Google’s New Core Web Vitals Metric: How To Improve Interaction To Next Paint (INP) via @sejournal, @DebugBear

This post was sponsored by DebugBear. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own.

What do you need to do to rank high on Google?

The straightforward answer: create high-quality content that serves your readers.

But Google also looks at how good your website experience is once visitors arrive.

Over the last few years, Google has overhauled which page experience signals are collected and used as a ranking factor.

After introducing the Core Web Metrics, Google gradually tweaked how they are measured so that they better reflect real user experience.

However, with the introduction of the Interaction to Next Paint (INP) metric, Google has now announced the biggest Core Web Vitals update since its original rollout.

What do you need to do before INP becomes a ranking signal?

This guide explains Google’s new metric and how you can optimize it.

What Core Web Vitals & What’s Changing?

Core Web Vitals (CWV) are a set of three user experience metrics that became a ranking signal in June 2021.

The three CWV metrics are:

  • Largest Contentful Paint: How quickly does the main page content show up?
  • Cumulative Layout Shift: Is the page layout stable after loading?
  • First Input Delay: How quickly does the page respond to user input?

However, in March 2024, Interaction to Next Paint (INP) will replace First Input Delay.

What Is Interaction To Next Paint?

The Interaction to Next Paint (INP) metric tells you what interaction delays visitors’ experience when using your website.

INP measures how much time elapses between a user interaction (like a click or touch input) and the “next paint” that visually updates the website.

For example, if a user clicks a button and then the page hangs for half a second before updating, the INP value will be 500 milliseconds.

The browser spends that time running website code and rendering the updated page.

Google’s New Core Web Vitals Metric: How To Improve Interaction To Next Paint (INP)An image created by, August 2023

Why Did Google Change First Input Delay To Interaction To Next Paint?

The old First Input Delay metric often failed to identify poor user experiences when they happened.

Interaction to Next Paint (INP) improves on First Input Delay in two ways:

  • INP considers the whole time between the user interaction and the next visual update on the page. First Input Delay only considers a fraction of the overall delay.
  • INP considers all page interactions and usually reports the one with the largest delay. First Input Delay only looks at the first interaction.

What Should My Interaction To Next Paint Be?

To provide a good experience and meet Google’s Core Web Vitals criteria your INP needs to be below 200 milliseconds.

Most sites found meeting the First Input Delay threshold fairly easy, with 93% of mobile sites providing a good experience.

In contrast, only 64% of sites are currently doing well on the Interaction to Next Paint metric.

You can use a free tool like PageSpeed Insights or DebugBear to see how well your site does. The DebugBear “Web Vitals” tab also shows you a history of how your INP score has changed over time.

Google’s New Core Web Vitals Metric: How To Improve Interaction To Next Paint (INP)A screenshot from, August 2023

What Causes Slow Interaction To Next Paint (INP) Scores?

Ongoing CPU processing on the page that prevents the browser from showing updated page content is what causes slow INP scores.

So, let’s break down where you should look for potential INP issues.

The overall INP value is made up of three different components that add up to the overall score:

  • Input Delay.
  • Processing Time.
  • Presentation Delay.
Google’s New Core Web Vitals Metric: How To Improve Interaction To Next Paint (INP)An image created by, August 2023

Input Delay

Input delay is the delay between your user clicking a button and the user getting a response from that button.

In this example, you may use JavaScript to dynamically display new page content as soon as a user clicks a “Show More” button.

However, the new page content can only load if the browser isn’t already busy running other code on your website.

If the browser is still running other code on your website, it has to wait for this code to finish running before it can respond to the user’s click.

This delay between the user interaction and running your event handler code is called the Input Delay.

The Total Blocking Time metric can give you an indication of what other code is running on your website and might delay event handler code.

Processing Time

Processing Time is the time spent running your code in response to a user interaction. This typically accounts for the biggest chunk of the overall interaction delay.

If your code simply makes some small changes to the page (like making hidden content visible) this processing can happen in just a few milliseconds.

However, if you have to re-render a complex application showing a lot of data this may take hundreds of milliseconds or more.

Presentation Delay

Presentation Delay is the time your browser spends calculating where and how new content should appear. This can include anything from colors to location to fonts.

If you have a simple website, there shouldn’t be much of a delay.

However, if your website consists of 10s of thousands of individual elements with complex styling then these calculations can contribute to interaction delays on your website.

How To Optimize Interaction To Next Paint

If you’re not sure what pages on your website need to be optimized, a good place to start is the Core Web Vitals report in Google Search Console. Here you can see specific URLs that are slow.

Once you know what pages to optimize there are a few approaches to identifying slow interactions on your website:

  • Using the INP Debugger
  • Testing manually in Chrome DevTools
  • Creating user flows in Lighthouse
  • Using real user monitoring (RUM)

We’ll take a look at these four approaches as well as their pros and cons.

1. Use An INP Debugger To Uncover What Is Causing INP Delays

The INP Debugger by DebugBear is a free tool that automatically identifies slow interactions on a website.

  1. Enter your website URL.
  2. The debugger will try to find buttons, input fields, and other page elements that may cause interaction delays.
  3. If a slow interaction has occurred, the relevant UI element is then shown in the test result, along with its Interaction to Next Paint value.
Google’s New Core Web Vitals Metric: How To Improve Interaction To Next Paint (INP)A screenshot by, August 2023

The INP Debugger makes it easy to run a test and identify slow elements.

However, it does not work well for complex flows.

For example, if a user first adds an element to their shopping cart and encounters poor performance during the checkout flow this won’t be detected.

2. Follow Up With Chrome DevTools To Discover Complex INP Issues

The developer tools in Google Chrome provide a lot of information about what’s happening on your page.

The DevTools “Performance” tab lets you create a recording of an interaction and then analyze it.

  1. Open the DevTools Performance tab.
  2. Click the Start Recording button.
  3. Click on a UI element on the page.
  4. Stop the recording.
  5. Open the “Interactions” lane of the performance profile.
  6. Review the “Main” lane to see the CPU work that was executed, including the specific tasks that are responsible for the delay.

Any ongoing work on the main thread is what is blocking the next paint.

Google’s New Core Web Vitals Metric: How To Improve Interaction To Next Paint (INP)A screenshot of Chrome DevTools, August 2023

The DevTools data is incredibly detailed and gives you all the information you need to optimize that interaction.

It works for both simple pages and complex user flows or pages that require login.

Next, you need to collect the data manually and use trial and error to identify what UI elements to interact with.

3. Drill Down To More Concise Interaction Delays With Lighthouse User Flows

Now that you’ve manually identified page elements, it’s time to leverage Google’s Lighthouse tool, which also supports testing user flows and measuring INP.

Lighthouse provides a more concise analysis of interaction delays than the DevTools Performance tab.

You can run Lighthouse from Chrome DevTools and manually interact with page elements, or write code to automate the interactions to make it easy to retest your site later.

Google’s New Core Web Vitals Metric: How To Improve Interaction To Next Paint (INP)A screenshot of Lighthouse, August 2023

4. Fix Interaction To Next Paint Issues

After identifying the interaction that causes a delay you can replicate it in DevTools and collect a performance profile with details on what exactly needs to be fixed.

You’ll need to work with your development team or website platform provider to get these issues fixed.

Common INP issues include third-party code could be blocking the CPU, or the performance of a custom slider or menu may need to be optimized.

How an INP issue can be fixed heavily depends on the nature of the issue.

The Easy Way: Real User Monitoring (RUM)

With real user monitoring, you can collect detailed data and see exactly what specific page interactions resulted in interaction delays.

In real-time.

To easily reduce INP scores:

  1. Use RUM to automatically uncover slow page elements.
  2. Quickly see the page elements that most commonly result in slow interactions.
  3. Make your changes.

This screenshot of the DebugBear RUM product shows how different users interact with different page elements, and how they experience different amounts of input delay as a result.

Google’s New Core Web Vitals Metric: How To Improve Interaction To Next Paint (INP)A screenshot from, August 2023

Real user monitoring tools also provide details on specific instances of slow user experiences.

This can help you understand the context of where the delay happened and makes it easier to replicate and fix the issue.

For example, some UI elements may only be visible on specific screen sizes or certain interactions may only be slow in some browsers.

Google’s New Core Web Vitals Metric: How To Improve Interaction To Next Paint (INP)A screenshot from, August 2023

Real user monitoring provides detailed data about slow interactions on your website.

It’s also closest to Google data since Google also collects its metrics from real users. Complex user journeys and logged-in experiences can be tracked.

However, real user monitoring tools usually require paid tools and you need to install a snippet on your website.

You can try DebugBear for free for 14 days.

Easily & Consistently Monitor Interaction To Next Paint

Start collecting real user data on INP and other Core Web Vitals by signing up for a free 14-day trial of DebugBear.

With this free trial, you can:

  • Immediately see the impact of your optimizations, instead of waiting 28 days for Google.
  • Track performance across your entire website.
  • Identify high-traffic pages where users experience slow interactions.
  • See how performance varies across the world, across devices, and across different types of pages on your website.

Image Credits

Featured Image: Image by DebugBear. Used with permission.

SEO Professionals Should Delegate Website Management via @sejournal, @kristileilani

Search engine optimization (SEO) professionals have long expressed dissatisfaction with platforms other than WordPress, mainly because they prefer WordPress’s comprehensive SEO capabilities and customizability.

However, this perception may be outdated as Wix develops more robust SEO functionality.

The debate was sparked recently by an insightful Reddit thread on why SEO professionals remain wary of Wix, with contributions from experienced marketing professionals and industry insiders like Google’s John Mueller.

Emerging Wix Developments

According to the original poster on Reddit, Wix markets itself as a user-friendly platform designed for those with limited coding skills who desire to create their own website.

Over the past few years, Wix has incorporated increased SEO functionalities to cater to the needs of its growing user base. It even added generative AI tools for website design.

Nevertheless, Wix’s past reputation still lingers, creating a barrier for users with unfavorable experiences with the platform.

This wariness has generated a preference for WordPress, a platform praised for its innate SEO capabilities and customization options.

Employing SEO features on Wix makes the platform viable for SEO.

Notably, the discussion underscores that while Wix has improved its SEO capabilities, it is ultimately up to the user to use them effectively.

Delegate Website Management

Instead of obsessing over granular details, he suggested that most people (and their clients) focus on the larger picture by delegating website management to a specialized team.

“The other (really for me: bigger) thing is that IMO most people should just not be running their own website or server, period. “

He argued that this mitigates risk, guarantees maintenance, and frees one from dealing with technicalities that experts could handle better.

“Speed, structured data, metaverse-ML, whatever the world throws at you – a platform will be able to do this for everyone, immediately, and they will fix it if it doesn’t work properly.”

SEO professionals should effectively stay in their own lane regarding website management.

“Let a professional do it, just like *you* are probably the professional when it comes to SEO.”

Nevertheless, Mueller’s view might be challenging for those who crave control and direct impact on results.

He maintained that in 2023, the web has evolved considerably, and clinging to older practices may leave one unable to adapt to future changes.

Prepare Ready For Change

Ultimately, Mueller hopes that SEO professionals will focus on staying at the forefront of technology.

“Y’all should be – and can be – at the forefront of technology, and sometimes that means letting experts do their things, just like you’re the expert of your things. The only constant is change, and there’s going to be more change in the future, and it’ll be harder to adapt if we try to hold it back and have to take a bigger jump.”

Does the “change” refer to advancements in AI for Google search, such as continued development of Search Generative Experience (SGE) capabilities? That remains to be seen.

As highlighted by this Reddit discussion, the final decision on website hosting and what to focus upon lies in what SEO professionals value more.

It also emphasizes the importance of evolving with changing web dynamics and staying up-to-date with platform developments to make informed decisions about marketing technology.

Featured image: Tada Images/Shutterstock

Your Guide To Hosting Types For Your WordPress Website via @sejournal, @vahandev

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) with a dominant market share of 60%.

WordPress is not just an ordinary CMS but a dynamic and extensible platform. Due to its flexibility, it can transform into any type of website, such as e-commerce, blog, community, or portal.

However, the strength and reliability of your WordPress site largely depend on the server or hosting supporting it.

The vast and varied hosting landscape offers a wide range of options, including shared and VPS hosting, dedicated servers, cloud, and managed WordPress hosting services.

In this guide, we explore the hosting types and companies available you can use as a starting point in order to conduct your research and find the best hosting companies for your use case.

We will dive into hosting types, as these determine the quality and performance of the website, and will list well-established hosting companies available in the market.

The different types of hostings available are:

Let’s now understand each type of hosting and detail its unique characteristics and benefits.

(Note that our list of services is organized alphabetically, and the order does not imply any ranking or suggest that one service is superior to another.)

What Is A Shared Hosting?

Shared hosting is a type of web hosting service where multiple websites reside on a single web server.

In a shared hosting environment, each user gets a portion of a server’s total resources (such as disk space, bandwidth, CPU time, etc.) to use for their websites.

Because all users share resources, this can sometimes lead to slower website performance, especially if one website gets a lot of traffic or consumes a lot of resources.

While shared hosting is a great match for small and low-traffic websites, it may not be sufficient for complex projects such as ecommerce, blogs with high traffic, or those needing full control over their server environment.

Below is the list of the most well-known shared hostings:

What Is A Virtual Private Server (VPS)?

A virtual private server (VPS) is a type of web hosting that uses virtualization technology to provide you with dedicated (private) resources on a powerful server with multiple users.

VPS hosting replicates the capabilities of a dedicated server while still technically sharing the physical server with other users.

VPSImage from author, June 2023

A VPS is partitioned so that each user has their own operating system, bandwidth, and disk space, unaffected by others on the same server.

As your website grows, you can easily upgrade your resources (like memory and disk space) without having to migrate to a new server.

However, the physical resources of the server (like CPU, RAM, and disk space) are shared among the different VPSs.

VPS hosting tiers from HostingerImage from author, June 2023

This type of hosting is usually good for ecommerce or blogs with moderate traffic (few thousand visitors per day).

What Is A Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS)?

As the name suggests, a virtual dedicated server (VDS) uses a level of virtualization that makes it seem like the operating system is running on dedicated hardware, even if this is not the case.

VDSImage from author, June 2023

It differs from the VPS based on how partitioning is done.

The main difference is that each virtual server is allocated a dedicated portion of the server’s resources.

For example, if a VDS has three virtual machines, each will use one-third of the allocated resources, regardless of whether it is running or not.

This level of resource guarantee can be important for more resource-intensive applications or for situations where resource usage can be very variable.

VDS services often come with a higher price tag than VPS services. This is primarily due to the dedicated resources and the enhanced control that they offer over your server environment.

In most cases, companies that offer VPS do also offer a VDS.

Below is the list of the most well-known companies offering VPS hosting:

What Is Dedicated Hosting?

Dedicated hosting (as the name suggests) is a type of hosting where you have your own server and have full access to its resources.

It provides maximum performance and control for websites with high traffic, resource-intensive applications, or those requiring extensive customization.

Below are the hosting companies that offer dedicated hosting (server) service:

Additionally, dedicated hosting offers enhanced security measures; as the sole user of the server, you have complete control over its security settings.

It offers a unique level of customization. Since you have root access to the server, you can install and configure any software or applications that your website or business requires.

Please note that dedicated hosting is more expensive than shared hosting or VPS hosting options, and it requires technical knowledge and skills to set up, configure, and manage the server.

What Is Cloud Hosting?

Cloud hosting is a type of hosting service that utilizes a network of servers to distribute resources and handle website or application hosting.

This means that websites hosted on a cloud hosting platform can scale your resources up or down based on your needs and easily handle spikes in traffic.

One of the advantages of cloud hosting is cost efficiency.

Instead of investing in and maintaining dedicated servers that may remain underutilized during low-traffic periods, cloud hosting allows you to scale resources as needed and pay only for the resources you’ve used.

Here are a few well-established cloud hosting providers:

Please note setting up a website on the cloud requires advanced technical knowledge in cloud infrastructure management to be able to deploy and maintain your website or application.

Because of that, I would recommend going with managed WordPress hosting providers, which are built on the cloud and free up your time from managing your installation instance.

What Is Managed WordPress Hosting?

Managed WordPress hosting is a specialized hosting service specifically designed for WordPress websites.

With managed WordPress hosting, the hosting provider takes care of all the technical aspects of running a WordPress site.

While installing and maintaining WordPress on the cloud on your own may be a more affordable option, you will spend time maintaining your presence on the cloud, which can distract you from focusing on your website growth – and you may end up hiring a cloud specialist to do that.

With managed WordPress hosting, you will offload maintenance tasks related to:

  • Server configurations.
  • WordPress updates.
  • Security.
  • Staging environments.
  • Scalability.
  • Resource optimizations.
  • Hosting support.

This will let you focus on content creation and business growth.

Below is not a full list, but a shortlist of well-known companies offering managed WordPress hostings hosted on the cloud. These often come with built-in CDN:

By going with a managed solution, you can forget about server administration and will be able to focus on your online business growth.


In this guide, we have explored the different hosting types and provided a list of well-established hosting companies.

It is important to conduct further research and evaluate your specific requirements based on factors such as budget, website size, and complexity.

As we’ve discussed, the hosting landscape offers various options, including shared bosting and VPS, dedicated servers, and managed WordPress hosting services. Shared hosting is suitable for small websites, while VPS and VDS hosting provide more resources and control.

Dedicated hosting offers maximum performance and customization, but it requires technical expertise. Cloud hosting allows for scalability and cost-efficiency but requires cloud infrastructure management skills or hiring a cloud specialist.

Among these options, managed WordPress hosting stands out as a specialized service designed specifically for WordPress websites, which I would recommend going with.

In the next article, we will dive deeper into the characteristics of each managed hosting provider. Subscribe to our newsletter to get notified when the new guide is out.

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Website Development: In-Depth Guide For Beginners via @sejournal, @martinibuster

As an SEO pro, it’s important to cultivate at least a basic understanding of website development.

Why? Because the associated knowledge and skills can form the foundation for greater success with your website and brand.

In this guide, I’ll go over what it is and the different types of web development, as well as take a closer look at HTML – before exploring how web development and SEO can work together.

What Is Website Development?

Web development is the process of creating and maintaining websites using technologies like HTML, PHP, and JavaScript, as well as with content management systems (CMS).

Not to be confused with web design, web development is concerned with the technical aspects of a website. Web design is concerned with the look and feel of the website.

It’s helpful to know how web code works.

But modern CMS like WordPress and Wix have put web development within reach of people who don’t have a coding background.

Nevertheless, it’s still useful to at least have knowledge of the fundamentals of web technologies because it will help a developer troubleshoot problems or create custom solutions.

Web development is important because it has a direct impact on earnings through the creation of high-performance online experiences.

The Difference Between Web Development And Web Design

Web design is generally considered to be focused on what a site looks like and how users interact with the site.

Web development describes the technical work of creating a website.

While there can be a crossover between the two disciplines, in that a web designer might have development skills and vice-versa, the two are separate disciplines.

The Two Categories Of Web Development

There are multiple kinds of web development. But they all fall into two categories:

  • Front-End Development.
  • Back-End Development.

Front-End Web Development

Front-end web development corresponds to the work done to create everything a site visitor experiences through their browser.

A web browser, in technical terms, is referred to as a client, which is the device that runs the website code.

Consequently, front-end development is also referred to as client-side development.

(Note: A client is generally anything that requests a web page from the server, like a screen reader, a bot, etc.)

Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is fundamental to front-end web development.

Back-End Web Development

Back-end web development refers to the website code that runs on the server, including scripting languages and web frameworks.

Back-end dev is also referred to as server-side development because it encompasses what runs on the server in the background.

An example is PHP, which enables a web server to fetch the individual webpage elements from a database.

Programming and scripting languages like PHP, JavaScript, and Python are typically a part of back-end development.

HTML Is The Coding Language Of Websites

The most basic building block of websites is HTML. It is a way to communicate to a machine what a webpage should look like.

HTML is a coding language with relatively simple rules.

If you’ve ever played a board game like Monopoly, chess, or checkers, you’re already familiar with how games are played with rules and pieces.

HTML is pretty much just like a game. The pieces are the various HTML elements and their attributes – the rules are how they are used.

The rules allow a person to create a webpage that a browser can render for a site visitor.

The Meaning Of HTML

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.

Understanding the basics of HTML is important to web development and almost anyone working with a website.


HyperText is just a fancy word for links.

In the 1990s, the word HyperText was important because it described a way to create a self-organizing worldwide information network.

HyperText links connected webpages within a website and also connected websites to other websites, creating a vast network of information connected together like a spider’s web.

The metaphor of a spiderweb was created by the inventor of the Internet, Tim Berners-Lee. That’s why webpages, websites, and search engine spiders are so named.

Markup Language

Markup language is a structured way to communicate information about how a webpage is formatted and what the individual parts are that together form the entire webpage.

So, putting it all together, HyperText Markup Language – HTML – is a link-based system for creating webpages and websites that are connected to other webpages and websites.

The Components Of An HTML Webpage

HTML consists of building blocks called elements.

Elements can be modified with attributes.

Some elements are major sections of a webpage.

Think of these major sections together as being like the playing board itself, inside of which all the action happens.

The Major Sections Of A Webpage

Tells the browser that this is an HTML page.

This element encompasses the entire webpage.

This section is where metadata goes.

Metadata is information that is not visible on the webpage and is intended for browsers and search engines.

An example of metadata is the meta description element, which provides a description of the webpage that is used by search engines in their search results.

This section also contains links to resources needed to build the visible part of the site, among other things.

The is the visible part of a webpage. It always proceeds after the section.

The major elements have both beginning and ending “tags” that show where an element begins and ends.

A beginning tag looks like this:

An ending tag looks like this:

Here is a macro-level outline of a webpage:


Within the element are all the other elements that define the visible part of the webpage, like paragraphs, images, and links.

Attributes change the element in some way, sometimes to give more information.

For example, an image element can have an “alt” attribute that provides alternative text, which communicates the contents of the image to visitors using assistive technology like screen readers.

A paragraph element can have a “class” attribute that adds formatting to the words in the paragraph, like a special font size to use.

Deep Dive: Difference Between An Element And A Tag

The words “element” and “tag” are sometimes used interchangeably, but there’s actually a difference.

The code snippet of the HTML element itself is referred to as a tag because there is usually a start tag and an ending tag. For example, the TITLE element, which communicates information about what a webpage is about, looks like this:

Words that describe what a webpage is about.

The HTML for a title is called the TITLE element.

But the code snippets themselves, and , are referred to as tags – in this case, the starting and ending tags.

Tags name the element and where that element begins and ends (for the elements that require a start and an ending tag).

Elements are often called tags. But, technically, HTML elements are referred to as elements, not tags.

Only the code snippet itself is called a tag.

Clear as mud?

Further Reading On Tags & Elements

A historical reference to HTML Tags at discusses tags within the context of beginning and ending tags themselves, and is not about the elements.

Mozilla developer pages offer a definition of what a tag is:

“In HTML, a tag is used for creating an element.”

A historical page at the W3C about elements does not refer to elements as tags. It only uses the word tag in the context of starting and ending tag.

The Mozilla developer page explains why Elements are not tags:

“Elements and tags are not the same things.

Tags begin or end an element in source code, whereas elements are part of the DOM, the document model for displaying the page in the browser.”

Misusing the word tag when referencing the HTML element seems minor. But it’s a good practice in web development to be precise by using the correct jargon so that everyone understands what’s meant when anything is referenced.

CSS – What A Site Looks Like

Another fundamental web development building block is the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) which controls what a webpage looks like.

CSS files contain style information such as fonts, border sizes, and colors.

In older versions of HTML, the style information was embedded in the HTML itself. But that changed with the release of HTML 4 when style sheets were introduced to separate style data from content-related data.

The innovation of CSS means that it’s possible to style an entire website with one file.

Types Of Web Development

You can create webpages from scratch using HTML, but it’s inconvenient for publishing sites daily.

That’s why the most popular way of creating websites is with a content management system (CMS).

There are open-source content management systems and closed-source versions.

Examples of open-source CMS:

  • Drupal.
  • Joomla.
  • WordPress.

Examples of closed-source CMS:

  • Duda.
  • Shopify.
  • Squarespace.
  • Wix.

WordPress And Web Development

WordPress is the most popular way to create any website, including ecommerce stores, news sites, informational sites about a topic, and local business sites.

With WordPress, you can pick a template for the look of the site and start publishing. But making the template look exactly how you want it requires some template editing.

It’s not necessary to know how to code HTML, CSS, or PHP to edit a template.

Although WordPress is designed to be easy to use, the fact is that web development skills are useful for creating alternate templates (called “child templates”) and for creating useful functionalities that are not a part of the template.

That’s why third-party WordPress site builders exist, to make creating sites with WordPress easier.

Closed-source content management systems are generally designed to be easy to use, so web development is less of a concern with those systems.

How Web Development And SEO Work Together

Web development is increasingly crucial for SEO.

Page speed, directly and indirectly, impacts webpage search rankings.

Optimizing for page speed often comes down to understanding technical aspects of web development that impact how webpages are rendered in a browser.

Chrome’s tool for debugging website performance is called Chrome Developer Tools (not Chrome SEO Tools).

While some SEO pros may try to install WordPress plugins to chart their way to better site performance, the fact is that web development skills are more effective for troubleshooting and fixing performance issues.

Web development offers solutions for scaling SEO necessities like structured data, automating meta descriptions, and optimizing code for optimal site crawling by search engines.

From the front end to the back end, web development can play an important part in properly search optimizing a website.

Website Development Is Key To Online Success

Understanding web development is not only about understanding how to fix a problem.

It’s also useful because it gives you the ability to actually identify the problem in the first place and at least a general idea of the solution.

Learning even just the basics of web development will assist in nurturing greater online success.

More resources:

Featured image by Shutterstock/Cast Of Thousands

Apple Safari 17’s Hidden Gems: JPEG XL & Font-Size-Adjust via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Apple’s recently announced Safari 17 brings several key updates that promise to enhance user experience and web page loading times.

Unveiled at the annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC23), two new features of Safari 17 worth paying attention to are JPEG XL support and expanded capabilities of font-size-adjust.

As Safari continues to evolve, these updates highlight the ever-changing landscape of web development and the importance of adaptability.

JPEG XL: A Game Changer For Page Speed Optimization

One of the most noteworthy features of Safari 17 is its support for JPEG XL, a new image format that balances image quality and file size.

JPEG XL allows for the recompression of existing JPEG files without any data loss while significantly reducing their size—by up to 60%.

Page loading speed is a crucial factor that search engines consider when ranking websites. With JPEG XL, publishers can drastically reduce the file size of images on their sites, potentially leading to faster page loads.

Additionally, the support for progressive loading in JPEG XL means users can start viewing images before the entire file is downloaded, improving the user experience on slower connections.

This benefits websites targeting regions with slower internet speeds, enhancing user experience and potentially reducing bounce rates.

Font Size Adjust: Improving User Experience & Consistency

Safari 17 expands the capabilities of font-size-adjust, a CSS property that ensures the visual size of different fonts remains consistent across all possible combinations of fallback fonts.

By allowing developers to pull the sizing metric from the main font and apply it to all fonts, the from-font value can help websites maintain a consistent visual aesthetic, which is critical for user experience.

Conversely, the two-value syntax provides more flexibility in adjusting different font metrics, supporting a broader range of languages and design choices.

Websites with consistent and clear text display, irrespective of the font in use, will likely provide a better user experience. A better experience could lead to longer visits and higher engagement.

Reimagining SEO Strategies With Safari 17

Given these developments, SEO professionals may need to adjust their strategies to leverage the capabilities of Safari 17 fully.

This could involve:

  • Image Optimization: With support for JPEG XL, SEO professionals might need to consider reformatting their website images to this new format.
  • Website Design: The expanded capabilities of font-size-adjust could require rethinking design strategies. Consistent font sizes across different languages and devices can improve CLS, one of Google’s core web vitals.
  • Performance Tracking: SEO professionals will need to closely monitor the impact of these changes on website performance metrics once the new version of Safari rolls out.

In Summary

Apple’s Safari 17 brings new features that provide opportunities to improve several website performance factors crucial for SEO.

Detailed documentation on these Safari 17 updates is available on the official WebKit blog for those interested in delving deeper into these features.

Featured Image: PixieMe/Shutterstock

Wix Breaks New Ground With Launch Of Wix Headless via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

In a bold move to empower developers, Wix has launched Wix Headless.

This new offering facilitates seamless integration of Wix’s robust business solutions across various platforms and devices.

Wix Headless: A New Era of Integration & Flexibility

Wix Headless was conceptualized to provide developers with the tools they need to implement Wix’s business solutions through its composable APIs and SDK. With this new offering, developers can now integrate Wix’s solutions like eCommerce, Bookings, CMS, and Events from any tech stack and manage them via Wix’s comprehensive management platform.

The APIs in this new solution are synchronized and ready to use with Wix’s additional solutions, such as contacts and checkout.

This marks a significant enhancement in the potential of Wix’s business solutions, allowing developers to use them anywhere and anytime.

Bridging The Gap With Leading Web Frameworks

Wix Headless paves the way for incorporating Wix Business Solutions with leading web frameworks, including React, Vue, Svelte, Qwik, and more. This opens the door to more partnerships with leading full-stack solutions.

Netlify is the first platform to partner with Wix, providing a quick start integration with Wix’s Bookings, Events, eCommerce, CMS, and Pricing Plans APIs.

A Commitment to Robust Developer-Centric Solutions

The introduction of Wix Headless marks the first time the company is opening its backend to work outside the Wix platform. This development promises to facilitate more effortless scalability, customization, and faster project delivery, thus providing a more robust suite of developer-centric solutions.

In web development and content management systems (CMSs), “headless” refers to a decoupled architecture where the front end and backend of a website or application are separated.

Traditionally, a website’s front end (the “head”) and back end are tightly linked. The front end is what users see and interact with—the website’s design, interface, and content.

The back end is where all the data is managed and stored—the database, server, and applications handle all the behind-the-scenes functionality.

In a headless CMS, the front end is “decapitated” from the back end. This separation allows developers to build and manage the front end separately from the back end.

Content is delivered from the back end to the front end through APIs. Using any programming language or framework, this content can be displayed across various front-ends (websites, apps, IoT devices, etc.).

The key advantage of a headless CMS is its flexibility. Developers aren’t tied to a specific technology stack and can use any front-end technology they prefer.

It also makes delivering content across multiple platforms and channels easier, as the backend sends data wherever needed, regardless of the platform or device.

In the case of Wix Headless, Wix provides a way for developers to use their backend services (like eCommerce, Bookings, CMS, Events, etc.) while building the front end with the tools and technologies they prefer.

Key Benefits of Wix Headless

Wix Headless comes with a host of benefits that include:

  • Custom Solution Creation: Developers can utilize APIs to access and manage business data within Wix’s platform to create custom solutions that integrate seamlessly with Wix Business Solutions.
  • Unified Dashboard: Developers can manage multiple lines of business within the Wix dashboard via the integrated Wix Business Solution APIs.
  • Multiple Front-End Support: Wix Headless enables businesses to connect multiple clients to a single Wix backend, allowing various customer interaction points.
  • Simplified Project Expansion: Existing Wix sites can add new sites or apps that access and service the same business without starting from scratch.
  • Global Payments Infrastructure: Developers can streamline payments worldwide using Payments by Wix, eliminating the need to integrate multiple payment gateways.

Shahar Talmi, GM of Developer Platform at Wix, emphasized the transformative potential of this new offering.

He stated:

“Wix Headless enables developers to use Wix in ways that weren’t previously possible, from scaling their online presences to managing multiple complex projects in one place. By providing developers access to these APIs, we’re accelerating the endless possibilities presented in the web development industry.”

In Summary

The introduction of Wix Headless suggests a strategic pivot to cater to a more technologically advanced audience—professional web developers and larger businesses that require greater flexibility and customization in their web solutions.

This move diversifies Wix’s customer base and allows it to tap into a more extensive market.

By providing a headless solution, Wix aligns itself with current web development trends, particularly the growing demand for headless CMS and commerce platforms.

This positions Wix as a modern, forward-thinking provider catering to those seeking simplicity and ease of use and those requiring complex, tailored solutions.

Featured Image: T. Schneider/Shutterstock

How To Choose A Domain Name via @sejournal, @martinibuster

When it comes to building your website, choosing a domain name is one of the most important decisions you will make because it affects how the site is marketed and influences how site visitors feel about your brand.

Here are 11 tips to help make the right domain name decision.

1. Businesses Don’t Own Domain Names

No business “owns” a domain name.

Ownership is not possible with a domain name. Domain names are registered, and this registration entitles the registrant to use the domain.

So, it’s critical to never allow a domain name registration to lapse.

Failure to renew a domain puts it in danger of someone else registering it after it “drops” (when the registration expires).

Here are four tips to help keep a domain name securely registered:

  • Make sure your credit card information at the domain registrar is up to date.
  • Turning on automatic renewal is a good step for preventing the loss of a domain – but don’t count on it actually working. There are many anecdotes of people losing their domain after the automatic renewal failed to kick in.
  • Domain name registrars generally email alerts prior to when a domain is about to expire. Check every year (or quarterly) to make sure your domain registration email address is correct.
  • It’s not overly cautious to manually renew the domain registration before the auto-renewal date.

2. Should A Domain Name Match Your Business Name?

A domain name should generally match the name of the business.

But sometimes, creating a new web presence is an opportunity to reconsider the business name for something that’s more web-friendly, or that better reflects changing trends.

One of my past clients was a digital camera site that had to pivot quickly after the iPhone was introduced because fewer people were buying digital cameras. They changed the domain name to a more general scope, and they began reviewing a wide range of products.

Changing trends could be one reason the domain name doesn’t necessarily have to match the business name.

Sometimes, it might be best to brand the online business with something more attractive or snappy and keep the business name in the background.

That said, always register a domain name that matches the brick-and-mortar business, even if the online site uses another name. The business name can be redirected to the website name, or it could be kept in the background – whatever the business situation calls for.

3. Should You Use Choose A Domain Name With Keywords In It?

Domain names that use exact match keywords can tend to convert at a higher rate.

I imagine that when a searcher reviews the search results pages (SERPs) and sees the domain name with the keywords in it that she may think, “Aha, this site has what I want!” Click! Click! Click!

Keywords in the domain name communicate quickly that the site has what the visitor is looking for.

Someone looking for a taco restaurant will probably be more likely to choose “Hank’s Tacos” than “Jose’s Cantina.”

The keywords in the domain infer that the site not only has what they want, but actually specializes in it.

Keywords in the domain name don’t have a ranking bonus.

The true value of keywords in a domain name is attracting visitors with a greater intention of buying something or finding interest in the topic.

But keywords in a domain name are not the only way, or even the best choice, for a domain name.

For example, one of the most popular fishing websites on the East Coast of the United States is called

Sometimes it’s better to choose a domain name that conveys the meaning of the topic.

4. Domain Names That Convey Meaning

Sometimes it makes sense to register a domain that conveys a meaning. is a great domain because the words “Search Engine” tells you it’s a website about search engines. The word “Journal” conveys that it’s a news site.

When choosing a meaningful domain name, it may be useful to think about the qualities you want your site to be associated with.

Returning to the example of On The Water, that domain name takes an angler to their happy place, which is located on the water.

Consider writing down the words that convey a special feeling or promise that you want the visitor to understand without thinking about it. For example:

  • Friendly.
  • Cheapest.
  • Fast.
  • Zippy.
  • Experts.
  • Nerds.
  • Friends.
  • Family.
  • Trustworthy.
  • Healing.

Or you might want visitors to associate your site with a place, for example:

  • Office.
  • Showroom.
  • Store.
  • Palace.
  • Oasis.
  • Online.
  • Zoo.
  • Hangout.
  • Zone.
  • Cafe.

Review synonyms for the quality you want a site visitor to associate with your site and play around with the words to find the right match.

5. Keep The Domain As Short As Possible

A domain name should be so short that it’s easy to type into a browser bar, but it should be long enough to communicate your intended message to your audience.

Some may find that domain names consisting of two to three words are optimal, while others may prefer a one-word domain. There is no hard rule about how short the domain should be.

What’s more important is to avoid using an overly long domain name that might be difficult to remember.

The rule of thumb for how short or long the domain name should be is to consider how the domain name may influence the potential site visitor.

6. Don’t Use Hyphens In Domain Names

Is it OK to use hyphens in a domain name today? Absolutely not.

Avoid using hyphens in a domain name.

Keywords in domains are not so important for ranking as to resort to cramming keywords into the domain name with hyphens.

It makes the site look sketchy and spammy.

Also, there is no ranking benefit from using keywords in the domain name.

7. Consider Registering Domain Name Variants

People mangle words in all kinds of wild ways.

I remember a theatrical venue that had a cabaret seating section, and I was told that half the people calling for tickets were asking for “Cabernet Seating.”

So, this may be arguable, but based on my experience, I believe it’s important to register reasonable domain name variants.

If your domain name is “WidgetExpert,” then you might want to consider registering “WidgetExperts,” as people tend to add an “s” to the end of a singular domain name.

People may remember your domain name incorrectly in many ways, so try to anticipate that and register the domain name variants – then redirect them to the correct domain.

Singular and plural variants are common mistakes, but actual spelling mistakes might be something else to consider. Redirect all of them to the actual domain, and you might even pick up some links from sites that linked using the wrong version.

One last benefit is that this is also a proactive defensive measure that will block future competitors from registering a variant of your domain name.

8. Defensive Domain Registration

Defensive domain registration refers to registering domains that a competitor might register in the future.

It is prudent to register the singular and plural versions of a domain name and also the .net, .org, .biz, .info, and .us versions.

If your site visitors are international and/or speak English, it may be useful to register the .ca, and versions of the domain name as well.

One can choose not to register those domains. But in the event of a competitor registering one of those variants, the publisher will have to go through the headache of hiring an attorney to send a cease and desist request to someone (possibly in a developing country) with the hope that the competitor will be afraid enough to turn it over.

Good luck with that.

I don’t like headaches.

Registering those extra versions is not only defensive, but those extra domains could come in handy for other purposes later on.

For example, at one time, I temporarily redirected a website to the .net version while the .com was under repair.

9. What If The Dot-Com Domain Is Already Registered?

Dot-com is quite likely the most desired top-level domain (TLD) because it’s what most people tend to look for.

It’s problematic if another business already uses the desired .com domain. It might not be worth registering a .net or .org or some other top-level domain because of the risk of getting sued or confusing potential site visitors.

If someone is simply hanging on to the domain and not doing anything with it, it’s possibly okay.

But site visitors really like to see that dot-com in the URL.

An increasingly popular choice is to look into country code top-level domains (ccTLDs).

10. Country Code And General Top-Level Domain Names

Country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) are domains that are specific to a country.

Choosing a ccTLD is popular right now, such as the .io or .me ccTLDs.

There are also new general top-level domains (gTLDs) such as .agency.

Country code domains are generally best if they match the country of the potential site visitor. Domains in the .ca and the .uk registry are ccTLDs.

Site visitors tend to prefer ccTLDs that are specific to their country.

So, if your clients are in Australia, using the .au version of the domain might make sense.

Traditionally, ccTLD domains tend to convert at a higher rate within their respective countries because that’s what the citizens of those countries trust.

Note: Registering certain top-level domains may require citizenship. For example, .us domains require U.S. citizenship/residency.

11. Has The Domain Been Previously Registered?

Some domains have been previously registered.

This may or may not be an issue.

Since the old days of SEO and until now, there has been an issue with penalties sticking to a domain name.

What happens is that, sometime in the past, a spammer used a domain and burned it (penalized by Google and unable to rank), causing the spammer to let the domain registration lapse so that the domain becomes available again.

Then, when the next business registers that domain, it finds it impossible to rank it for anything meaningful. The site might pop into the bottom of the top 10 once a month for a few days, but then it drops back to the second or third page of the search results – or worse, nowhere.

Before registering a domain, it’s wise to visit, where entering the domain name will show whether it has ever been registered.

If the domain has been registered, (also known as The Wayback Machine or the Internet Archive) will show an interactive timeline that can be clicked to view previous versions of the websites associated with that domain.

As I understand it, Google does not provide a way to remove a legacy penalty from a domain that received a penalty years earlier.

The Google Search Console (GSC) will not report that there is a manual action. So there is no way to submit a reconsideration request for a penalty that the Google Search Console does not acknowledge.

The first time I heard of this happening was to a newbie SEO professional around 2005 who couldn’t figure out why his SEO site didn’t rank.

The folks over on WebmasterWorld figured it out for him, and one of the forum members contacted Google’s head of webspam, Matt Cutts, on behalf of the SEO newbie.

Cutts confirmed that there was a penalty from a previous registration.

Unknown to the SEO professional, the site had been used to spam on behalf of adult affiliate sites.

Cutts said he would take care of it, and the penalty was subsequently lifted.

Recently in 2019, a person popped up on one of Google’s Webmaster Hangout Videos with curiously similar symptoms.

The site had indeed been used in a spammy way years earlier.

The publisher submitted the URL directly to Google’s John Mueller.

I watched the domain to see if it was able to rank for its own domain name, and about a month and a half elapsed before it finally did.

Aside from Cutts way in the distant past confirming that a legacy penalty had affected a site’s ability to rank, there’s been no official comment from Google about what causes that.

Choosing The Best Domain Name

There are many considerations for choosing the best domain name, and I recommend considering all of the above tips when selecting yours.

The process of choosing a domain name can seem hard.

A trick to making the process easier is to simply ask what a site visitor might prefer, as that approach can be extremely helpful in choosing the best domain name.

Good luck!

More resources:

Featured image: Shutterstock/Asier Romero

How to Use WordPress Hooks To Improve Technical SEO via @sejournal, @vahandev

WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) in the world, with a market share of more than 60%.

A big support community and a number of available free plugins make building a website with WordPress (WP) affordable, and it plays a key role in why its market share is so big.

However, as you know, installing plugins comes at a cost.

They often may degrade your Core Web Vitals scores; For example, they may load unnecessary CSS or JS files on every page where they are not needed.

To fix that, you need to hire a programmer to do it for you, buy a premium plugin, or perhaps go down a small learning path and do it yourself.

You can also go hybrid and solve some parts of your issues by custom coding, and other parts using plugins.

This article aims to help you in your learning path, and we will cover the most needed WordPress hooks to help you improve your website’s technical SEO.

What Is A WordPress Hook?

WordPress hooks are key features in WP that allow developers to extend the functionality of the CMS without a need to modify core WP files – making it easier to update themes or plugins without breaking custom modifications.

They provide a powerful way for developers to extend the functionality of WordPress and make custom changes to their sites.

What Is A Filter Hook?

The hook filter function is used to modify the output of the function before it is returned. For example, you can suffix page titles with your blog name using the wp_title filter hook.

What Is An Action Hook?

Action hooks allow programmers to perform certain actions at a specific point in the execution of WP Core, plugins, or themes, such as when a post is published, or JS and CSS files are loaded.

By learning a few basic action hooks or filters, you can perform a wide range of tasks without the need to hire developers.

We will go through the following hooks:

  • wp_enqueue_scripts
  • wp_head
  • script_loader_tag
  • template_redirect
  • wp_headers


This is exactly the action hook you would use to exclude redundant CSS or JS files from loading on pages where they are not needed.

For example, the popular free Contact Form 7 plugin, which has over 5M installations, loads CSS and JS files on all pages – whereas one only needs it to load where the contact form exists.

To exclude CF7 CSS and JS files on pages other than the contact page, you can use the code snippet below.

function my_dequeue_script(){
//check if page slug isn't our contact page, alternatively, you can use is_page(25) with page ID, or if it is a post page is_single('my-post') 
  if ( !is_page('contact') ) {

add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_dequeue_script', 99 );

There are a few key points; the action hook priority is set to 99 to ensure our modification runs last in the queue.

If you set it to, say, 10, it will not work because CF7 enqueue function uses priority 20. So to ensure yours run last and have an effect, set a priority large enough.

Also, in the code, we used as a function argument identifier “contact-form-7”; you may wonder how I found that.

It is pretty simple and intuitive. Just use inspect element tool of your browser and check for the id attribute of link or script tags.

id attribute of script tagScreenshot from author, February 2023

You can check your website source code using inspect element and start dequeuing any JS or CSS file where they are not needed.


This action hook is used to add any resource JS, CSS files, or meta tags in the section of the webpage.

Using this hook, you can load preload above-the-fold resources in the head section, which can improve your LCP scores.

For example, font preloading, which is one of Google’s recommendations, or logo and featured images on article pages, always load above the fold – and you need to preload them to improve LCP.

For that, use the code snippet below.

function my_preload() {

The first two lines are for preloading Google fonts, then we preload the logo and check if the article has a featured image, then preload the featured image.

As an additional note, your theme or site may have webp images enabled; in that case, you should preload webp version of them.


You heard a lot about render-blocking resources which can be fixed by defer or async loading JavaScript tags. It is critical for improving FCP and LCP.

This filter action is used to filter the HTML output of the script tags, and you need exactly this filter to async or defer load your theme or plugin’s JS/CSS files.

function my_defer_async_load( $tag, $handle ) {
   // async loading scripts handles go here as an array
   $async_handles = array('wpcf7-recaptcha', 'another-plugin-script');
   // defer loading scripts handles go here as an array
   $defer_handles = array('contact-form-7', 'any-theme-script');
   if( in_array( $handle, $async_handles) ){
     return str_replace( ' src', ' async src', $tag );
   if( in_array( $handle, $defer_handles ) ){
     return str_replace( ' src', ' defer="defer" src', $tag );
return $tag;
add_filter('script_loader_tag', 'my_defer_async_load', 10, 2);

This filter accepts two arguments: HTML tag, and script handle, which I mentioned above when examining via inspect element.

You can use the handle to decide which script to load async or defer.

After you defer or async load, always check via the browser console if you have any JS errors. If you see JS errors, you may need a developer to help you, as fixing them may not be straightforward.


This action hook is called before determining which template to load. You can use it to change the HTTP status code of the response.

For example, you may have spammy backlinks to your internal search query pages containing weird characters and/or common patterns.

At Search Engine Journal, we are used to having spammy backlinks pointing to our internal search pages that are in Korean – and we have learned from our server logs that Googlebot was intensively crawling them.

Spam BacklinksScreenshot from author, February 2023

WordPress default response code is 404 not found, but it is better to throw in 410 in order to tell Google they are gone forever, so it stops crawling them.

function my_410_function(){
  if( is_search() ) {
    $kw = $_GET['s'];
    // check if the string contains Korean characters
    if (preg_match('/[x{AC00}-x{D7AF}]+/u', $kw)) {
     status_header(410, 'Not Found');
  }// end of is_search
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'my_410_function', 10 );

In our case, we know that we don’t have Korean content, which is why we composed our condition like that.

But you may have international content in Korean, and conditions may differ.

Generally, for non-programmers, ChatGPT is a great tool for generating conditions using a regular expression, which you may use to build an if/else condition based on your spam pattern from GSC.


This action hook is used to modify HTTP headers of WordPress.

You can use this hook to add security headers to your website response HTTP headers.

function my_headers(){
      $headers['content-security-policy'] = 'upgrade-insecure-requests';
      $headers['strict-transport-security'] = 'max-age=31536000; preload';
      $headers['X-Content-Type-Options'] = 'nosniff';
      $headers['X-XSS-Protection'] = '1; mode=block';
      $headers['x-frame-options'] = 'SAMEORIGIN';
      $headers['Referrer-Policy'] = 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin';
      $headers['Link'] = '; rel=preload; as=image';
     $headers['Link'] = '; rel=preconnect; crossorigin'; 
$headers['Link'] = '; rel=preload; as=image';
      return $headers;
add_filter( 'wp_headers', 'my_headers', 100 );

Beside security headers, you can add “Link” tags (as many as you want) for pre-connecting or preloading any resource.

Basically, it is an alternative method of preloading, which was covered above.

You may also add “X-Robots-Tag” (as many as you want ) to your HTTP headers based on your needs.


Plugins are often aimed at solving a wide variety of tasks and may often not be designed specifically to fulfill your specific needs.

The ease with which you can modify WordPress core is one of its most beautiful aspects – and you can alter it with a few lines of code.

We discussed action hooks you can use to improve technical SEO, but WordPress has a large number of action hooks you can explore and use to do basically everything you want with minimal use of plugins.

More resources:

Featured Image: Grafico moze/Shutterstock

Q&A With Google’s Martin Splitt: Semantic HTML, Search & Google Search Console via @sejournal, @lorenbaker

How does Google Search Console use product schema markup?

Does semantic HTML make it easier for search engines to understand your website?

Competition is fierce, and you need every easy win, but is semantic HTML worth your time?

On Feb 23, I moderated a webinar with Google’s very own Martin Splitt, who shared his opinions, thoughts, and insights on various technical SEO topics, including semantic HTML, Google Search Console, indexing, client- and server-side rendering, and more.

Here is a summary of the webinar. To access the entire Q&A, complete the form.

What Are The Best Practices For Error Handling With SPAs?

“My client has a single-page application; SPA HTTP status codes that are 400 or 500 are not handled correctly by the server.

What are the best practices for error handling when working with SPAs?”

Martin Splitt Says:

“There are ways to deal with that. I know exactly what you’re dealing with because what happens is that pretty much the server doesn’t do much in terms of handling requests.

It just gives out a 200 request for whatever URL you handle. Then, the client-side JavaScript decides this is an error, leading to software force and potentially gnarly situations.

Same with, more or less, 500 error codes and single-page applications. Similar story.

What you can do, however, is if you understand that it’s a 404, you have two options because two things can happen that you don’t want to happen.

  • One is an error page that gets indexed and appears in search results where it shouldn’t.
  • The other thing is that you are creating 404s in the search console and probably muddling with your data.”

[Discover how to avoid these two things] Instantly access the webinar →

How Does Google Prioritize Header Structure?

“If two H1s on a page have different content, are the H1s fighting over which one has the most weight or value for Google to crawl?

Also, how is Google prioritizing the header structure within that content?”

Martin Splitt Says:

“It’s about structure. I can’t emphasize this enough, if you choose to have H1s as your top-level structure of the content, that’s fine.

It just means that the top level of the content is structured along the H1s.

If you have one H1 and nothing else under it except for H2s and then content H2 and then content H2, that doesn’t change anything.

That means you structured your content differently. You didn’t structure it better. You didn’t structure it worse. You just structured it differently.

But both of these structures make sense. If you choose H1 to be your overall title, that doesn’t mean that it’s valued more or means more to anyone – search users, whoever.

It just means introducing a different level and then other sub-levels. It doesn’t matter.

It does not make a difference if you have an H1 and then H2, H2, H2, H2, H2, or if you have H1 content, H1 content, and H1 content.

This means there is not this overall document level H1 heading, but that one we get from the title already.

So fundamentally, it doesn’t make that much of a difference.

[Get the rest of the conversation] Instantly access the webinar →

For SEO In 2023, Where Should You Focus?

“What should folks be focusing on right now?

[Any] points that you may feel that SEOs or developers are overlooking?”

Martin Splitt Says:

“I would say make sure that you are focusing on the content quality and that you are focusing on delivering value to your users.

Those have been, will always be, and are the most important things right now. Everything else should follow from that.

Suppose you are spending time fine-tuning technical details or fine-tuning your website’s structure or markup. In that case, you are likely missing out on the more significant opportunities of asking yourself what people need from our website.

What do they expect from our website, and how can we deliver that better, faster, and more pleasantly?”

[Get the whole Q&A] Instantly access the webinar →

Other Technical SEO Questions Answered In The On-Demand Webinar

Check out the following list of additional questions that Martin Splitt addresses during this on-demand webinar:

  • Why is semantic SEO important?
  • Is there anything that can be done within semantic HTML to better communicate with Google?
  • Should schema markup information match what’s in the document?
  • What parts of semantic search does Google need the most help with?
  • What is Martin Splitt’s opinion on header tags?
  • Is the responsibility of the implementation of semantic HTML on the SEO professional or the developer?
  • How accessible is semantic HTML within a WordPress or Gutenberg-style environment?
  • How compatible is semantic HTML with WCAG?
  • What is the relationship of semantic HTML to the overall concept of the semantic web RDF, etc?
  • Can the wrong thumbnails be rectified utilizing semantic HTML?

[Get all the answers] Instantly access the webinar →

  • Is there another type of schema markup that can still refer to the organization as well as IDs on article pages?
  • Can adding schema markup to show the product category hierarchy and modifying HTML help Google better understand the relationship between the product and its category?
  • Is preserving header hierarchy more important than which header you use?
  • Is it bad practice to display different content on pages to returning users versus new users?
  • What are the best practices for error handling with SPAs?
  • What is the best way to deal with search query parameters being indexed in Google?
  • Should you be worried about product pages not being included within the XML site map?
  • How does Google prioritize headers?
  • How important is it for developers and SEO pros to start implementing semantic HTML now?
  • What should SEO pros & developers be focusing on?

[Get all the answers] Instantly access the webinar →

Join Us For Our Next Webinar!

Discover The Top 3 Ways To Build Authority By Going Beyond Just Link Building

Join Sabrina Hipps, VP of Partner Development, and Jeremy Rivera, Director of Content Analysis at CopyPress, as they share expert tips to help supercharge your marketing efforts and answer your most pressing content promotion questions.

Image Credits:

Featured Image: Paulo Bobita/Search Engine Journal

Chrome 110 Changes How Web Share API Embeds Third Party Content via @sejournal, @martinibuster

Chrome 110, scheduled to roll out on February 7, 2022, contains a change to how it handles the Web Share API that improves privacy and security by requiring a the Web Share API to explicitly allow third-party content.

This might not be something that an individual publisher needs to act on.

It’s probably more relevant on the developer side where they are making things like web apps that use the Web Share API.

Nevertheless, it’s good to know what it is for the rare situation when it might be useful for diagnosing why a webpage doesn’t work.

The Mozilla developer page describes the Web Share API:

“The Web Share API allows a site to share text, links, files, and other content to user-selected share targets, utilizing the sharing mechanisms of the underlying operating system.

These share targets typically include the system clipboard, email, contacts or messaging applications, and Bluetooth or Wi-Fi channels.

…Note: This API should not be confused with the Web Share Target API, which allows a website to specify itself as a share target”

allow=”web-share” Attribute

An attribute is an HTML markup that modifies an HTML element in some way.

For example, the nofollow attribute modifies the anchor element, by signaling the search engines that the link is not trusted.



Iframes are everywhere, such as in advertisements and embedded videos.

The problem with an iframe that contains content from another site is that it creates the possibility of showing unwanted content or allow malicious activities.

And that’s the problem that the allow=”web-share” attribute solves by setting a permission policy for the iframe.

This specific permission policy (allow=”web-share”) tells the browser that it’s okay to display 3rd party content from within an iframe.

Google’s announcement uses this example of the attribute in use:

Google calls this a “a potentially breaking change in the Web Share API.

The announcement warns:

“If a sharing action needs to happen in a third-party iframe, a recent spec change requires you to explicitly allow the operation.

Do this by adding an allow attribute to the

This tells the browser that the embedding site allows the embedded third-party iframe to trigger the share action.”

Read the announcement at Google’s Chrome webpage:

New requirements for the Web Share API in third-party iframes

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