help you execute your SEO workload.

    Plus, this type of list can also help you carry out within the list itself, simply by using AI inputs.

    For instance, the checklist in the Wix SEO Assistant uses a keyword prompt to create AI meta descriptions and title tags for a page.

    Once these are generated, you can add and tick them off your list, right in the CMS.

    Top 3 SEO Checklists For On-Page & Technical SEO In 2024Experience created by Wix, February 2024

    Looking at user data, we see that the addition of AI to a checklist can increase usability significantly.

    How To Properly Use An SEO Checklist For Success

    If you aren’t already using an SEO checklist to manage your workload, we urge you to try any of the above styles of checklist.

    Increase Your Agency’s Profitability

    If you’re an agency owner or account manager, checklists are particularly efficient because they can be reused and adapted for each client.

    This can save time on research and development (R&D) and become part of the corpus of resources you make available to clients and staff.

    Checklists for SEO tasks can also assist with more efficient onboarding for new clients and projects, and help you expand your offering and improve client satisfaction.

    When managing clients, tools like the Wix Studio Client Kit mean that account managers can upload client checklists, templates, and even video tutorials directly into the dashboard of the CMS.

    This means that materials for client success are accessible to everyone working on the site, at all times.

    Top 3 SEO Checklists For On-Page & Technical SEO In 2024Image created by Wix, February 2024

    If you’re managing SEO teams, creating frameworks for SEO account management can help you gain and retain clients for the long term.

    Joshua George, founder of Clickslice Agency explains that he developed his SEO project proposal template “after testing 20 different variants of proposals,”  but once he “finally found one which converts the best,” he was able to get better results from client pitches.

    Similarly,  freelance SEO, Nick LeRoy, developed a client retention checklist to manage touch points and habits that build client trust.

    Top 3 SEO Checklists For On-Page & Technical SEO In 2024Image created by Wix, February 2024

    Better efficiency for SEO agencies and freelancers means more opportunities to deliver high-value outcomes and increase profitability – a checklist can be an important part of that process.

    Make Knowledge More Accessible Across Your Team

    Templates and checklists are also a highly accessible way to hand off to juniors and even clients easily.

    As well as being designed to help your team accomplish goals, checklists can also serve as a knowledge base to help your team grow. This approach can help you get drive visibility on the SERP.

    Top 3 SEO Checklists For On-Page & Technical SEO In 2024Image created by Wix, February 2024

    Founder of AS Marketing agency, Adriana Stein, explains that she uses a blog writing template because, “when you use a particular structure, provide helpful information, as well as follow SEO best practices, that gives your content the best possible chance to rank, drive organic traffic, and when scaled out, drive conversions.”With live collaborative documents, teams can adapt lists to changing requirements and ensure that the knowledge base of the team continues to grow, even if account managers change roles.

    Improve Quality Assurance

    It is often assumed that it is beginner-level SEO specialists who use checklists, but this is not exactly the case.

    For more seasoned SEOs, checklists often serve as a means of maintaining the quality of implementation when working with multiple teams and stakeholders. Experienced SEO professionals create checklists to ensure consistency of delivery when handing off day-to-day tasks to other members of their teams.

    Ashwin Balakrishnan, Head of Marketing at Optmyzr, explains that for tasks like backlink tracking, he creates templated documents to reduce errors and ensure a consistent level of implementation.

    Balakrishnan says that, “transferring knowledge and experience to junior SEOs (especially teammates) goes a lot smoother for everyone when you use checklists and templates. It gives newer SEOs confidence and frameworks to work off, and it allows more seasoned practitioners to review work faster and avoid giving arbitrary feedback.”

    This can free up time for senior SEOs to pursue more complex SEO, billable tasks.

    So rather than dying a death, the humble SEO checklist has evolved.

    What’s Next For SEO Checklists?

    Given the wealth of data sets, data feeds, automation, and AI tools available to marketers, the active integration of AI into SEO should only continue. But as well as being able to generate inputs, we are likely to see data-driven, AI-crafted guidance from checklists become more common.

    Those who use checklists in the format of Google Sheets and MS Excel will benefit from generative native apps and enhancements in the AI workspace race. Being able to harness scripts, feeds, and add-ons is nothing new, but AI offers new scalability for task completion, offering new opportunities for growth but the value of the SEO checklist is alive and well in 2024.

    Download checklists, templates, and toolkits to develop smoother SEO processes and ramp up productivity—on any project.

    Image Credits

    Featured Image: Image by Wix. Used with permission.