seo enhancements
Are Google’s new AI Overviews the future of search?

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to reshape how we interact with information. Google introduced AI Overviews in its search engine yesterday, marking a new milestone. These new features promise to enhance user experience by providing quick, comprehensive answers to complex queries. However, they also raise important questions about the future of content creation, monetization, and information diversity. Where is all of this heading?

Overview of Google’s new AI features

There were many AI announcements at Google I/O yesterday, but we think the AI Overviews will most impact our audience and customers.

AI Overviews are designed to directly summarize search results from multiple sources on the search page. By leveraging advanced generative AI, these overviews provide users with a concise and comprehensive understanding of complex queries without the need to click through multiple websites. AI Overviews won’t appear for every search, only the complex ones.

Benefits of AI Overviews

According to Google, AI Overviews significantly improve users’ efficiency and satisfaction by delivering quick, accurate, and contextually relevant answers. This can be particularly beneficial for users needing immediate information or conducting broad research.

Google understands everything contextually. The AI’s ability to understand and respond to complex, multistep queries ensures that users receive detailed and logically structured answers, which is invaluable for research and education.

AI Overviews provide students, researchers, and professionals with a structured way to access and digest information, making the learning and research process more streamlined and effective.

Challenges and concerns

One of the most significant concerns is the potential reduction in traffic to original content sites. As users find their answers directly on Google, fewer clicks are directed toward independent publishers. This negatively impacts their revenue and overall visibility.

There are also concerns about proper credit and compensation for content creators. If AI Overviews aggregate information without adequately attributing sources, it could disincentivize content creation and harm publishers in the broadest sense.

The shift towards providing answers directly on the search results page may also pose monetization challenges for Google. Less traffic directed to third-party sites could disrupt the traditional ad-based revenue model, but Google has such a stronghold on the ad market it must surely have found a way forward.

Broader implications for our ecosystem

Centralizing information within Google’s ecosystem could reduce content diversity and the number of voices available online. This monopolization of information flow is a significant concern for the web.

As Google becomes more adept at providing comprehensive answers, user reliance on its services will likely increase. This growing dependence could stifle competition and innovation.

Then, there are the privacy and data concerns plaguing AI in general. The extensive data collection required for personalized AI features raises important privacy issues. Ensuring user consent and data security will be paramount as AI evolves.

Google wants to become your Star Trek Communicator

Google’s advancements in AI are steering it towards becoming a highly personalized digital assistant, akin to the Communicator from Star Trek. It has hinted at this many times over the past. Still, with yesterday’s news, that vision is becoming clearer. This vision involves creating a seamless, always-available assistant to understand and respond to complex human queries and tasks in real time.

Google aims to offer a seamless user experience by integrating multimodal AI capabilities across its ecosystem. This includes personalized interactions that understand user preferences and provide tailored recommendations and insights.

Looking ahead, Google is likely to further integrate AI into various aspects of daily life, from home automation to personal finance and health, making it an indispensable part of users’ routines.

Balancing innovation with responsibility

Google doesn’t owe us traffic or high rankings, but the future of the web does hang in the balance of whatever Google thinks of next. The discussions about who feeds all those AI machines continue. As a site owner, quitting publishing content is not an easy decision. However, seeing the ROI of these publications slowly die might make that decision easier.

We think it is too early to write off search yet. There are plenty of opportunities to be had, and Google might devise a way to balance providing enough value for site owners vs. ad revenue. To address the impact on content creators, Google could find ways to ensure fair compensation for using their content in AI Overviews.

Ethical development of AI

Google’s AI Overviews will occasionally be flat-out wrong — as we’ve seen many times over the past year. Hallucinations are still happening, and they could put Google in a jam. Therefore, it must prioritize ethical considerations in AI development, including transparency, fairness, and user consent. This will help build trust and ensure that AI advancements benefit everyone.

To create a sustainable digital ecosystem for everyone, we need a collaborative approach involving Google, publishers, regulators, and users. Open dialogue and cooperation can help address the challenges and harness AI’s full potential.

Conclusion to Google’s AI Overviews

The introduction of AI Overviews in Google search represents a significant advancement. It has the potential to transform how we access information.

While the benefits for users are clear, the challenges for independent publishers and our ecosystem cannot be ignored. Ultimately, Google hopes to create a future where AI enhances our lives while supporting a diverse and thriving web.

Now that AI-driven search is here, Google wants you to “Let Google do the googling for you,” but we hope it has carefully considered the broader impacts on our ecosystem. Ultimately, we hope everyone benefits from these advancements — not just Google.

Coming up next!

Out now: AI for SEO training course!

Want to start using AI? Are you interested in the challenges and opportunities of generative AI? Or are you curious about how AI impacts search engines and the web? We’ve now added a new course to Yoast SEO academy: AI for SEO. In this course, you’ll learn about AI so you can take your SEO to the next level! Want to know what we’ll teach you in this course, and how to start your learning journey? Continue reading!

AI is becoming more important every day

People have adopted AI eagerly, generating content in increasing numbers. Whether its automating processes, curating preferences or simply providing texts and images, AI is everywhere and it’s here to stay. Every day, new apps, models and updates are announced! But because it is so popular, it can be difficult to know where you should start and what you should focus on for the best results.

In our new AI for SEO training course, you’ll discover not only how to use AI, but also when to use it. By understanding both the possibilities and the limits of AI, you can use it more effectively for your site. Combining AI with your own expertise, experience and skills will allow you to rank above your competition. And with the help of our AI for SEO training course, you’ll optimize your processes much quicker!

What will you learn in the AI for SEO course?

This new online training course on AI for SEO will teach you the basics of AI and generative AI, as well as their impact on SEO and the web. In addition, you will receive practical information about incorporating AI in your SEO, from keyword strategy to publishing content.

Module 1: What is AI

First, you’ll learn about AI and generative AI. It can be a huge topic (and we could build a separate academy full of lessons for it!) so we’ll stick to the basics. You’ll discover the technology that powers AI, so that you understand how it works. in addition, we’ll explain how generative AI is able to generate content, giving you a better idea of how you can start using it!

Module 2: The impact of AI

After you understand what AI is, we’ll explore what that means for you and your experience online. Now that search engines are trying to keep up with the latest developments, SEO practices have to change as well. And what happens to the web if AI changes how users interact with your content?

We also discuss the ethical challenges of using AI. After all, you still want to be unique and stay loyal to your site mission and vision, and ensure that everyone can access your content. Let’s be prepared to use AI responsibly!

Module 3: Using AI tools

The final module is all about getting practical – and adding tools and skills to your AI knowledge. You’ll get useful tips to choose the right tools for you before diving into the SEO process.

You can use AI to optimize your keyword research and finetune your strategy. But AI is especially useful in generating content. We’ll tell you about more than just having a first draft: you’ll also receive information on how to turn your AI-generated text into excellent content. And we’ll show you how to use the Yoast SEO AI features in more detail.

How is the course set up?

This AI for SEO training course takes you by the hand and guides you through the possibilities of AI, with videos, reading materials, and quizzes. You can choose what lessons you want to take, watch videos or read the transcripts instead: you can pick your own learning path.

Once you’ve finished the entire course and passed the quizzes, you’ll receive a Yoast certificate and a badge that you can display on your website.

How do I access the AI for SEO course?

The AI for SEO training course is an online and on-demand course, like every other Yoast SEO academy training course. So, you can learn about AI whenever and wherever you want.

Want to get started right now? If you have Yoast SEO PremiumYoast SEO for Shopify or any other paid Yoast SEO product, you’ll find the new course in your Yoast SEO academy courses overview!

Buy Yoast SEO Premium and get free access to Yoast SEO academy

By purchasing Yoast SEO Premium, you get access to the AI for SEO training course, the full Yoast SEO academy library and all the features in Yoast SEO Premium!

Coming up next!

Perfect prompts: 10 tips for AI-driven SEO content creation

The art of content creation has become increasingly sophisticated. The key to standing out is to produce high-quality content. You should craft it precisely, making it both engaging for readers and friendly to search engines. This is where AI-powered content generation tools like ChatGPT, Bing CoPilot and Google Gemini come in, offering efficiency and creativity. However, the true power of these tools lies not in their ability to generate content but in how we, as SEO content writers, instruct and refine their output.

Table of contents

Tip 1: Crafting the perfect SEO-driven prompt

Define your content goal: is it to inform, persuade, sell, or explain? Understand your audience’s needs and search habits to tailor your prompt effectively.

Choose a primary keyword that encapsulates your content’s essence and guides its direction. Then, break down the keyword to address search intent. List subtopics that delve into different aspects of your main theme, incorporating related secondary keywords.

Combine all these elements into a concise prompt. For example: “Create a detailed guide on primary keyword, covering subtopics, for target audience, integrating secondary keywords. Ensure the tone is desired tone, suitable for content type.”

Ensure clarity in your prompt to effectively align AI-generated content with your SEO objectives. This transforms your prompt into a strategic blueprint for SEO-optimized content tailored to your goals and audience.

Example prompt:

"Generate a detailed guide focused on 'Maximizing Small Kitchen Spaces.' Incorporate primary keyword 'small kitchen organization' within the introduction, headings, and conclusion. Cover subtopics including 'Creative Storage Solutions,' 'Decluttering Strategies,' and 'Multipurpose Furniture Ideas,' integrating secondary keywords 'space-saving kitchen gadgets,' 'decluttering tips for kitchens,' and 'multipurpose furniture for small spaces.' Target audience: urban apartment dwellers. Tone: Informative yet engaging."

Tip 2: Keyword optimization beyond the basics

Specify keyword placement for the AI, requesting inclusion in the introduction, subheadings, and conclusion to kickstart SEO-friendly content creation. Emphasize the natural integration of primary and secondary keywords throughout the text to maintain flow and enhance readability.

Encourage the use of keyword variations to broaden content appeal and reach. For instance, suggest including variations like “how to garden organically” alongside the primary keyword “organic gardening tips.”

Highlight the importance of contextual keyword usage to enhance content value and user experience. Doing so helps align with search engines’ preference for contextually rich content. Instruct the AI to incorporate secondary keywords in subheadings to improve the content structure for readers. This also enhances search engine visibility by signaling covered topics within the article.

Example prompt

"Create an article on 'The Benefits of Yoga for Stress Relief,' ensuring the primary keyword 'yoga for stress relief' is naturally integrated throughout the content, especially in the introduction, subheadings, and conclusion. Include secondary keywords 'stress-relieving yoga poses,' 'beginner yoga routines,' and 'yoga mindfulness practices' within specific sections. Focus on providing valuable information and insights on how yoga can help with stress relief, and use variations of the primary keyword to enhance readability."

Tip 3: Request structured content

Outline the content structure for the AI. Say you need an introduction, a set number of sections or headings, and a conclusion to provide a clear framework. Briefly describe the focus of each section or heading to ensure all content segments contribute cohesively to the main topic.

Request the use of bullet points to enhance information digestibility. Prompt the AI to present key points or lists in a bullet format for improved readability where needed.

Conclude by asking for a summary highlighting the main points and including a call to action (CTA) to engage readers. Encourage actions like commenting, sharing the content, or exploring related topics on your website.

Example prompt:

"Draft an informative post titled 'The Ultimate Guide to Eco-Friendly Living.' Structure the content with an introduction that highlights the importance of sustainability. Include sections on 'Reducing Plastic Use,' 'Sustainable Eating Habits,' 'Eco-Friendly Transportation Options,' and 'Green Home Improvements,' each with relevant bullet points and examples. Conclude with a compelling call to action encouraging readers to adopt at least one eco-friendly practice."

Tip 4: Instruct AI for intent match

Understand why users search for your keyword: to learn (informational), find a site (navigational), make a purchase (transactional), or compare options (commercial investigation). Tailor your prompt to match the identified intent explicitly. For informational searches, request a comprehensive guide or tips; for transactional intent, focus on product details, benefits, and purchasing guidance.

Clearly outline the desired reader response in your prompt—what they should feel, know, or do by the article’s end. This guides the AI to create content that aligns closely with the user intent and desired outcome.

For content addressing common questions, direct the AI to structure part of the content in a Q&A format. Provide audience queries for the AI to address within the content. For prompts targeting commercial investigation or transactional intents, instruct the AI to incorporate comparisons, case studies, or scenarios. This assists readers in decision-making and directly addresses their underlying intent.

Example prompt:

"Write a comprehensive comparison article on 'Electric Cars vs. Gasoline Cars: Which is Better for the Environment?' Target user intent by providing detailed analysis and evidence on environmental impact, long-term costs, and performance differences. Include FAQs to answer common queries directly. Conclude with a recommendation section tailored to environmentally conscious drivers considering their next vehicle purchase."

Tip 5: Creating engaging titles with AI

Ensure your primary keyword features in the title to enhance SEO and indicate content relevance. For instance, if the keyword is “vegan baking recipes,” integrate this phrase naturally into the title. Instruct the AI to craft titles that inform about the content while intriguing readers to click, balancing clarity with curiosity or value. For example, consider a title like “10 Vegan Baking Recipes That Will Revolutionize Your Dessert Game.”

Ask the AI to provide multiple title options to explore different framing possibilities based on your keyword and content focus. This helps spark creativity and aid title refinement.

Titles with numbers and power words often perform well. Guide the AI to include these elements in some title options, such as “5 Mouth-Watering Vegan Baking Recipes for Every Sweet Craving.” Encourage title specificity by including details like the target audience, problem solved, or unique content. For example, “Vegan Baking for Beginners: Master Dairy-Free Desserts Step by Step.”

Opt for titles in the active voice for dynamism and engagement. Active voice titles are direct and compelling, such as “Uncover the Best 10 Vegan Baking Recipes Loved by All.”

Example prompt:

"Generate five engaging titles for an article about 'Indoor Herb Gardening for Beginners,' incorporating the primary keyword. Each title should invoke curiosity and offer value, possibly including numbers or power words. Examples of structure could include 'How To Start Your Indoor Herb Garden: 5 Easy Steps' or 'Transform Your Kitchen with These 7 Easy-to-Grow Herbs.'"

Yoast SEO Premium has an excellent AI title generator

Yoast SEO Premium features an AI-powered tool designed to generate SEO-optimized titles and meta descriptions for your content effortlessly. It swiftly analyzes your articles to produce compelling, search-engine-friendly headings and summaries, improving click-through rates and saving valuable time. This intuitive feature streamlines content creation, ensuring your articles are primed for maximum visibility and engagement.

Yoast SEO Premium helps you write great titles and meta descriptions with AI

Ensure your primary keyword is prominent in the meta description to convey relevance to search engines and potential readers. If, for instance, your keyword is “indoor gardening tips,” feature it at the beginning or early on in the meta description.

Instruct the AI — or have Yoast SEO Premium do it for you! — to encapsulate your content’s primary benefit or value proposition in the meta description. Focus not just on what the content is about but why it holds significance. For example, “Transform your living space into a verdant oasis with these indoor gardening tips.”

Given the character limit for meta descriptions, emphasize crafting concise and compelling descriptions that prompt users to click through. Be succinct, engaging, and direct to entice readers effectively. Also, end the meta description with a call to action (CTA) to prompt reader engagement. Request the AI to include a subtle yet persuasive CTA, like “Start your indoor garden transformation today with our expert tips!”

Example prompt:

"Produce a concise answer section for 'What Are the Best Practices for Password Management?' Structure the content to answer the question directly within 50 words, suitable for a featured snippet. Follow with a bulleted list of top practices and a brief explanation of why each is important for securing online accounts."

Identify common questions related to your content’s topic to align with your audience’s needs. Direct the AI to structure content segments that directly answer these queries. For instance, for “vegan baking,” address questions like “What is vegan baking?” or “How to substitute eggs in vegan baking.”

Featured snippets favor clear, concise answers. Instruct the AI to provide direct responses, ideally within 40-60 words for paragraph snippets. This increases the likelihood of your content being featured.

Google often showcases lists and tables for how-to guides and rankings. Ask the AI to incorporate bulleted lists for steps, ingredients, tips, and tables for comparative data or statistics. Utilize headers (H2 or H3 tags) that align with identified questions to aid search engines in understanding your content’s structure. This alignment increases your chances of selecting your article for a featured snippet.

Example prompt:

"Write an article on 'The Importance of Hydration for Athletes,' suggesting points for internal linking to our previous content. Include placeholders like '[Link to "Best Rehydration Drinks"]' where relevant. Ensure each suggested link provides additional value and context related to hydration tips, benefits, and strategies."

Tip 8: Using AI for internal linking suggestions

Begin by comprehensively understanding your website’s existing content to guide the AI in suggesting relevant internal linking opportunities. This step ensures that the AI’s recommendations align effectively with your site’s content structure.

In your instructions, specify that you want the AI to pinpoint potential internal linking chances within the content. For instance, if discussing “Vegan Baking,” highlight related articles like “Vegan Ingredients” or “Eco-Friendly Cooking Utensils” as potential anchor points for internal links.

Direct the AI to propose specific phrases or keywords within the content that can serve as anchor text for internal links. Ensure the anchor text is contextually relevant to the linked article’s content. Things like this help the user experience and can make it easier for search engines to understand content relationships.

Emphasize the importance of seamlessly integrating internal links within the content’s context to the AI. Each suggested link should provide value to the reader. Links should offer additional information or related topics that enrich their engagement with the content.

Write better prompts by instructing the AI to create calls to action (CTAs) with internal links. For instance, “Explore our comprehensive guide to Vegan Ingredients for more insights on vegan baking.” This approach encourages readers to delve into related content, enhancing site navigation and user engagement.

Example prompt

"Write an article on 'The Importance of Hydration for Athletes,' suggesting points for internal linking to our previous content. Include placeholders like '[Link to "Best Rehydration Drinks"]' where relevant. Ensure each suggested link provides additional value and context related to hydration tips, benefits, and strategies."

Tip 9: Improve content depth

Begin by mapping out a range of subtopics that cover your main topic from various angles. This ensures your content addresses the breadth and depth of the subject. For instance, if your main topic is “Sustainable Gardening,” potential subtopics might include water conservation techniques, organic pest control, and sustainable garden design.

Direct the AI to dive deep into each subtopic, providing detailed explanations, step-by-step guides, benefits, challenges, and solutions. This level of detail enriches the content and positions it as a valuable resource for readers seeking thorough information.

Enhance the depth of your content by asking the AI to include relevant examples and case studies within the subtopics. These real-life illustrations add credibility and interest, making complex information more accessible and engaging to your audience.

Direct the AI to cover each subtopic comprehensively, addressing common questions, misconceptions, and practical advice. This not only aids in SEO by covering a range of related keywords but also provides value to the reader.

While instructing the AI to cover subtopics thoroughly emphasizes the need for clear, accessible language. Complex topics should be broken down into digestible sections. Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and images to enhance readability and engagement.

Ensure that each subtopic includes actionable advice or takeaways. This transforms the content from purely informational to practical. You should give readers clear steps or strategies they can implement in their context.

Example prompt:

"Develop an in-depth feature on 'Sustainable Travel Destinations Around the World.' For each destination, provide detailed insights into how it promotes sustainability, including conservation efforts, eco-friendly accommodations, and green activities. Incorporate real-life examples, hypothetical expert quotes, and recent studies supporting the benefits of sustainable tourism."

Tip 10: Enhance SEO-friendliness

Start by creating a broad content draft using the AI based on your initial prompt, covering all subtopics and including primary and secondary keywords. Treat this draft as the foundation for further refinement.

Review the draft thoroughly to enhance engagement, add detail, and improve flow. Focus on significant enhancements aligning the content with your goals.

Use specific prompts to refine content sections. For instance, if a section like “water conservation techniques” needs improvement, prompt for enhancements like including current technologies and efficiency practices. This targeted approach allows for precise improvements.

After enhancing content quality, shift focus to keyword optimization. Integrate primary and secondary keywords naturally throughout the text to add value and maintain readability.

Example prompt:

"Create an initial draft for 'Top Digital Marketing Trends in 2023.' After review, refine the content with a follow-up prompt focusing on enhancing sections that discuss AI in marketing and the rise of voice search, adding current statistics, expert opinions, and practical tips for marketers to adapt these trends."

High-quality example prompts

Here are three AI prompts to try that should give you good results to build upon:

Example prompt 1: Crafting SEO-driven content

"Create a detailed, SEO-optimized guide titled 'The Ultimate Guide to Organic Gardening in Small Spaces.' Start with an engaging introduction with the primary keyword 'organic gardening in small spaces.' Break down the guide into the following sections: Choosing Your Space, Essential Tools for Small Space Gardening, Selecting Plants, Organic Pest Control Methods, and Maximizing Your Yield. Each section should integrate secondary keywords: 'urban organic gardening,' 'small garden tools,' 'best plants for small gardens,' 'natural pest control,' and 'increasing garden yield,' respectively. Conclude with a summary and a CTA encouraging readers to share their small space gardening tips."

Example prompt 2: Keyword optimization

"Write an informative article on 'Top SEO Strategies for 2024,’ ensuring the primary keyword 'SEO strategies 2024’ appears in the introduction, at least three subheadings, and the conclusion. Use secondary keywords 'keyword research,' 'mobile optimization,' 'voice search SEO,' and 'content marketing trends' in different sections to structure the article. Each section should provide detailed insights and practical tips while not using the main keyword too much. Include bullet points for key tips and end with a compelling CTA to subscribe for more SEO insights."

Example prompt 3: Requesting structured content

"Produce a comprehensive post on 'How to Create Engaging Content for Social Media.' The content should start with an introduction emphasizing the importance of engagement on social media platforms. The body should be divided into sections covering 'Understanding Your Audience,' 'Crafting Captivating Headlines,' 'Using Visuals to Enhance Posts,' 'Incorporating Hashtags Effectively,' and 'Engaging with Your Community.' Each section should start with a subheading and include bullet points for the main tips. Conclude with a summary reiterating the value of engagement and a CTA encouraging readers to implement these strategies in their next social media post."


Careful prompt crafting enables the AI to generate high-quality, SEO-optimized content, paving the way for improved visibility and reader engagement. Use this guide as your roadmap to SEO content writing excellence, harnessing AI tools as valuable assets in your digital marketing endeavors.

Coming up next!

Use AI to drive foot traffic to your local business

Local businesses thrive on foot traffic. As consumers turn to their devices first, having a solid online presence is paramount. Generative AI is a helpful tool for finding innovative ways to boost local SEO and captivate potential customers. This article will explore how using this AI technology can transform your local business presence.

AI content enhances local search presence

Local businesses know the power of the right words. They can turn a casual online searcher into a loyal customer walking through the door. Here’s where generative AI shines, shaping content that captivates and converts. 

First, AI dives into the data pool of local search terms. It finds phrases that locals use when looking for services you offer. For example, a local hardware store might discover people searching for “home repair workshops near me” more often than expected. AI uses this insight to suggest blog topics, social media posts, and helpful guides highlighting the store’s home repairs expertise.

Next, the AI writes. It crafts content using local keywords, ensuring it sounds natural, not forced. This content isn’t just informative; it’s tailored to your town, neighbors, and the local culture. It’s as if a local storyteller is behind every word.

But there’s more

But AI doesn’t stop there. We all know that Google and your customers are looking for reliable sources. AI can help businesses improve E-E-A-T by ensuring content isn’t just fluff. It lets you fill it with valuable information reflecting your on-the-ground experience and expertise. Authenticity is crucial, so you must double-check and edit AI-generated content for accuracy and relevance to your community’s needs.

Let’s say you run a café that prides itself on using locally sourced ingredients. AI can help create a narrative around your suppliers, share their stories, and highlight the benefits of supporting local agriculture. This boosts your SEO and connects with customers’ interest in sustainability and community support.

Finally, AI assists in optimizing your content’s structure and metadata for search engines while keeping it engaging for readers. The AI generates titles and meta descriptionsYoast SEO Premium does this! — that capture the essence of your articles, enticing clicks from curious locals browsing online. These minor, AI-driven tweaks add up to a significant boost in your local search presence.

AI has the skills to help you get your local SEO work done. It’s up to you, the business owner, to bring passion and personality to the work, ensuring everything is done precisely and honestly.

5 creative strategies to use AI for local businesses

Local businesses can use generative AI to create content and experiences that improve local SEO and draw customers into their physical locations. Here are five strategies that illustrate the potential of AI to enhance local visibility and attract foot traffic:

1. AI-powered event promotion:

Imagine a local bookstore using AI to analyze reading trends and community interests, then generate a list of potential events such as author signings, book clubs, or children’s story hours. The AI takes it further by crafting compelling event descriptions and promotional content tailored to the local audience’s preferences. The bookstore can then share these promotions across its website and social media platforms, targeting ads to local readers and sending personalized email invitations.

2. AI-designed coupons and local deals:

A local auto repair shop could employ generative AI to create and distribute location-based deals or coupons. The AI would analyze local traffic patterns, vehicle types, and common service needs to offer timely specials, such as discounts on tire changes just before winter. These deals could be promoted through targeted social media ads, local online forums, and the shop’s website, directly reaching the local audience. The AI can also personalize coupons for customers who have previously visited the shop, incentivizing repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals. This approach drives foot traffic with appealing offers and boosts local search rankings by keeping the content updated and relevant to the community’s current needs.

3. Tailored recommendations:

A gourmet food shop can use AI to analyze purchase histories and online behavior, providing customers with individualized product recommendations. These recommendations could be paired with an exclusive, in-store tasting event for a local delicacy. The AI helps create a sense of anticipation and exclusivity, incentivizing customers to visit the store to experience the flavors they’ve been reading about online.

4. Customized in-store experiences with AI assistance:

Consider a local home decor shop that wants to offer a personalized shopping experience. Using generative AI, the shop could create an online quiz that helps customers identify their interior design style. Based on the results, the AI generates a custom shopping list of items available in the store that fit the customer’s style profile. The customer is then invited to visit the shop for a personalized shopping experience, complete with a store map highlighting where to find the suggested items. This strategy provides a unique in-store experience and boosts local SEO by driving online interactions that lead to in-person visits.

5. Engaging local tales:

A historic inn could use AI to uncover and tell stories about the town’s past, connecting them with the inn’s heritage. These stories could be shared on the inn’s website, social media, and even through QR codes around the property, leading guests on a self-guided tour that ends with a special offer at the inn’s restaurant or a discounted stay. By weaving the local lore with the inn’s offerings, AI helps create a unique narrative that draws in guests curious about the region’s history.

Generative AI can do a lot. It can help you find exciting and inspiring ways to boost your local SEO. Now, local businesses can create unique, SEO-friendly content and experiences that resonate deeply with the local community. Which, hopefully, encourages more customers to visit their locations and engage with their brands.

Humanizing AI for local impact

The blend of AI and human insight is where local businesses can truly shine. AI excels at processing data and generating content. But the human touch infuses warmth and personalization into every interaction. Here’s how companies can make AI more human to create a meaningful impact locally.

Firstly, business owners need to review AI-generated content. This step ensures that the voice and tone reflect the business’s brand and resonate with the local audience. For example, a mechanic shop’s AI-generated blog post about car maintenance becomes more relatable when the owner adds personal anecdotes or advice about local driving conditions.

Secondly, businesses should connect AI initiatives with real people. A garden center could feature its knowledgeable staff in AI-generated videos, offering tips for seasonal planting tailored to the local climate. This approach showcases the staff’s expertise and builds customer trust and rapport.

Additionally, incorporating community feedback is vital. A café might use AI to analyze customer reviews and invite patrons to vote on the next ‘flavor of the month’ for a coffee blend. It shows that the café values customer input and is willing to adapt based on their preferences, fostering a loyal local following.

Need more?

Businesses can use AI to enhance in-store experiences while keeping the local vibe intact. A bookstore’s AI-generated reading recommendations become more personal when staff members add a handwritten note about why they loved a particular book, connecting with customers more intimately.

Lastly, it’s crucial to ensure that AI-driven initiatives like local loyalty programs or targeted promotions highlight the community’s character. A pet store’s loyalty program might use AI to offer discounts on products for popular breeds in the neighborhood, reinforcing the store’s local presence.

While AI can handle data and create content at an unprecedented scale, the human element turns these capabilities into genuine local engagement. Local business owners should ensure their efforts to attract foot traffic remain authentic, personal, and deeply rooted in the local community’s fabric.

Implementing AI with integrity

For local businesses, embracing AI goes beyond just adopting new technology. Adopting AI involves a thoughtful approach that respects customers and the local community’s values. Here’s how to implement AI with integrity and strategic foresight.

Start with a clear goal. Please identify what you want to achieve with AI, whether it’s attracting more foot traffic, personalizing customer experiences, or enhancing your local SEO. For instance, a fitness studio might aim to use AI to promote health and wellness within the community through personalized workout content.

Next, select the right AI tools. Many AI applications are available, but not all are created equal. Look for tools that align with your business goals and have a proven track record of success in similar settings. A salon could opt for an AI tool that helps schedule appointments efficiently, reducing wait times and improving customer satisfaction.

Employees should understand how AI is used within the business and be trained to provide a seamless blend of technology and personal service. A bookstore employee, for instance, should be able to take AI-generated reading suggestions and enrich them with their own insights and favorite picks.

Finally, monitor AI’s impact. Keep an eye on how AI-driven initiatives affect customer interactions and local SEO. Adjust your strategies based on customer feedback and performance data. A hardware store could track which AI-generated DIY project guides drive the most in-store visits and update their content strategy accordingly.

Measuring and adapting

After integrating generative AI into your local business strategies, measuring the results and adapting your approach based on performance is essential. Here’s how to ensure your AI efforts effectively drive foot traffic and enhance your local SEO.

Set up key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to your goals. If you’re using AI to drive foot traffic through local events, track attendance numbers and sales during event periods. A local art supply store hosting AI-generated art class events would monitor sign-ups and in-store purchases tied to those events.

Use analytics tools to monitor online engagement: track website visits, social media interactions, and click-through rates on AI-generated content. For example, a family restaurant could review how many reservations are made after interacting with their AI-powered menu recommendations on their website.

Ask, and ye shall receive

Gather customer feedback directly. Ask customers about their in-store experience and how they discovered your business. Did an AI-generated email coupon bring them in? Did they enjoy the personalized shopping experience your AI quiz provided? A boutique might collect this feedback through quick in-store surveys or feedback forms.

Evaluate the data and seek trends. Look for patterns in what’s working well and what isn’t. Perhaps your AI-scheduled workshops are a hit, but specific topics draw more interest than others. Use this information to fine-tune future offerings.

Be ready to pivot. Adaptability is key with AI and local SEO. If an AI strategy isn’t delivering the expected results, don’t hesitate to tweak it or try something new. A local pet store might find that their AI-recommended pet care tips are popular online but don’t translate to in-store visits, prompting them to add in-store incentives to their content.

Continuously improve. AI is a powerful tool, but it’s not a set-it-and-forget-it solution. Regularly review your AI strategies and update them based on the latest local trends, customer preferences, and technological advancements.

Conclusion to using AI in a local business

Generative AI presents many opportunities for local businesses to enhance their SEO and attract customers. By combining AI’s capabilities with a genuine understanding of the local community, companies can create an irresistible online presence that translates into real-world success.

Coming up next!

SEO in 2024: Four insights from Yoast SEO experts

Step into 2024, where SEO is on the brink of transformation. This post offers a deep dive into the minds of four SEO experts at Yoast. Each expert sheds light on the impact of the changes they see happening. Explore their collective wisdom as they dissect the future of search, the evolving challenges of engagement, and the strategic shifts vital for success in a year where things are moving quickly.

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Setting the stage

As 2024 nears, reflecting on the transformative year 2023 for the SEO industry is important. It was a year marked by significant algorithmic shifts and technological advancements. Plus, evolving user behavior redefined the strategies of digital marketers worldwide.

In 2023, the SEO community witnessed the full impact of Google’s helpful content update. This placed a premium on user-centric content, diminishing the effectiveness of keyword-stuffed articles. In return, it rewards content catered to user needs and intent. This update re-emphasized the critical importance of understanding the searchers’ journey and creating content that offered genuine value.

The rise of artificial intelligence also reached a tipping point in 2023. AI-powered search features and content tools are becoming more mainstream. Integrating AI into search algorithms brought about smarter, more contextual search results.

As we move into 2024, these trends and challenges form the backdrop against which we navigate the future of SEO. The industry is set for another year of rapid evolution. Adaptability, strategic planning, and a keen eye on user experience will be the hallmarks of successful SEO.

2023: The year AI didn’t take over

To kick things off, our principal SEO expert, Carolyn Shelby, about the impact of AI on SEO in 2024:

As 2022 drew to a close, there was a sense that AI was about to take over everything, not just SEO. It was going to steal our jobs and replace us (humans) in nearly every possible way. In SEO, there was a massive interest in detection processes to determine what content people created and what AI created. There were questions about how the search engines were going to treat content deemed to be non-human. Thankfully, 2023 is almost over, and we are all (mostly) still employed, and none of us have new robot overlords.

Instead of completely taking over, AI is embedded within and added to most of our technology — especially in SEO. It’s a helper rather than a replacement; we’re all learning to leverage this new assistance. Even Google changed its language on treating AI-generated content to remove the stigmatization of using AI to help write. AI isn’t ruling over us; it is making us more efficient and helping us do our work faster. It might make you even better — if you’re good with your prompts.

Looking ahead

Looking ahead to 2024, it’s clear that the integration of AI enhancements into everyday life will continue and probably accelerate. The most beneficial skills prized in the workplace will be language and logic skills that improve your prompts.

The search engines are furiously competing to enmesh the AI equivalent of Clippy into their overall experiences. That, in particular, concerns the SEO community because it raises questions about potential traffic loss. Especially when the SERP starts reading and summarizing your search results to answer questions without needing to click through. As a result, it prevents users from doing research. The lack of a need to do research raises concerns about bias in the algorithms and big tech possessing undue and unchecked influence over the masses.

So many ethical concerns, so few guardrails.

SEO will survive

Ultimately, SEO will survive this, as will websites. SEOs are still necessary, and we now have the luxury of offloading our tedious tasks to AI helpers. Our sites might lose some traffic to the AI in the SERPs, but quality content that provides valuable information will always be needed and should win out. We need to moderate some of our expectations regarding how we interpret our analytics, and our conversion metrics might start looking different. But to be fair, traffic now doesn’t look or convert the same as it did five or ten years ago. Things change, but SEO will adapt and evolve.

What do you E-E-A-T?

Now, our other resident SEO expert, Alex Moss. He has the following to share on the growing impact of E-E-A-T in 2024:

Authority within SEO isn’t a novel concept. For years, SEO experts have concentrated on page and site-level metrics. However, the rise of entities, recognized through schema markup and the Knowledge Graph, is now pivotal in enhancing a site’s or individual’s Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T). In 2024, it’s crucial to implement the correct schema markup for a page or site. Plus, you should craft content that genuinely serves the end user.

Over the past year, Google has underscored the importance of E-E-A-T with several updates, including an additional “E” for experience. This reflects a shift towards valuing personal experience in creating helpful, user-centric content. Alongside this, Google has updated its schema documentation — most notably with the anticipated enhancements to the Organization schema. In addition, it also introduced new types, such as profiles for individuals, discussion forums, educational offerings, and vacation rental listings.

Google’s focus on E-E-A-T will intensify in 2024, with further expansions and refinements to schema types and entity recognition. This evolution promises to intertwine individuals’ Knowledge Graphs more closely with the entities they are associated with, thus amplifying the importance of E-E-A-T in SEO.

The shift in online search behavior

In 2024, content specialist Camille Cunningham sees more changes happening in the way people search for answers to their questions:

When we think of how people find us online, we often picture someone typing in a keyphrase in Google’s good old search bar, hitting enter, and getting a neat list of search results. But as online search behavior evolves, we see a noticeable shift to other devices and platforms.

The importance of mobile

It may not be news to you, but the popularity of mobile is continuously growing. According to Hubspot, a percentage of 54% of consumers primarily use their phones for online searches. In that same research, they found that 80% of Gen Z, 62% of millennials, and 66% of Gen X use their phones most often when searching online. The younger generations (and the ones still to come) expect a great mobile experience whenever they experience you online.

The importance of social media

Related to this, you need to think bigger than just appearing in Google. Another development that will continue well into 2024 is using social media as a search engine.

People are spending loads of time on social media and using it to (actively) find information. Especially for younger generations, this is where you can reach them and get them interested in your business. These people will not be reached through traditional SEO; you’ll need to figure out where they hang out online and be there. Build your brand there and earn their trust through content that resonates with them.

Keep investing in user research and stay flexible in your marketing to ensure you cater to your audience’s changing needs. Constantly evolve with your target audience because user behavior will continue to change.

Google’s Search Generative Experience rolling out

Yoast’s strategic content specialist Edwin Toonen talks about the impact the SGE will have:

In 2024, Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) will change the game. Google will probably roll it out worldwide sometime next year. With SGE, users will get more options to shape their searches and the results they get. In general, they can do more on the SERPs. They will likely search differently, asking more complex questions rather than entering short keywords. We must prepare for this by creating content that answers these more detailed questions.

There’s been a lot of talk about zero-click results, and getting traffic to websites will definitely change. SGE will provide answers directly on the search page, which could mean fewer people clicking through to websites. This requires a new approach from all of us, as we must find fresh ways to engage users and measure success. Also, we need to assess how much site traffic the SGE can cost us and adjust our strategies accordingly.

Content accuracy is now more important than ever. To be used by SGE, content must be factually correct and highly relevant. Therefore, we must focus on quality to ensure SGE picks up our content. In addition, we must find new ways to align our content with what SGE seeks. While writing that unique content, use AI sparingly to ensure our original work stands out.

Underneath all that, structured data is the bedrock for everything. By embedding this standardized format, we can directly communicate the context of our website’s content to Google. This clarity allows SGE to parse accurately and present information in response to user queries.

To keep in mind

Amid these changes, Google’s ad business remains a focal point. It has a history of integrating new features with an eye on monetization. Any advancements, including SGE, will likely support and enhance their advertising model. As we work through these changes, we must remember that Google will prioritize features that tie back to revenue generation. This will influence how organic and paid content coexist on SERPs.

In short, SGE is a wake-up call. But, as with everything, there are opportunities. It’s an exciting time for SEO!

Conclusion to SEO in 2024

As we look ahead, it’s clear that four key drivers are reshaping SEO in 2024. First, artificial intelligence is not just on the horizon — it’s here, fundamentally altering how we approach search engine strategies. AI’s influence spans from content creation to search query processing, setting a new bar for what it means to optimize for search.

Simultaneously, Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) makes its presence felt. Its immediate impact on user search habits and site traffic compels us to re-evaluate our tactics to stay ahead.

The emphasis on E-E-A-T and entity SEO is rising to new heights of importance. The confluence of user experience, demonstrated E-E-A-T, and a clear understanding of entities and their relationships will form effective SEO.

Lastly, a new wave of user and search behavior changes is upon us. These shifts demand our attention and adaptability as they redefine the avenues users seek and consume information.

In summary, SEO in 2024 is dynamic and challenging but also brings opportunities. Staying attuned to these four focal points — AI’s transformative role, the ripple effects of Google’s SGE, the cruciality of E-E-A-T and entity SEO, and the evolving patterns of user behavior — will be pivotal for anyone looking to navigate the future of SEO successfully.

Coming up next!

The top 8 AI tools that will elevate your SEO game

The last year has seen loads of exciting developments when it comes to AI. With all these developments, we’ve seen new tools powered by AI pop up left and right. Tools that can help with loads of different things. From writing to keyword research to fact-checking, AI seems to be at home in all markets. The rise of this phenomenon can no longer be denied. Let’s take a look at 8 great AI tools that can help you when it comes to working on your SEO!

We’ve listed 8 tools that can help you with your SEO in different ways. But I do want to note that it’s important to maintain a healthy balance between utilizing AI and your input. AI can help us a lot, especially with getting started and saving time on easy tasks. But keep in mind that authenticity and trustworthiness are important for your audience and SEO. Don’t let AI do everything and take your unique point of view out of the equation. Don’t underestimate your importance in this process and make sure to always stay critical of the output. Check the tone of voice, check the facts and rewrite whatever needs to be rewritten. In the end, this human element will be what gets you to the top of the search results.

1. ChatGPT (Plus)

Let’s start with a tool you’ve probably already heard of: ChatGPT. This is a text-based AI model that interacts with you in a conversational way to answer any question you have. Or fulfill any content request you have. This means that the range of what ChatGPT can help you with is quite wide. Although it is limited to text-based answers, you can ask ChatGPT a lot of different things and it will always try to help you with your request.

Another great feature is the possibility to tweak your request along the way. So if you ask ChatGPT to write an introduction for a blog post on a specific topic and the answer it comes up with is too long, you can then ask it to shorten it and it will do so. If you’re not happy with the tone of voice, you can ask it to change that. Or if you don’t like it at all, you can ask ChatGPT to rewrite it altogether. You can also give it prompts to instruct the tool more specifically and get a better result from the start. This allows you to keep tweaking the text until you’re satisfied with it.

Screenshot of content request in ChatGPT (free)

There is a free version of ChatGPT, which in itself is already a powerful tool. There is also a paid option that unlocks a few additional features and faster response times, ChatGPT Plus. This can be interesting if you use ChatGPT quite a lot and have more complex requests that you need help with. But if you’re just getting started, we would recommend trying out the free tool first.

2. Jasper

Another AI tool that you can use to produce content is Jasper. But it is more focused on producing marketing content like blog posts, social posts, email and website copy. Where ChatGPT targets a wider audience, Jasper focuses on people working in marketing and entrepreneurs who do their marketing themselves. Utilizing the AI tool works pretty similarly, where you put in a request and Jasper provides you with content specifically created for a newsletter or post (or something else).

It also allows you to upload a style guide or examples of your content so that it can learn your preferred tone of voice. In addition, you can also give it information about your company like the products or services you provide, your audience and even a campaign brief. Jasper uses all of this to understand the goal of the content you’re requesting and to create content that is on-brand and detailed. What’s also cool about this tool is that it also comes in the form of a browser extension. Allowing you to use it while you’re working on your content in WordPress, Gmail and other places.

screenshot of AI tool Jasper used in Gmail
Screenshot of Jasper browser extension being used in Gmail

It’s good to know that Jasper works with a monthly (or yearly) subscription plan, so this is a paid tool. They have a few options you can check out and a free trial if you want to give it a try before subscribing.

3. Keyword Insights

A vital but time consuming part of SEO is keyword research. That’s why one of the AI tools we’ve picked is focused on that specifically. You can use Keyword Insights to find new keyword ideas and cluster them. By filling in a keyword it gives you loads of related keywords and their search volumes. Keyword Insights also helps you categorize keywords by clustering them properly and it allows you to upload other files to get those keywords in there as well. It gives you a nice overview of all your keywords per cluster and all the relevant data to figure out which ones you want to work on. The tool actually uses an algorithm to quickly show you which keyword is the best choice at the moment.

screenshot of AI tool Keyword Insights
An overview of related keywords in Keyword Insights

After you’re done with that, you can actually use the writing assistant to get started with writing. What’s cool about this writing feature is that it gives you an overview of the top headings of other websites that rank high on that keyword. Or it can even generate an outline for you. Which can be great inspiration to get started with the structure of your text. It also helps you write the text by suggesting relevant content for the article you’re working on.

Keyword Insights is a paid tool, that has several pricing options depending on your needs. A few of those options also enable team sharing, which comes in handy when you have multiple people working on your SEO. It has loads of interesting features to do keyword research in an organized way. But a very important sidenote is that it can be tempting to let the tool also do all the writing for you. Which might result in a text that is far from original and authentic and will not get you that top result in Google. As it will be mainly based on what’s already out there. So make sure to check out the keyword features, but be mindful of how you use the writing assistant.

4. Semrush SEO Writing Assistant

Another writing tool powered by AI is the SEO Writing Assistant you can find in Semrush. This tool analyzes your text in regards of SEO, readability, originality and tone of voice. It gives you suggestions based on this analysis and also comes with a few features to optimize your text, such as the Rephraser, Compose and Ask AI. What’s great about the Originality section is that this helps you create content that’s not like everyone else’s, something you risk when using AI in your content creation. This can help you figure out whether you need to change your angle and it also checks your content for plagiarism.

screenshot of AI tool Keyword Insights
The SEO Writing Assistant in Semrush

Another reason we’re mentioning this tool is because Semrush in general is a great tool for SEO. So having this option in there is a great addition to their set of tools. The SEO Writing Assistant is part of Semrush’s Content Marketing Platform, which you get access to with two (out of three) of their subscriptions. You can also sign up for a free trial to give it a whirl.

5. MarketMuse

When looking at AI tools that can help you elevate your SEO, MarketMuse is another one we want to mention. In short, MarketMuse is content planning and optimization software that comes with loads of SEO and automization features. The idea is that it puts everything you need in one place and automates content audits for you. Helping you suggest what you need to work on next instead of guessing or speculating what does or doesn’t work.

screenshot of AI tool MarketMuse
The Topic Navigator section in MarketMuse

It can help you do keyword research, plan your content and write. All based on personalized data, as they analyze your website and also look at competitors in your field. Which can save you loads of time and help you make informed decisions. Without having to switch between different tools and documents or sheets. It’s all in our place. As most AI tools discussed so far, MarketMuse works with a monthly subscription plan and gives you a few options to choose from.


The name might already be an indicator of what this AI tool can do for you. helps you fact check your text and also checks it for plagiarism. Being trustworthy is an important factor in SEO right now, and will probably remain important, so you need to get your facts straight. And make sure you’re not accidentally committing plagiarism, which is becoming a bigger risk in these AI-heavy times. Funnily enough, it also comes with an AI Content Detector which is pretty good in detecting content written by AI. Even if it has been paraphrased.

screenshot of AI tool
The fact checker in comes with a monthly subscription option and a pay-as-you-go option which gives you a bunch of credits to get started. Unfortunately, there is no free trial, but if you go to their website you can find loads of information (and some examples) of how the features work. There’s also a demo of their fact checker if you want to give that a try!

7. Grammarly

Grammarly is a tool that’s quite popular with the writers here at Yoast. It shows you when you’ve made an error when it comes to spelling and grammar, and works on different platforms and in different places. Which is very helpful when you write a lot of online text. Now that Grammarly also comes with the power of AI, it can do even more for anyone who writes online content.

Grammarly now comes with a generative text feature, which allows you to give it a prompt and get a draft right away. It also comes with a rewrite feature to change the tone of voice of your piece of content. You can also teach it what your personal tone of voice is, so that it can give you specific suggestions that fit your communication style. Lastly, it can help you with brainstorming and outlines by giving suggestions based on your task at hand. It’s a neat little AI tool that you can use on the go.

screenshot of AI tool Grammarly
Screenshot of Grammarly functionality, showing some of its AI features

Grammarly has a free plan, which gives you access to their basic AI assistance and 100 AI prompts per month. If you need more and want access to more prompts and advanced features, they have a few paid monthly subscription plans.

8. Yoast SEO & WooCommerce SEO

Naturally, I can’t bring this list to a close without mentioning our own AI features. Not too long ago, we added an AI feature to Yoast SEO Premium that generates SEO titles, meta descriptions and social snippets for you. It looks at the content that’s already there and with the click of a button it gives you a few options. Saving you the hassle of doing it manually and providing you with relevant titles, meta descriptions and social snippets that are all aimed at increasing your click-through rates.

screenshot of AI tool Yoast SEO
Screenshot of the AI meta description generator in Yoast SEO Premium

The AI title & meta description generator is part of our paid plugin, Yoast SEO Premium. Which comes with a yearly subscription plan, but an affordable one. As we want to make our features available to as many people as possible.

Unlock AI features in Yoast SEO Premium

Get this feature and much more for your WordPress site with the Yoast SEO Premium plugin!

We’ve also added this feature to Yoast WooCommerce SEO a short while back. This helps you make your products stand out on the search result page and get those clicks to your website. So if you have an online shop and are looking to optimize your products pages, it’s worth taking a look at that product as well.

Coming up next!

Use generative AI to make products stand out in search

Visibility on Google’s search results can make or break a business’s success. Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a valuable ally for ecommerce companies seeking to enhance their online presence. Discover how generative AI can help your WooCommerce products stand out on search engine results pages.

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Generative AI: A business’s secret weapon

Picture yourself armed with a tool to help you outpace your competitors. Generative AI is a tool that helps online entrepreneurs succeed. It’s more than just automating processes — it’s about creating user experiences that feel personalized and products that deeply resonate.

Generative AI tools learn from existing data to produce new, unique content, including text, images and designs that often rival human-made creations. Utilizing this technology can result in distinctive product-related content that stands out.

Fresh, quality content is vital for SEO. Generative AI can mold your product information to engage your audience and satisfy Google’s search algorithms.

Product descriptions that connect and convert

Envision product descriptions that do more than convey facts — they weave a narrative that connects with consumers’ emotions. Generative AI tools can craft such descriptions, leveraging your product’s features to produce content that aligns with your customers’ search intentions. This AI-driven copy can improve conversions with the right balance of targeted keywords and emotional appeal.

Titles and meta descriptions are crucial — their appeal can be the difference in a fraction of a second. They serve as your online shop’s calling card, tempting potential buyers to dive deeper into your offerings. Yoast SEO Premium can generate awesome titles and meta descriptions for you with a single click.

Titles that draw buyers in

The first interaction between a potential buyer and your WooCommerce shop is often through your product title. Generative AI can be your virtual copywriter, generating SEO-friendly titles that captivate. It combines creativity and keyword insight to craft titles that compel shoppers to look closer.

Generative AI can rapidly produce a variety of title options, reducing the time you’d spend brainstorming manually. Let the AI analyze your product and suggest titles, and you choose the one that packs the most punch.

Meta descriptions that make promises

Your meta description sits below your title in search results, acting as a quick sales pitch. Generative AI is adept at developing meta descriptions that are keyword-rich and compelling, guiding searchers toward that all-important click.

For WooCommerce users, product pages benefit from great meta descriptions. These improve click-through rates, signaling the value of your content to Google.

Evaluating AI titles and meta descriptions

When crafting AI-generated titles and meta descriptions for your e-commerce site, prioritize clear, product-focused content. Succinctly convey what’s for sale and emphasize key features and benefits. Keep the titles and descriptions concise to fit search engine display limits. Ensure each is tailored to avoid duplication across product pages. Incorporate compelling calls to action and highlight promotions or special offers to entice clicks and conversions.

Blend in primary and relevant long-tail keywords naturally. Make sure to reflect what potential customers might search for, including product names and specific attributes. Where brand strength is an asset, ensure brand names are visible to build trust and capitalize on brand loyalty. Titles and descriptions should also connect with buyers. When appropriate, address their purchasing motives and include social proof elements like high ratings or best-seller statuses.

Accuracy in product representation is crucial to maintaining credibility and reducing bounce rates. Prepare content with mobile users in mind, ensuring readability and impact on smaller screens. Finally, consider how your content will interact with rich snippets. Constantly refine with a human touch for optimal alignment with your e-commerce goals. Lastly, regularly review your SEO performance to tweak and enhance your approach.

AI is now in Yoast WooCommerce SEO

The Yoast WooCommerce SEO plugin uses generative AI to create engaging titles and meta descriptions for your products. It integrates smoothly with your workflow. The AI ensures your content is optimized for search engines and potential customers, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.

This pairing of generative AI and Yoast WooCommerce SEO makes a great tool to improve your product pages. It’s an excellent example of how to use AI to make products stand out in Google’s search results. Your WooCommerce online store can then attract more clicks and encourage conversions, giving your products the showcase they deserve.

Get your products ready for primetime with AI in Yoast WooCommerce SEO

Bringing a personal touch to AI in eCommerce

Generative AI tools can make a big difference in how your products appear in Google searches. But it’s the personal element that makes your WooCommerce store stand out.

Keeping it real with human insight

While AI gives you the starting points for content, human expertise turns it into something special. Whether through expert advice or personal stories about your products, this human insight can make your store’s content feel more genuine and trustworthy.

Balancing AI and authenticity

It’s important that your AI-generated content still sounds like it comes from a real person — your brand’s unique voice. Editors play a big role here, tweaking the AI’s work to ensure it hits the right note with your customers.

Mix AI with a human touch

The best way to get noticed on Google isn’t just about using AI. It’s about combining AI’s smarts with the relatable and genuine feel that comes from real people. It makes your WooCommerce site not just another online shop but a place where customers feel understood and valued. This creates a mix that appeals to both Google and human customers.

You need a solid integration of AI and human creativity to get that searcher from the SERP listing to a completed purchase. So, while AI is beneficial, you still need to work to make products stand out in search results.

Generative AI is great, but…

Incorporating generative AI into SEO efforts comes with hurdles businesses should consider. Quality control can be uneven, necessitating a careful review of AI-generated content to maintain brand standards. The material produced may not always be relevant or accurate, sometimes requiring human correction to align with market trends. Relying on AI can dilute a brand’s unique voice. Also, changes in Google’s helpful content guidelines could mean AI might struggle to keep up without human guidance.

There are ethical concerns surrounding AI content creation, such as transparency and the potential for misleading information. A heavy dependence on AI can curb human creativity, and additional resources are often needed for AI training and incorporation into existing workflows. Additionally, AI’s unpredictable nature can yield off-brand or inappropriate content. Lastly, AI’s originality might not match the depth a human writer provides.

Despite these potential issues, with tactful application and human oversight, generative AI can improve your ecommerce SEO and keep your business competitive online.

Using generative AI to stand out in Google’s search results is no futuristic concept. WooCommerce store owners who want to improve their online visibility can use it today. Combine AI’s inventive capabilities with your strategic human insight for better product visibility and allure.

To thrive online, offer more than products — deliver stories that speak to the desires and searches of your customers. Integrate generative AI into your SEO strategy and help it build an audience for your ecommerce business.

Are you ready to take your WooCommerce store to the next level with generative AI? Showcase your products on Google’s search results and drive growth. Check out the Yoast WooCommerce SEO plugin and transform your ecommerce SEO.

Coming up next!

Search evolved: Exploring the AI-powered world of Google’s SGE

Thanks to AI, search is very much on the move. Generative AI can help us do more in search engines, as Google shows in its Search Generative Experience (SGE). This experimental addition to the search engine gives us a glimpse of the future of search. Let’s take a look and see what it entails!

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What is Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE)?

SGE is part of Google’s larger experimental initiative hosted under Search Labs. This is where it tests cutting-edge search functionalities. Generative AI, a highly advanced form of artificial intelligence capable of creating content, powers this innovative feature. 

As announced on Google’s official blog, the underlying goal of SGE is to redefine search experiences, transforming them from passive information receivers to more interactive and personalized.

Google initiated the Search Generative Experience (SGE) to improve users’ search experience and develop the future of search. For this, Google uses generative AI to provide quick and concise overviews of search topics to enhance the search results. Or, as Google says, “We’re testing new ways to get more done right from Search.”

The GSE gives more context while answering your questions — the arrow dropdowns show links to sources

Generative AI

SGE utilizes generative AI, delivering AI-powered overviews that allow users to explore content and grasp key points swiftly. Depending on the search, a big block of information appears at the top of search results. The amount of information offered could mean that users no longer feel the need to navigate to multiple web pages.

The other reason is the generative part of the equation. Google can now develop ways for users to interact with the results and to do things nobody has ever done before, i.e., producing something right in the SERPs.

Key features of Google’s SGE

One of the more recent features of SGE is its ability to generate dynamic and interactive visual content. Users are no longer confined to receiving static, text-based results. Instead, with SGE, your textual search prompts can now be translated into images. 

The artificial intelligence system uses your prompts to understand the desired result and create representations matching your query. You can now create straight from the SERPs — opening up unlimited options for engaging with search results.

four pictures of a deer generated by the search generative experience
Generate masterpieces like the one above right from Google search

Extended search results

Another essential feature of SGE is its ability to customize search experiences based on user preferences and behaviors. It incorporates user-generated content, like customer reviews, into search results. 

For instance, you’re looking for an excellent Mexican restaurant in your city. SGE won’t just guide you to a random list of restaurants. It also gives you more context, like specials and the restaurant’s ambiance. Google says it gets data “from the reviews, photos and Business Profile details that people have submitted to Google for more than 200 million places in the real world.” Plus, you’ll also notice links to Yelp, Tripadvisor, and more in there.

a local pack generated by google's search generative experience
Google GSE expands the regular local results and adds more context for users

Interactive results

Google’s SGE is designed with user-friendly navigation in mind. The SGE interface shows information and actively helps users engage with search results. As such, the user interface makes discovery a natural part of the search experience. You can even ask follow-up questions or do related searches.

Lastly, SGE uses different formats to round out search results. Whether news articles, personal blogs, customer reviews, business listings, or social media posts, SGE uses various types, ensuring a more thorough answer to your search queries.

Keep in mind that not every query triggers an AI result.

The impact of SGE on search experiences

The impact of the Search Generative Experience spans all internet users, creators, and businesses, extensively redefining the search experience. Let’s not forget we are looking at the future of how people use Google.

Beginning with end users, SGE is celebrated for its innovative approach to enhancing the search experience. Google says it’s particularly appreciated by younger users aged 18–24, who are more inclined toward digital platforms that offer a blend of interactive and information-rich experiences. Integrating reviews, images, and videos in response to search queries delivers a more comprehensive and rich search experience than traditional search models.

A new way of thinking

The SGE will change how our content will be discovered, and it could also change what we and our users expect from a search result. But as the SGE handles search queries differently, it could offer us new ways to reach our audiences.

an example of an essay generated by google gse
You can ask the SGE AI to generate essays as well

Criticism of the SGE

Google’s Search Generative Experience could potentially hurt our SEO efforts. One key criticism revolves around the possibility of reduced visibility for organic search results. 

Since SGE provides AI-generated overviews at the top of search results, users may find the need to click significantly reduced. This could result in lower CTR and less organic traffic for websites. 

Additionally, some are concerned about potential bias towards publishers and authoritative sources, which could limit the visibility and exposure of smaller websites and niche content. As such, some people fear that SGE leads to a complex SEO landscape and could require a strategy shift.

The SGE is an experiment

It’s important to realize that this feature is still in development. Some users found the SGE interface has occasional performance issues, leading to slower load times. Additionally, as an experimental feature, the interface and specific features change as Google continues to improve.

Google’s Search Generative Experience is still experimental. However, its scope and the impacts are already far-reaching. We can only imagine how this will mature and reshape Google search.

How to start with Google’s Search Generative Experience

Google’s Search Generative Experience is an innovative feature that uses artificial intelligence to provide users with unique search results. If you’re eager to try this experiment, here’s a step-by-step guide. Please test it to see how and if your content gets picked up in the SGE.

Go to Google’s Search Labs to try out the SGE

1. Access Search Labs

First, ensure you have a personal Google account and access to Google Search. Next, use your Chrome browser to navigate to Search Labs for experimental features and the SGE experience.

2. Opt into SGE

Within Search Labs, look for the option to opt into the Search Generative Experience. Remember that SGE is an experimental feature, so availability may vary. If it’s accessible, click on the option to enable SGE and start experiencing AI-powered overviews. Currently, the SGE is available in 120 countries (not in Europe!) and supports English, Hindi, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Indonesian and Japanese.

3. Perform a search

With SGE enabled, search on Google as you normally would. Type your query into the search bar and hit enter. Click on the grey button to access AI-powered results. The search results page will now feature AI-powered overviews, offering quick and concise summaries of the search topic.

4. Review the AI-powered results

At the top of the search results page, you’ll notice an AI-powered overview related to your query. This overview provides key information and insights, allowing you to grasp the main points of the topic without the need to click on individual search results. Of course, you’ll also find external sources in there.

5. Explore further

Although the AI-powered overview gives you a comprehensive understanding of the search topic, you may still want to explore more. Scroll through the search results below the overview to find additional information, websites, articles, and resources related to your query. Fine-tune your search to see the results change or ask follow-up questions to the AI.

6. Provide feedback

As an experimental feature, Google welcomes user feedback to improve SGE. If you encounter any issues, have suggestions, or would like to share your experience, navigate to the feedback section within Search Labs. Your feedback can contribute to the refinement and enhancement of SGE. Google regularly introduces improvements, updates, and new features based on user feedback and advancements in AI technology.


Google’s SGE gives us an exciting sneak peek at the future of online search. Whether it’s the generation of imagery from textual cues or bringing more options to the search results, SGE is all about enriching the user experience. 

We’ll have to wait and see what other things Google is up to in its Search Lab. One thing is sure – SGE represents a big step towards making searching and creating content more useful. As for how it affects our SEO efforts, we’ll have to wait and see. 

Coming up next!

AI bots in SEO: To block, or not to block

AI web crawlers like GPTbot, CCbot, and Google-Extended play a significant role in training content for AI models. These bots crawl websites, collect data, and contribute to developing and improving Large Language Models (LLMs) and artificial intelligence. However, many people have asked us the same question: should you block these AI bots in your robots.txt file to protect your content? This article delves into the pros and cons of blocking AI robots and explores the implications.

Table of contents

Taming of the AI bots

This year, there has been a growing debate in our industry about whether to allow or block AI bots from accessing and indexing our content. On the one hand, there are concerns about these bots’ potential misuse or unauthorized scraping of website data. You may worry about using your intellectual property without permission or the risk of compromised sensitive data. Blocking AI web crawlers can be a protective measure to safeguard content and maintain control over its usage.

On the other hand, blocking these bots may have drawbacks. AI models rely heavily on large training data volumes to ensure accurate results. By blocking these crawlers, you might limit the availability of quality training data necessary for developing and improving AI models. Additionally, blocking specific bots may impact the visibility of websites in search results, potentially affecting discoverability. Plus, blocking AI may limit your usage of the tools on your website.

Examples of industries blocking bots

The area is still very new, as search engines are only beginning to give block options. In response to the growing need for content control, Google has introduced Google-Extended, an option for publishers to block the Bard bots from training on their content actively.

This new development comes after receiving feedback from publishers expressing the importance of having greater control over their content. With Google-Extended, you can decide whether your content can be accessed and used for AI training. OpenAI (GPTbot) and Common Crawl (CCbot) are other significant crawlers using robots.txt options. Microsoft Bing uses NOCACHE and NOARCHIVE meta tags to block Bing Chat from training on content.

News publishers

It is worth noting that most major news websites have taken a firm stance. Many publications block these crawlers to safeguard their journalistic work. According to research by Palewire, 47% of the tracked news websites already block AI bots. These reputable establishments understand the importance of protecting their content from unauthorized scraping and potential manipulation.

By blocking AI robots, they ensure the integrity of their reporting, maintaining their status as trusted sources of information. Their collective decision to protect their work highlights the significance of content preservation. The industry needs to find a balance in granting access to AI robots for training.

Ecommerce websites

In ecommerce, another critical consideration arises for site owners. Online retailers with unique product descriptions and other product-related content may strongly desire to block AI bots. These bots have the potential to scrape and replicate their carefully crafted product descriptions. Product content plays a vital role in attracting and engaging customers.

Ecommerce sites invest significant effort in cultivating a distinctive brand identity and compellingly presenting their products. Blocking AI bots is a proactive measure to safeguard their competitive advantage, intellectual property, and overall business success. By preserving their unique content, online stores can better ensure the authenticity and exclusivity of their work.

Implications of (not) blocking AI training bots

As the AI industry evolves and AI models become more sophisticated, you must consider the implications of allowing or blocking AI bots. Determining the right approach involves weighing the benefits of content protection and data security against potential limitations in AI model development and visibility on the web. We’ll explore some pros and cons of blocking AI bots and provide recommendations.

Pros of blocking AI robots

Blocking AI bots from accessing content may have its drawbacks, but there are potential benefits that you should consider:

Protection of intellectual property: You can prevent unauthorized content scraping by blocking AI bots like OpenAI’s GPTbot, CCbot, Google Bard, and others. This helps safeguard your intellectual property and ensures that your hard work and unique creations are not utilized without permission.

Server load optimization: Many robots are crawling your site, each adding a load to the server. So, allowing bots like GPTbot and CCbot adds up. Blocking these bots can save server resources.

Content control: Blocking AI bots gives you complete control over your content and its use. It allows you to dictate who can access and use the content. This helps align it with your desired purpose and context.

Protection from unwanted associations: AI could associate a website’s content with misleading or inappropriate information. Blocking these reduces the risk of such associations, allowing you to maintain the integrity and reputation of your brand.

When deciding what to do with these crawlers, you must carefully weigh the advantages against the drawbacks. Evaluating your specific circumstances, content, and priorities is essential to make an informed decision. You can find an option that aligns with your unique needs and goals by thoroughly examining the pros and cons.

Cons of blocking AI bots

While blocking AI robots may offer particular advantages, it also presents potential drawbacks and considerations. You should carefully evaluate these implications before doing this:

Limiting yourself from using AI models on your website: It is important to focus on the site owner’s perspective and examine how it may impact users. One significant aspect is the potential impact on users relying on AI bots like ChatGPT for personal content generation. For instance, individuals who utilize these to draft their posts may have specific requirements, such as using their unique tone of voice. However, blocking AI robots may constrain their ability to provide the bot with their URLs or content to generate drafts that closely match their desired style. In such cases, the hindrance caused by blocking the bot can significantly outweigh any concerns about training AI models that they may not use directly.

Impact on AI model training: AI models, like large language models (LLMs), rely on vast training data to improve accuracy and capabilities. By blocking AI robots, you limit the availability of valuable data that could contribute to developing and enhancing these models. This could hinder the progress and effectiveness of AI technologies.

Visibility and indexing: AI bots, particularly those associated with search engines, may play a role in website discoverability and visibility. Blocking these bots may impact a site’s visibility in search engine results, potentially resulting in missed opportunities for exposure. For example, take Google’s development of the Search Generative Experience. Although Google said that blocking the Google-Extended crawler does not influence the content in the SGE — just Google Bard — that might change. So, if you block this, it might take your data out of the pool of potential citations that Google uses to generate answers and results.

Limiting collaborative opportunities: Blocking AI robots might prevent potential collaborations with AI researchers or developers interested in using data for legitimate purposes. Collaborations with these stakeholders could lead to valuable insights, improvements, or innovations in AI.

Unintentional blocking: Improperly configuring the robots.txt file to block AI bots could inadvertently exclude legitimate crawlers. This unintended consequence can hinder accurate data tracking and analysis, leading to potential missed opportunities for optimization and improvement.

When considering whether to block AI robots, you must carefully balance content protection and control advantages with the drawbacks mentioned. Evaluating the specific goals, priorities, and requirements of your site and AI strategy is essential.

So, now what?

Deciding to block or allow AI bots is a challenging decision. It helps if you consider the following recommendations:

Assess specific needs and objectives: Carefully evaluate your site and content’s needs, objectives, and concerns before deciding. Consider factors such as the type of content, its value, and the potential risks or benefits associated with allowing or blocking AI bots.

Explore alternative solutions: Instead of blocking robots outright, consider implementing alternative measures that balance content protection and data availability. For example, rate limiting, user-agent restrictions, or implementing terms of use or API access limitations can help manage AI bot access while still allowing valuable data to be utilized.

Regularly review and update robots.txt: Continuously review your robots.txt file to ensure it aligns with your current strategy and circumstances. Regularly assess the effectiveness of the implemented measures and make adjustments as needed to accommodate changing threats, goals, or partnerships.

Stay informed: Keep updated with industry guidelines, best practices, and legal regulations regarding AI bots and web scraping. Familiarize yourself with relevant policies and ensure compliance with applicable laws or regulations.

Consider collaboration opportunities: While blocking these may have benefits, you can explore potential collaborations with AI researchers, organizations, or developers. Engaging in partnerships can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes. You could exchange knowledge, research insights, or other advancements in the AI field.

Seek professional advice: If you are uncertain about your website’s best course of action, consider asking for help. SEO professionals, legal experts, or AI specialists can help based on your needs and goals.

Blocking AI robots with Yoast SEO Premium

Next week, Yoast SEO will introduce a convenient feature that simplifies the process in response to the growing demand for controlling AI robots. With just a flick of a switch, you can now easily block AI robots like GPTbot, CCbot, and Google-Extended. This automated functionality seamlessly adds a specific line to the robots.txt file, effectively disallowing access to these crawlers.

This streamlined solution empowers you to swiftly and efficiently protect your content from AI bots without requiring manual configuration or complex technical adjustments. Yoast SEO Premium gives you greater control over your content and effortlessly manages your desired crawler access settings by providing a user-friendly option.

Yoast SEO Premium will let you easily block unwanted AI bots

Should you block AI robots?

The decision to block or allow AI bots like GPTbot, CCbot, and Google-Extended in the robots.txt file is a complex one that requires careful consideration. Throughout this article, we have explored the pros and cons of blocking these bots. We’ve discussed various factors that you should consider.

TLDR: Blocking AI crawlers

For AI robots, the path you choose – whether to block or allow – should reflect your unique vision, priorities, and appetite for risk. It is crucial to acknowledge that this decision is far from a one-size-fits-all solution, as its value lies in adapting it to your circumstances and considerations. Chart your course and determine the strategy that best aligns with your distinctive goals and aspirations.

On the one hand, blocking these robots can provide advantages such as protection of intellectual property, enhanced data security, and server load optimization. It gives control over your content and privacy and preserves your brand integrity.

On the other hand, blocking AI bots may limit opportunities for AI model training, impact site visibility, and indexing, and hinder potential collaborations with AI researchers and organizations. It requires a careful balance between content protection and data availability.

You must assess your specific needs and objectives to make an informed decision. Be sure to explore alternative solutions, stay updated with industry guidelines, and consider seeking professional advice when needed. Regularly reviewing and adjusting the robots.txt file based on changes in strategy or circumstances is also crucial.

Ultimately, blocking or allowing robots should align with your unique goals, priorities, and risk tolerance. It’s important to remember that this decision may not be a one-size-fits-all approach. The optimal strategy may vary depending on individual circumstances.

In conclusion, using AI bots in website indexing and training raises important considerations for site owners. You’ll need to evaluate the implications and find the right balance. If so, you’ll find a solution that aligns with your goals, protects your content, and contributes to artificial intelligence’s responsible and ethical development.

Coming up next!

Boost your SEO with AI: Now available in Yoast SEO 21.0

Say goodbye to the manual labor of creating SEO-optimized titles and meta descriptions! We’re excited to introduce an AI-powered breakthrough in Yoast SEO 21.0 that transforms how you optimize your content. We’ve harnessed the power of generative AI to bring you effortless title and meta description generation at the click of a button. Dive into our newest release and experience the benefits of seamless SEO optimization, giving you more time to craft quality content and less time worrying about SEO details.

Simplified SEO

We’ve designed this update of Yoast SEO to eliminate the hassle of your SEO optimization efforts. We all know that creating SEO-friendly titles and descriptions can be complex, often consuming a lot of your time and requiring an understanding of SEO best practices. Not anymore. Unlock the potential of AI with the newest release of Yoast SEO Premium. You can now generate titles and meta descriptions with just a click!

Now available as beta in Yoast SEO Premium

The new AI feature is now available as a beta in Yoast SEO Premium. As we fine-tune the API, you might see system messages in this beta phase. These are not huge issues, and it’s certainly not your fault. Simply try again if you see a message pop up! Think of it as getting a sneak peek behind the scenes, like witnessing a chef in a restaurant kitchen perfecting your dish. It’s all part of the process as we refine and optimize the product. You can activate the AI feature in the Yoast SEO settings.

We’re constantly working to improve our AI features, which is where we need your input. We value your feedback and ideas to ensure our products serve you better each time. We understand how quickly the world moves, particularly in areas like LLMs and generative AI. So, we are ready to make numerous tweaks and changes to keep pace and maintain high quality. Together, let’s explore this exciting new chapter!

Powered by generative AI

The new feature in Yoast SEO 21.0 uses advanced generative AI to create engaging, creative, SEO-optimized titles and meta descriptions. Relying on large language models, machine learning algorithms and fed with vast amounts of data, our AI understands your content to provide you with optimal suggestions.

Generating SEO titles and meta descriptions is now easy as pie with Yoast SEO Premium

Why use AI for SEO

SEO involves techniques and strategies to rank your site higher in search results. One of them is to have good, catchy titles and relevant meta descriptions that appeal both to readers and search engines.

But the challenges are real. Manually crafting these pieces of content can be tedious, and time-consuming and may require an advanced understanding of SEO. This is where our new feature steps in.

Here’s how the AI in Yoast SEO Premium benefits you

  • Saves time: You can focus more on creating quality content when you automate the generation of titles and meta descriptions.
  • Enhances creativity: It helps stimulate creative and engaging titles and descriptions, ensuring they grab the reader’s attention in search results.
  • Improved CTR: Leveraging AI for your SEO efforts can revolutionize your content optimization strategy and helps the number of people clicking through to your site.
  • Integrated workflow: By integrating different tasks — in this case, content creation and SEO optimization — into a seamless workflow, you save time, reduce complexity, and increase productivity. It also ensures that all your work is aligned toward one goal, increasing the effectiveness of your efforts.

Let us walk you through the functionality to show how this new feature will help you do SEO.

How does it work?

The AI feature in Yoast SEO 21.0 works for all your content. Here’s how:

  • Get started: Activate the AI feature in the Yoast SEO settings. Locate the ‘Use AI’ button. You’ll find this in the Google Preview in the Yoast SEO Premium sidebar or by scrolling down your post. Once your content is ready, click this button, and our AI feature will appear.
  • One-time consent: We’ve powered the AI features in Yoast SEO with external services. We need your consent to allow you to use them. Remember that we’ll transfer your data once you consent to use the AI feature.
  • AI at work: Ask it to generate titles or meta descriptions. Our advanced algorithms analyze your content after you click the button. The AI then uses this to generate a list of engaging and SEO-friendly titles or meta descriptions that align with your content.
  • View suggestions: You’ll see five unique suggestions for the title and meta description. Check them to see which ones suit your content the best. They are in the context of a Google SERP result. You can immediately see how it might look in the search results.
  • Choose or refresh: Find a title or meta description you love? Wonderful! Select it and click the ‘Apply AI title/meta description’ button next to the selection, and it will automatically populate the appropriate fields. Not entirely satisfied with the first round of suggestions? No problem! Click the ‘Generate more’ button, and five fresh suggestions for titles and meta descriptions will appear.
  • Finalize: The generated titles and meta descriptions are not set in stone. Tweak them to your liking.

Remember, there’s no need for any configuration. It also doesn’t cost you anything extra, like AI credits or an extra subscription — it’s all included in Yoast SEO Premium.

Keep Google in mind

Even as you use our AI feature to create SEO meta tags, it’s worth remembering that Google often rewrites titles and meta descriptions. This process is based on their algorithms’ understanding of your content and what they consider will be most helpful to users.

What does this mean? Google’s systems serve the user the best content according to their search query, which means it will occasionally adjust your titles and meta descriptions. This fact underlines the importance of your on-page content aligning with your meta tags.

Something else to keep in mind

While our generative AI is a powerful tool designed to deliver high-quality, SEO-friendly titles and meta descriptions, we want to remind you that it doesn’t replace the human touch. The technology provides incredible choices by learning from your data, but it might only partially grasp the unique context, branding, or tone of voice your content requires.

The suggestions generated by our AI feature provide a solid foundation for your SEO data, saving you time and effort. However, it’s still important to review these suggestions to ensure they align with your brand’s voice and your content’s context and are factually correct. We have a blog post explaining evaluating the generated titles and meta descriptions.

The power of generative AI in SEO is immense, offering time-saving benefits and efficiency; still, the technology should complement human intelligence, not replace it. We ensured that Yoast SEO 21.0 allows and encourages you to review, refine, and tailor the AI’s output.

Stay involved in the process, use this tool to enhance your workflow, and remember — the magic truly happens when human creativity and advanced AI work together!

Get Yoast SEO 21.0 now

We can’t wait for you to dive in and use this helpful feature in Yoast SEO Premium. We firmly believe it has the potential to improve your SEO work and make it more efficient. It helps free up that valuable time to do what you do best — create fantastic content.

The update is free if you use the Premium version of our SEO plugin. If you’re not a Premium subscriber, upgrade today to enjoy this and many more advanced features to help your SEO.

We’re excited about this new chapter in simplifying and optimizing your SEO work. As always, we are open to feedback and suggestions about Yoast SEO, and we’re looking forward to hearing about your experiences with this new feature.

Get ready to harness the power of AI for your SEO efforts!

Coming up next!