Amazon Sellers: Inventory Tips & Tactics For 2024 Success via @sejournal, @AMZRobynJohnson

Inventory has always played a significant role in the way you sell on Amazon.

Running out of inventory can impact your organic ranking and can impact your advertising strategy.

Besides the potential loss of sales, poor inventory control also impacts the amount of inventory Amazon will allow you to send into the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program.

Keep reading to learn more about:

  • How your Inventory Performance Index (IPI) score impacts your available storage volume.
  • What the IPI is, and how it’s calculated.
  • Recommended actions for improving your IPI score.
  • Tips for Amazon sellers who are new to Seller Central.

Amazon Limiting Sellers Storage Based On Storage Utilization

Amazon controls your storage capacity limits based on storage utilization and your sales history: 

Total Capacity Limit

This limits the amount of inventory you can restock to Amazon’s FBA warehouses in one shipment and the overall maximum number of units you can store at Amazon.

Accounts that have been active for less than 39 weeks are not subject to these restrictions.

It is important to note that this is only true for those accounts on the Professional Seller Plan.  Those with individual Seller Plans are limited to 15 cubic feet per month.

This limits the maximum cubic feet of storage space you have at Amazon. These limits are reviewed and adjusted monthly.

Any changes you can expect for your storage capacity for the following month will be announced on the third Monday of the month.

Included in your storage usage are the inventory currently stored at Amazon, inventory en route to Amazon, and any shipments that have been prepared but not yet sent to Amazon.

Screenshot of storage capacity monitor on Amazon Seller Central. Screenshot from Amazon Seller Central, February 2024

The Storage Volume is highly impacted by your IPI (Inventory Performance Index).

We will further discuss how your IPI is calculated later in this article.

IPIScreenshot from Amazon Seller Central, February 2024

Sellers who fall below the minimum criteria can have their storage limited. Operating with such limited storage can significantly undermine your sales forecasts.

We will outline the steps you can take to ensure you have sufficient storage for your high-demand season, maximizing your sales on Seller Central.

We’ll also review what you can do if you fall below Amazon’s set criteria.

You can find your limit by going to Seller Central, selecting Inventory, navigating to the Inventory Dashboard, and then selecting Inventory Performance under the dropdown for Inventory.

Screenshot of how to navigate to find your storage capacity on Amazon. Screenshot from Amazon, February 2024

Your IPI score will be near the top of the page.

To reach your storage capacity, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the small gray box labeled Capacity Monitor.

Success on Amazon Means You Have To Manage Your Inventory Levels Proactively

Amazon says that it considers the following criteria for your storage levels:

  • IPI Score and Sales Performance: Higher storage capacities are granted to accounts that consistently achieve a high IPI score.
  • Storage Utilization: In determining storage limits, Amazon considers your current inventory, inbound inventory, and shipments that are prepared but not yet dispatched.
  • Sales Volume: Amazon will also look at sales volume over time.

Improving Your IPI

If you have a low IPI score, know it will take time to improve your score.

IPI is a rolling average. It can take anywhere from 2 to 12 weeks to increase your score on Amazon, so planning ahead of time is essential.

This means if your IPI is below the 400 Amazon requires, you need to start taking aggressive action today.

This article will outline how to avoid having detrimental storage limits, how it happens, and what to do when you’re already below the threshold.

For those interested in Restock Limits, we’ll explore this topic in more detail later in the guide.

What Is The IPI (Inventory Performance Index), And Does It Affect Me?

The IPI will only affect those using Seller Central and FBA warehouses.

It does not affect those using Vendor Central, Kindle Direct Platform, or those selling on Seller Central by Merchant Fulfilling or utilizing Seller Fulfilled Prime for their items.

Inventory Performance Index (IPI)

The Inventory Performance Index (IPI) manages how well you control and manage your inventory at Amazon.

This metric is a 12-week rolling average. It looks at several components over three months.

Four components make up the Inventory Performance Index (IPI):

Excess Inventory

This is the most important metric as it measures where your profitability may take a hit due to storage fees and holding costs for slow-moving FBA inventory.

Excess Inventory percentages help sellers plan when to restock more or remove inventory from FBA.

An item is considered to have excess inventory when it has over 90 days of supply based on the forecasted demand. 

Sell Through Rate

This metric is just how it sounds. The formula that Amazon uses to calculate Sell Through rates is:

(Units Shipped In the Last 90 Days)/(Average Units on Hand Over the Last 90 days)

Stranded Inventory

This provides information on products that aren’t selling due to listing issues.

This occurs when your listing doesn’t meet Amazon guidelines.

In these instances, your products become stranded and unable to move while still incurring FBA storage fees.

In-Stock Inventory

Amazon looks at the percentage of time your products have been in stock during the past 30 days, with additional weight given to items that have sold more units over the past 60 days.

If you maintain a high in-stock inventory, it will result in fewer lost sales.

Four components of the Inventory Performance Index.Screenshot from author, February 2024

It is important to highlight that these components are not weighted equally.

Excess Inventory

Excess Inventory and Sell-Through Rate are the parameters that have the most significant impact on IPI, while Stranded Inventory and Restock Rates can play a minor role in the overall score.

This means you will get more movement focusing solely on the first two components rather than spreading your efforts equally across all four elements.

During the height of the pandemic, Amazon changed the minimum IPI to 500. IT has since reduced the minimum IPI back to 400.

However, Amazon can increase or decrease the minimum IPI desired score at any point in time.

For this reason, we advise our clients to aim for a total IPI of 600.

Your minimum goal should be achieving at least 50 points over the current IPI requirement.

Some product mixes make maintaining a high IPI easier than others. For example, if you are a small brand with many products that move consistently, your IPI will generally tend to be higher.

If you are a seller with a large product mix that changes often, it is the most challenging to manage.

Combatting Capacity Limits

If you’re currently experiencing a capacity limit, Amazon can increase your capacity limit for a specific period of time by submitting a request subject to Amazon’s approval.

It is important to remember that if the storage limit increase request gets approved, your account is subject to paying a “reservation fee” for each cubic foot of capacity requested, and it will get charged at the end of the specified period.

Such fee is subject to a credit depending on your sales achieved during the period (performance credits are earned at $0.15 for every dollar of sales you generate using the additional capacity.)

Another alternative is to continue selling items via merchant fulfillment or using other third-party sellers to move your inventory or send small shipments of your fastest, most profitable inventory to Amazon.

Further down in this article, we will highlight what you can do when your inventory performance is low, you are facing potential inventory limits, or if you’re new to Amazon.

Why Would Amazon Do This?

It seems like it would be counterintuitive for a company that is so focused on having as many products on its platform as possible to limit the amount of inventory you could sell.

However, as more sellers joined the platform and with rising FBA and Prime offers, overcrowding at the warehouses started to become a larger problem for Amazon.

Amazon sellers were attracted to FBA because of the low cost of storage rates. Sellers were using the FBA program as a cheap way to warehouse large amounts of inventory.

At first, Amazon tried to increase storage fees. Adding long-term storage fees dramatically increased the storage cost for merchandise aged over six months.

However, even with those changes, Amazon couldn’t curve the overcrowding and demand in its FBA warehouses.

As a result, it started to introduce storage limits in 2019.

From Amazon’s perspective, it wants to ensure customers have favorable shopping experiences and quickly get the products they want.

This means ensuring that the products most likely to sell are available.

Amazon looks at how you have managed inventory in the past and whether customers are purchasing your products to determine how much space is allocated to you.

The better Amazon feels you are at managing your space at Amazon’s FBA warehouses, the more storage space you will be allowed.

What If My IPI Is Below The Current Threshold?

If your IPI is currently below the threshold or within 50 points of the lowest threshold, these are the actions we recommend.

The first step is to check the current threshold. As of the writing of this article, the current threshold for IPI is 400.

However, here’s the direct link to the policy so you can find the current threshold, as Amazon can change this at any time. You can find the current required IPI in Seller Support under the heading FBA Inventory Storage Limits (login required).

You can review your current IPI score in Seller Central by going to Inventory, Inventory Planning, and then clicking on your IPI score.

IPI score in Seller Central.Screenshot from Amazon Seller Central, February 2024

Even with aggressive tactics, changing the IPI significantly can take 2 to 12 weeks.

Recommended Actions To Improve Inventory Performance Index (IPI)

Excess Inventory – Dump Slow Moving Items

Excess inventory is generally one of the top two reasons your IPI score could be low, since it is the most heavily weighted metric.

The first step to addressing excess inventory is to pull back inventory you don’t expect to sell.

Focus on stock-keeping units (SKUs) that have gone out of fashion or merchandise experiencing a significant demand drop, like seasonal products.

If you don’t expect it to sell within three months, you should pull back the inventory to sell on a different channel by creating a removal order.

You can also start to use the Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) to fulfill your website orders from your Amazon stock.

Sometimes, it makes more sense to discount and/or advertise products to help them sell faster to remove them from your inventory rather than call back inventory from Amazon.

Optimizing a listing that is not moving can also help increase the sell-through rate.

A quick note on having Amazon destroy products – sometimes, the company will liquidate that product instead of destroying it.

If inventory control is an essential factor for your brand, we recommend pulling back the inventory even though it costs more.

While Amazon is great at logistics and moving items through its process, it isn’t great at returning items to sellers.

Often, items arrive damaged or mixed SKUs in multiple boxes, clogging up receiving departments.

If possible, we want to ensure that we’re proactively taking action to avoid pulling back inventory and risk inventory being damaged or unavailable to be sold for a long time.

Sell-Through Rate – Send Fast-Moving Items

Amazon looks at this to identify whether the items you’re selling are things customers want to purchase.

The way that we improve the sell-through rate is to send in small shipments of items that will sell out very quickly.

If you’re currently using LTL or FTL, we recommend that you move to small parcel shipments during this process so that you can send more frequent shipments without going out of stock for long periods.

As you’re restocking items, you want to prioritize those that will move quickly, sending small quantities of items that will sell out as soon as they arrive or shortly after.

This allows your overall sell-through rate to increase dramatically and significantly impact your overall IPI.

It is vital that no matter how fast you think a product will move through, as you send these products in, you’re testing small batches to make sure that things will sell at the pace you anticipate.

Stranded Inventory

Inventory that’s being held in FBA warehouses and not available for sale affects your overall IPI.

Fixing stranded inventory can make a slight difference; however, if you need to move your IPI significantly, this component of the overall metric will only make a slight difference.

It would be best to address stranded inventory weekly or bi-weekly, depending on your general sell-through rate.

In-Stock Inventory

This is probably the most frustrating metric of the IPI because, basically, Amazon is telling you that you can’t restock items because they’re not selling fast enough.

At the same time, it’s trying to encourage you to ensure you stay in stock.

We have found that this metric is very lightly weighted, and you’re better off focusing on the two key metrics of excess inventory and sell-through rate.

There has been some debate about whether deleting previous SKUs can increase this; however, we have not seen that this significantly impacts the total IPI.

General IPI Notes

As you’re working to increase your overall IPI, it is important to remember that it can take several weeks to increase.

The IPI is an average calculated over 12 weeks.

You must give the IPI enough time to move before determining whether your actions are making a difference.

It can be tempting to check your IPI often. However, your IPI score is only recalculated once a week.

If you need to raise your IPI quickly or by a significant amount, you may need to take overly aggressive actions in pruning your inventory and pumping fast-moving items through your account to increase your score to the required amount.

You might have to also bid for a capacity increase.

You should only do this if you have the data to support being able to sell through that higher quantity of items so you do not incur extra charges.

Additional Options To Combat Low IPI and Storage Capacity Issues

Sometimes, this means utilizing third-party sellers to ensure that inventory can be available to customers with a Prime offer.

Some of the brands we work with have focused on selling their fastest-moving SKUs while they improve their overall IPI score and capacity limits.

Then, they utilized third-party sellers to carry their slower-moving items while they worked on increasing their averages.

We have several reliable third-party resellers we refer our clients to if it’s ever an issue.

This means that those accounts saw a faster increase in storage capacity as they were sending in inventory that was selling at a much faster rate and restocking regularly.

If you don’t want to utilize third-party sellers, the alternative is to increase your total number of merchant-fulfilled offerings.

Remember that Merchant Fulfilled offerings generally don’t compete well against FBA offers, so watch your competition to determine feasibility.

While many brands avoid third-party sellers because it may reduce control over their brand, in this instance, it can be an excellent tool to ensure that you don’t lose potential market share to other competing product lines.

Another step you can take is to allocate your FBA warehouse space to items with the highest margin and smallest dimensional size, as they are highly profitable and sell quickly.

Leaving items with lower profitability or moving slower through Merchant Fulfilled (MF).

Tips For New Amazon Sellers

If you’re a new seller coming to Amazon or moving from Vendor Central to Seller Central, start by sending small quantities at first.

You have a grace window of 39 weeks when opening your account.

However, you want to ensure you send in small amounts of inventory. A few cases per product can help you identify the overall sell-through rate.

There is no minimum for sending inventory into Amazon FBA. So, it is possible to test as little as one unit at a time to test products on Amazon.

Sending in small shipments does increase your overall shipping cost and can reduce profitability in the short term.

However, when you’re first investigating the platform, sending in smaller quantities can help you better understand your product’s demand and help avoid additional fees that can be required to call inventory back or pay for storage fees.

Once you have a better idea of your sell-through rate, you can start to increase the total sizes of your inventory.

It is a delicate balance to have enough inventory so that you don’t run out of stock but also that you don’t have excess inventory.

While, in general, you want to aggressively avoid stockouts, the impact of a low IPI score should take priority.

Monitoring Inventory Matters

To succeed on the platform, you must take an active role in your Amazon inventory management.

In prior years, simply avoiding restocks was enough.

However, these new requirements require a greater focus on monitoring your sell-through rate and storage utilization on Amazon.

Prepare now to support your Amazon marketing and sales goals for the coming holiday season.

More Resources:

Featured Image: Piscine26/Shutterstock

Airbnb Acquires GamePlanner.AI To Accelerate AI Projects via @sejournal, @kristileilani

Airbnb announced its acquisition of AI startup GamePlanner.AI.

Brian Chesky, CEO and co-founder of Airbnb, highlighted the startup’s unique capabilities: “What makes GamePlanner.AI so special is that they combine expertise in AI, design, and community.”

Chesky underlined the transformative potential of AI and stressed Airbnb’s dedication to ensuring AI augments humanity positively. “AI will rapidly alter our world more than any other technology in our lifetime,” he said. “Together with Adam and his team, we can develop some of the best interfaces and practical applications for AI.”

How To Reduce Your Email Bounce Rate & Boost Email Marketing Campaigns via @sejournal, @zerobounce1

When you’re reaching out to a mass email list with your business offering, the last thing you want is to see that your last email blast didn’t make it to the full audience you aimed for.

These email bounces waste time and money. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

A bounce rate higher than 2% can shatter your entire email marketing strategy by sabotaging your email deliverability.

In fact, according to marketing standards, you want your bounce rate to be as close to 0% as possible and never more than 2%.

See how many bounces your next campaign may get >>>

The good news? You can take steps to avoid this common problem for good and calibrate your campaigns for better email deliverability.

Read on to find out how bounces hurt your business and what you can do today to boost your email marketing success.

What Is A Bounce Rate?

Your bounce rate is the percentage of emails you send that bounce or do not make it to a recipient’s inbox.

There are two types of bounces – hard bounces and soft bounces – and each has a different effect on your email marketing campaign.

In both cases, however, your message won’t make it to the intended recipient.

What Is A Hard Bounce?

A hard bounce indicates a permanent issue with the email address.

It’s invalid or possibly never existed.

There’s no hope of your email getting through with that address, so make sure to remove it from your email list.

What Is A Soft Bounce?

A soft bounce happens when a temporary issue causes your email to not be delivered.

The mailbox was full, your email was too large, or the domain was down. Your email provider will keep trying to deliver your message, but it may end up permanently bouncing.

Make sure to remove permanent bounces from your database.

What’s Wrong With Getting Email Bounces?

Getting bounces is antithetical to email marketing because you’re sending your emails because you want a real person to open and read them.

It’s frustrating and demoralizing when that doesn’t happen.

  • Bounces waste money. Email services charge based on the number of email addresses on your list, as well as how many emails you send. If you’re getting bounces, you’re pouring dollars down the drain.
  • Bounces waste time. Why would you put all of this work into your emails only to have them result in a pile of bounces?
  • Bounces affect your email deliverability. They send notice to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that you’re likely a spammer and should be treated as such. Fewer people will see your emails because they’re now going to the junk folder.

Is It Possible To Have A 0% Bounce Rate?

Perfection is unattainable, but it is an ideal to strive for.

You may want to achieve a 0% bounce rate. However, there are many factors out of your control:

  • A Full Mailbox: Your customer may have a valid email address, but their mailbox is full. This will result in a soft bounce.
  • Issues With Email Providers: The contacts on your list rely on other email providers, so you can’t dictate what happens on their end.
  • Glitches: You’ve likely witnessed an email that bounced for no discernible reason. Sometimes an unexplained phenomenon or glitch is to blame.

Any of these may be the culprit for a bounce.

They’re why the expected email marketing bounce rate benchmark is 2%, but it’s also why your target should be to reach perfection – 0%.

The concept of “aim small, miss small” applies. If you shoot for 0%, you may get close.

If you try to hit the benchmark, you may veer into the danger zone.

How To Reduce Your Bounce Rate

Now that you know the risks of a high bounce rate, let’s explore the most reliable ways to keep bounces at bay and help your emails reach the inbox.

How To Reduce Your Email Bounce Rate & Boost Email Marketing CampaignsImage courtesy of ZeroBounce.Net, October 2023

Step 1: Validate Your Email List

You can remove invalid email addresses from your list once they bounce, but the damage is already done.

To keep your email deliverability high, you want to avoid bounces in the first place – and the most effective way to do it is by using an email validator.

An email validation service checks your email list for invalid email addresses so you can remove them before they cause harm.

The process is easy and fast – on average, you can verify 100,000 contacts in less than an hour.

Email databases decay at an average rate of 23% a year, so remember to validate your contacts at least once a quarter.

How To Reduce Your Email Bounce Rate & Boost Email Marketing CampaignsImage courtesy of, October 2023

Step 2: Set Up An Email Validation API

After you verify your entire email list, you can go a step further and prevent it from acquiring bad data with an email validation API.

The API is your second layer of defense against bounces, working in real-time to protect the health of your email list.

Once you connect the API to your sign-up and registration forms, it blocks invalid emails right at the point of capture.

For instance, if someone mistypes an email, it prompts them with a message asking them to enter the right address. Aside from that, a trustworthy email validation API blocks bots and fake sign-ups, thus protecting your email deliverability.

Step 3: Remove Unengaged Subscribers From Your Email List

Building an email list takes effort, so many companies want to hold on to the email contacts they gather.

The bigger your list, the higher the ROI is the common mindset.

Google Rolls Out Gmail Translation To Mobile Apps via @sejournal, @kristileilani

Google plans to update mobile apps with Gmail translation, improving global business and marketing communications.

  • Google has introduced native translation integration within the Gmail mobile app, extending the feature previously available on the web.
  • Users can now translate emails into over 100 languages on mobile devices through a new dismissible banner.
  • A gradual rollout has begun for Android, and will begin soon for iOS users.
Amazon Product Review Best Practices via @sejournal, @AMZRobynJohnson

Reviews are a fundamental part of buying on Amazon. They have also been one of the areas that have changed the most over the last decade.

As Amazon continues to mature as a marketplace, it has become very sensitive to review manipulation. Using outdated tactics can trigger Amazon to remove most, if not all, of your listings.

Even worse, if you are identified as someone manipulating reviews on Amazon, you could be permanently banned from the platform.

Amazon is stringent about reviews because, in the not-too-distant past, reviews were the primary way to manipulate the Amazon search algorithm to have your product show up at the top of search.

While reviews are still important for marketing your products on Amazon, the best practices around reviews have changed significantly in the last few years.

Many of even the legitimate ways used by sellers to gather reviews have disappeared or can now potentially get your listing flagged.

In this article, we will discuss some of the most critical information when creating a product reviews strategy on Amazon in today’s climate.

Over the last several years, Amazon determined that many practices around soliciting reviews were diminishing the reputation of reviews on its platform.

As a result, significant changes around actively monitoring review manipulation are put in place. It includes changing the regulations around how Amazon can reach out to customers to get reviews and what kind of incentives can be offered.

Amazon has tried to balance giving sellers legitimate ways to get their products reviewed while limiting the amount of fraud around reviews.

Having customers trust Amazon reviews is a top priority to protect how reviews are regarded on the platform.

Fundamentals Of Amazon Product Reviews

The importance of reviews derives from the credibility they provide to your product. They help the customer determine if your product is a good fit and can be trusted to be sufficient in quality.

Reviews, in turn, help your listing conversion and even your ad conversion.

Often, the question most sellers struggle with is this: How many reviews do I need for my product to succeed on Amazon?

The answer to that will largely depend on how commoditized or competitive your product category is.

The more competitive your category, the more reviews your product will need to compete against similar products.

For example, if you launch a mobile phone case, you will compete with other items with 10,000 or more reviews. This shows that to have your reviews provide real credibility to your product, you will need a larger number of reviews.

On the other hand, if your product is very niche, you may only need 5 to 15 reviews to be retail-ready. Amazon recommends at least 15 reviews for a listing before you start scaling advertising.

However, for niche products, Amazon has successfully ramped up advertising with strong performance well before that total number of reviews.

Finally, brand awareness will also impact the role of reviews for your product. For example, an official Lego product will sell well despite no reviews.

This is because there is a much-existing affinity for the brand. That same product will sell better, and ads will convert at a higher return on investment (ROI) once it has established reviews.

However, the product doesn’t need reviews to make the customers feel confident in their purchase.

Reviews should be an important part of your listing optimization strategy. This does not only apply to converting traffic that comes to your listing but also to increasing the amount of traffic that comes from the search engine result page (SERP).

Keep in mind that your product rating score will show up in the SERP as well as in your ads. Additionally, customers can filter their results by average reviews.

Amazon listingsScreenshot from Amazon, March 2023

While it is common for brands to be concerned with any negative review, know that an occasional negative review can help show buyers that your reviews are authentic. No product has a 100% adoption rate.

You should be proactively working to reduce the number of negative reviews on your products. Do this by ensuring your product detail page is as clear as possible.

You should also be reviewing Voice of the Customer in Seller Central on a weekly basis to identify any potential negative customer experiences before Amazon might suppress your listings.

Voice of the Customer is an important tool to be able to anticipate issues with quality control or even the content of your listing.

You should look at all negative customer experiences (NCX) to see what you can do proactively to avoid future returns and negative reviews.

Voice of the Customer can be found in Seller Central under the Performance tab.

Amazon Voice of the Customer Screenshot from Amazon, March 2023

Use Voice of the Customer as part of your Amazon review strategy to help you limit negative reviews on your products. This can also help you avoid Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) restrictions and reduce your overall return rates.

Feedback Vs. Reviews & Ratings

One common point of confusion for new sellers is the difference between feedback and reviews.

“Seller Feedback” refers to the customer’s experience with the seller, not the product itself.

Seller Feedback

Sellers are rated on different factors, such as shipment times, packaging, product accuracy, and significant customer service experiences.

Seller feedback is found on the Seller Central dashboard, the seller store page, and the product detail page by clicking the offers link.

Seller feedback: AmazonScreenshot from Amazon, March 2023

Product Reviews

Product reviews specifically rate whether the product meets the customer’s expectations.

Product reviews are located at the bottom of the detail page, while the total of both reviews and product ratings are displayed at the top of the listing, below the brand name.

It is important to note that it is against Amazon’s terms of service to have family, friends, or employees review your product or a competitor’s product.

Reviews that violate community standards can be flagged for removal. Amazon will only remove reviews that violate the specific conditions outlined in the community guidelines.

Customer reviews: AmazonScreenshot from Amazon, March 2023

Recently, Amazon started allowing customers to provide ratings without giving a review.

It has the same star rating as reviews (one to five) and counts toward your overall customer review totals, but it has no accompanying text. This is why some products might have thousands of stars but only a handful of written reviews.

Programs To Help You Get Legitimate Reviews

Amazon has implemented some tools to help sellers get reviews, especially newcomers to the platform that need those coveted first reviews.

Amazon Vine

Amazon Vine is a program exclusive to those brands enrolled in the Brand Registry Program.

Here is what Amazon says about the Vine program:

“Amazon Vine invites the most trusted reviewers on Amazon to post opinions about new and pre-release items to help their fellow customers make informed purchase decisions. Amazon invites customers to become Vine Voices based on their reviewer rank, which is a reflection of the quality and helpfulness of their reviews as judged by other Amazon customers.

Amazon provides Vine members with free products that have been submitted to the program by participating vendors. Vine reviews are the independent opinions of the Vine Voices. The vendor cannot influence, modify, or edit the reviews. Amazon does not modify or edit Vine reviews, as long as they comply with our posting guidelines. A Vine review is identified with the green stripe Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program.”

Amazon handpicks Vine reviewers due to their expertise and history in reviewing a certain product category, so expect highly detailed and honest reviews.

In this Amazon-coordinated program, you send customers your product, and they give you a review in return.

Before enrolling in the Vine program, you must be confident your product will surprise and delight your customers.

Amazon usually waits until a newly launched product has at least five positive reviews before enrolling in the Amazon Vine Program. This allows the platform to ensure no breakage, quality, or content issues must be addressed.

Amazon Vine reviewers are notoriously detailed and honest.

Negative reviews from a Vine user can be especially detrimental because of the length and detail. However, a glowing review can go a long way in helping to build trust and increase conversion for your products.

The cost for utilizing this program is $200 per parent ASIN. There are also specific requirements for the program, including:

  • Be brand registered in Amazon Brand Registry.
  • Have fewer than 30 reviews on the product detail page.
  • Have a buyable Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) offer in “New” condition.
  • Not be an adult product.
  • Have already launched at the time of enrolment.
  • Have available inventory.
  • Have an image and a description.

Introduction To “Request A Review” Button & Ratings

In 2020, Amazon released a new tool for sellers: A button for each order a customer places within the last 5 to 30 days.

Sellers can now simply click the Request a Review button, and an email is auto-generated and sent to the customer.

As a seller, you click on the button then the buyer will receive an email soliciting a star rating for both the product and the seller.

The email is not customizable, and it is sent to customers by Amazon itself, which helps to avoid the complications of making sure that your wording complies with the terms of service, while still being able to request reviews on all your orders.

Amazon email notification for buyersScreenshot by author, March 2023

Using the Request a Review button can be done with the following steps.

To send your customer a request for a seller and product rating, go to Seller Central > Orders > Manage Orders.

Amazon Product Review Best Practices

If you are primarily FBA, make sure it says “View Seller Fulfilled Orders.” If it says View FBA orders, click that link.

This allows you to toggle between the fulfillment methods.

Then, find the order you want to request a review for and click on where the order number is displayed.

Manage orders from AmazonScreenshot from Amazon, March 2023

Then click the Request a Review button.

Manage orders from AmazonScreenshot from Amazon, March 2023

Several tools on the market now allow to automate this process. It is always important to ensure that the third-party software you use follows Amazon’s terms of service.

Reviews are still vital on Amazon to help you increase conversion rates and lower advertising costs. However, they are no longer the quick-and-easy hack to get the top of the organic results they once were.

Request a review button: AmazonScreenshot from Amazon, March 2023

As more sellers use this tool, Amazon sees an increase in the number of product ratings without accompanying text.

Soliciting Reviews

Here is what Amazon says about soliciting reviews:


If you ask others to post content about your products, keep it neutral. For example, don’t try to influence them into leaving a positive rating or review.

Don’t offer, request, or accept compensation for creating, editing, or posting content. Compensations include free and discounted products, refunds, and reimbursements.

Don’t try to manipulate the Amazon Verified Purchase badge by offering reviewers special pricing or reimbursements.

Have a financial or close personal connection to a brand, seller, author, or artist?

  • It’s OK to post content other than reviews and questions and answers, but you need to clearly disclose your connection. However, brands or businesses can’t participate in the community in ways that divert Amazon customers to non-Amazon websites, applications, services, or channels. This includes ads, special offers, and “calls to action” used to conduct marketing or sales transactions. If you post content about your own products or services through a brand, seller, author, or artist account, additional labeling isn’t necessary.
  • Authors and publishers can continue to give readers free or discounted copies of their books if they don’t require a review in exchange or try to influence the review.”

It is important to actively reach out to customers to get reviews, but also know that it is better to wait for the reviews to accrue over time rather than trying to cheat the system and have your other reviews removed or, worse, potentially have an account suspension.

This also helps to ensure that customers can feel confident in the authenticity of reviews on Amazon.

While many review services on the market promise to cheat the system to get more reviews, remember that Amazon is aggressively pursuing these companies by closing loopholes and even by using litigation to stop these tactics.

If Amazon catches you using black hat tricks for reviews, it can be very difficult to be reinstated, and you could lose access to the platform as a whole.


For our clients, we find that we can gather enough reviews to obtain customer confidence with the available programs. This includes utilizing Voice of the Customer to avoid negative reviews and strategically organizing variation listings on Amazon to have healthy conversion rates.

As the marketplace grows, Amazon is closing the quick and easy ways to rank; sellers need to learn to develop more strategic launches with products that customers genuinely love.

This has also allowed Amazon to rebuild some of the trust customers have in the reviews on the platform.

Because Amazon is a dynamic and ever-changing ecosystem, it’s essential to regularly check for updates and changes to the terms of service and marketplace guidelines.

Everything in this article is based on the specific state of Amazon Policies at the time it was written.

However, policies can change quickly, so double-check the policies to ensure that what is being recommended here is still the current policy.

More Resources:

Featured Image: Black Salmon/Shutterstock

Metaverse: How We Got Here & Where We Go Next

Although the infrastructure of the metaverse is still being established, companies and brands are taking the leap into this new world.

We’ve seen many changes in our society over the last few years, but nothing holds the potential for change quite like the metaverse.

In 2021, when Mark Zuckerburg announced Facebook’s new parent company, “Meta,” the conversation of future societal implications of such an immersive social platform took the world by storm.

And for good reason.

Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), smart glasses, social media, and cryptocurrency have existed as separate yet related ideas until now.

The metaverse combines these moving parts to create a powerful tool for businesses and marketers alike.

Normal physical boundaries do not limit this world; therein lies its appeal for those looking for a more global reach.

How has the concept of the metaverse evolved, and where is it going?

Let’s find out.

How Virtual Reality Got Its Start With Online Gaming

The concept of virtual reality and augmented reality has been steadily leaked into mainstream culture over the last 20 years. The gaming industry was the first to take advantage of it and integrate it into different platforms.

Games like Pokémon Go (2016) and Fortnite (2017) revolve around using these technologies to connect people through their apps.

Pokémon Go is one of the largest, most successful augmented reality games in the industry.

When its popularity exploded in 2016, it heralded a new era of augmented reality’s integration into our everyday lives. AR integrates the digital and physical worlds into one.

Fortnite, a virtual reality game using avatars to represent players, lets people fight against each other in real time and attend events held in that particular metaverse.

These two highly popularized games helped introduce society to the concept of “extended reality” (XR).

Extended or mixed reality refers to all events that combine some element of what is real with what is virtual. This includes augmented reality and virtual reality forms.

XR creates a more immersive experience for users and blurs the boundaries between reality and what is generated by technology.

This blend of realities creates infinite possibilities for integrating different technologies to create a more holistic and immersive user experience.

Is The Average Consumer Ready For The Metaverse?

The metaverse will push marketing and most of society deeper into digital innovation and immersion.

But are consumers ready? Early adopters have been excited to use the new technologies, but what about regular consumers?

According to a survey of approximately 9,000 consumers around the world conducted by Accenture in late 2022, more than 70% of consumers intend to use the metaverse in non-gaming environments in the next two to five years.

However, what consumers want from the metaverse in gaming and non-gaming environments could be very different. According to the survey, non-gaming users focus less on the technologies and more on what they can get out of them.

In other words, consumers will come to the metaverse when they can get value for their “real” lives, such as helping them connect with friends and family, shop, and finish certain tasks in less time.

Regular consumers look at the metaverse as a new way to help them do what they’ve always wanted or needed to do.

What the metaverse means to customersImage from Accenture, March 2023

The Metaverse Is Closer Than Ever Before – In Fact, It’s Already Here

According to a report from McKinsey & Company, the metaverse could generate $5 trillion in revenue for businesses by 2030.

Even though the metaverse is still in its early stages, there are plenty of opportunities to seize today.

Metaverse-native companies, such as CryptoMotors, make money from building and selling digital assets for the metaverse.

Traditional companies are also increasingly leveraging the metaverse to add value for their customers.

Real estate developer ONE Sotheby’s has a project called Meta Residence One, which builds a house along with its digital replica and sells both the digital house and the physical house together.

The owner of the twin houses will be able to greet guests in both the real world and the metaverse.

Even if metaverse commerce may not be a good fit for your business, the potential of using the metaverse as an advertising and marketing channel is endless.

As average consumers are looking for value and enhanced experience from the metaverse, it’s important for marketers to think beyond the technologies, and instead focus on how to better fulfill the customers’ needs in this virtual world.

How ChatGPT Will Affect The Metaverse

While the news about the metaverse has been overshadowed recently by generative artificial intelligence, most notably ChatGPT from OpenAI, the development and adoption of the metaverse are marching on.

In fact, the rise of ChatGPT will help make the metaverse an even more vibrant place.

Having non-player characters, or NPCs, in a digital game is not new.

However, NPCs, so far, lack the “intelligence” to interact with human players in an open and unscripted way. AI technologies, such as GPT-4, which powers ChatGPT, will change that.

To get a glimpse of what this interaction between human characters and computer-generated characters will look like, head toward, where you can create virtual characters with “personalities” or simply chat with them in both one-to-one or group settings.

Now, imagine those characters as avatars in the metaverse, with faces and voices. Not only can they talk, but they also act and behave in ways that reflect their unique “personalities.”

For example, Replika, an AI-companion app, already allows people to build their own chatbots, dress them up in clothing and accessories from the Replika store, and enjoy the company of their chatbots in their own bedrooms through augmented reality.

What To Expect From The Metaverse Next

Moving forward, you can expect more metaverse-ready hardware to come to everyday consumers. Apple has already invested in augmented reality, and its virtual reality headsets, a.k.a. Apple Glasses, could be coming later this year.

Other tech giants, like Meta, Google, and Amazon, are also working on products to offer more immersive experiences for consumers.

On the business front, brands like Burberry and Gucci already advertise and sell virtual goods using AR and VR. Restaurant chains like McDonald’s and Panera Breads have already filed trademark applications for their businesses in the metaverse.

We’ll see more companies testing new ideas in the metaverse to better engage and serve their customers.

A new trend that will start to emerge is the corporate metaverse, where companies use the metaverse to train and empower their employees, allowing them to collaborate with each other more effectively from anywhere in the world.

Marketers should pay particular attention to the evolution and progression of the metaverse.

Those who are skeptical might miss out on a significant amount of digital innovation set to change the way society does business and functions as a whole.

More Resources:

Featured Image: Black Salmon/Shutterstock

55 Google Doodle Moments To Celebrate 25 Years via @sejournal, @BrianFr07823616

This year, the Google Doodle celebrates its 25 year anniversary – I wonder if there will be a Doodle to note the occasion?

Now synonymous with the Google logo on the home page and in the SERP, who can imagine Google without the Doodle?

What Is A Google Doodle?

A Google Doodle is a limited edition illustration incorporating the Google logo on its home pages to reflect birthdays, holidays and celebrated days.

The search engine company first came up with this idea back in 1998, before the company was even incorporated.

Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin attended the infamous Burning Man festival and wanted to show they were out of the office. They decided to ‘tweak’ the Google home page logo as a statement to reflect they were at the festival. And, after that, the idea progressed.

It was a few years before another Doodle was created for Bastille day by the then intern Dennis Hwang. After this, Hwang was appointed ‘Head Doodler’ and the Google Doodle began to make a regular appearance.

Google Doodles are now created by a team of illustrators and engineers and used for things like commemorating achievements (both within and outside the company), honoring the birthdays of important people, and celebrating holidays.

To date, there have been more than 5,000 unique doodles on Google’s homepages worldwide. From Lego, Pac Man, SOPA, Keith Haring, London tube, Sir Isaac Newton, Alan Turing to the The Great Wave Off Kanagawa and more.

Here are some of our favorites and the most notable Doodles from the last 25 years.

The Best Google Doodles From The Last 25 Years

1. The Original

The very first Google Doodle was published in the summer of 1998.

It consisted of the festival’s iconic stick figure drawing behind an “O,” to notify users that the founders were “out of office.”

55 Google Doodle Moments To Celebrate 25 Years

And from this simple idea, a company tradition was born.

2. Thanksgiving, 1998

Less than three months after the official launch of Google, the search engine added its first-ever holiday Doodle in honor of Thanksgiving on November 26, 1998.

3. Halloween, 1999

These days, Google releases a new Doodle nearly every day – but it took almost a year before a new logo featuring pumpkins to replace the “O’s” showed up on the search engine on October 31, 1999.

4. Bastille Day, 2000

On July 14, 2000, Google released its first-ever Doodle made to run exclusively outside the U.S.

Honoring Bastille Day, it added red and blue fireworks and the French Tricolor to the company’s logo.

5. Shichi-Go-San, 2000

The second international Doodle was released on November 15, 2000, to honor Shichi-Go-San, the traditional Japanese rite of passage festival.

It appeared exclusively in Japan.

6. Canada Day, 2001

On July 1, 2001, Google began publishing Doodles celebrating national holidays, beginning with Canada Day, the celebration of the anniversary of the Great White North’s Constitution Act.

Other countries including South Korea and Switzerland followed.

7. Claude Monet’s 161st Birthday

The first Doodle that’s dedicated to an artist, this version of the Google logo was published on November 14, 2001.

It used the “Water Lilies” painter’s trademark impressionist style to celebrate Claude Monet’s birthday.

8. Dilbert Doodles

Between May 20-24, 2002, Google released a series of five Doodles featuring characters from the beloved comic strip “Dilbert.”

55 Google Doodle Moments To Celebrate 25 Years

9. Valentine’s Day, 2007

Using a chocolate-dipped strawberry to represent the second “g” and “l” in its name, the Doodle design gave the impression that “Googe” was missing a letter.

55 Google Doodle Moments To Celebrate 25 Years

This Doodle ran on February 14, 2007

10. Lego Bricks

From constructing elaborate cityscapes to superhero vehicles, precarious towers to families of dogs, if you can imagine it, there’s a way to build it with Legos.

Lego google doodleScreenshot from Google, February 2023

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the world’s most famous plastic building brick, on January 28, 2008, the Google homepage was taken over by a logo constructed of Legos.

11. Sir Isaac Newton’s 367th Birthday

The first HTML5-powered animated Doodle was published on January 4, 2010, in honor of the birthday of Issac Newton.


In honor of the 30th anniversary of the world’s first great video game, Google released a Doodle honoring PAC-MAN on May 21, 2010.

Pac-Man Google doodleScreenshot from Google, February 2023

This Google homepage-embedded game lets users take over the eponymously named hero to navigate a maze spelling the search engine’s name, eating the dots while trying to avoid ghosts.

13. John Lennon’s 70th Birthday

On what would have been the singer’s 70th birthday on October 8, 2010, the Google Doodle featured a short animated film paired with his song “Imagine.”

14. “The Great Wave Off Kanagawa”

On October 31, 2010, in honor of the birthday of artist Katsushika Hokusai, Google’s Doodle was a nod to his most famous print, and perhaps the most famous Japanese work of art, “The Great Wave off Kanagawa.”

The great wave of kanagawa google doodleScreenshot from Google, February 2023

The search engine used the waves to form the “G” in its name in the famous 17th-century woodblock.

15. Jules Verne’s 183rd Birthday

On February 8, 2011, Google paid homage to science fiction writer Jules Verne with an interactive Doodle inspired by his novel “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.”

16. Robert Indiana – Valentine’s Day, 2011

On February 14, 2011, we saw the unveiling of a Google Doodle inspired by artist Robert Indiana’s iconic “LOVE” image.

55 Google Doodle Moments To Celebrate 25 Years

17. Charlie Chaplin’s 122nd Birthday

On April 16, 2011, a short film Doodle was released to mark the 122nd birthday of “The Little Tramp.”

18. Les Paul’s 96th Birthday

Google let users virtually shred the guitar with a Doodle honoring guitarist, songwriter, luthier, and inventor Les Paul on June 9, 2011.

55 Google Doodle Moments To Celebrate 25 Years

19. First Day of Summer/Winter By Takashi Murakami

On June 21, 2011, the Google Doodle was a yin and yang of the seasons in honor of the solstice.

Created by Japanese artist Takashi Murakami, the Northern Hemisphere’s Doodle celebrated the first day of summer, while the Doodle in the Southern Hemisphere marked the first day of winter.

20. SOPA/PIPA Protest

This Doodle from January 18, 2012 is not whimsical or interactive, but instead was used by Google to protest web censorship.

Google Doodle: Censorship protest Screenshot from Google, February 2023

Part of a series of coordinated protests against two proposed laws in the United States, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA), this Doodle employed a simple but powerful design of a black bar to take a stance against censoring the web.

21. Keith Haring’s 54th Birthday

American pop artist Keith Haring used a background in New York City’s graffiti subculture to create some of the most recognizable works of the 1980s.

Keith Haring google doodleScreenshot from Google, February 2023

To celebrate what would have been his 54th birthday, the May 4, 2012, Google Doodle employed his trademark style to form the company name on search pages.

22. Alan Turing’s 100th Birthday

Honoring the legacy of computer pioneer Alan Turing on his 100th birthday, the Google Doodle for June 23, 2013, let users interactively decode the company’s logo.

23. Bob Ross’s 70th Birthday

The October 29, 2012, Doodle featured everyone’s favorite painting instructor Bob Ross making some “happy little trees” in honor of what would have been his 70th birthday.

55 Google Doodle Moments To Celebrate 25 Years

24. Halloween, 2012

Google has released so many Halloween Doodles over the years that it can be hard to pick a favorite.

While 2011’s stop-motion pumpkin carving and 2017’s ghostly cartoon are strong contenders, if we have to choose just one, it has to be Halloween 2012.

Google Doodle: HalloweenScreenshot from Google, February 2023

Published on October 31, 2012, this Doodle features a spooky soundtrack with fun, interactive monster animations.

25. London Tube

The London Tube celebrated its 150th anniversary on January 9, 2013.

In honor of the first underground journey, which took place between Paddington and Farringdon on the Metropolitan Railway, Google created a Doodle.

London tube google doodleImage from Google, January 2013

Mimicking the style of the underground map, Google’s name is spelled out by the various tube lines.

26. Luis Barragan’s 111th Birthday

Mexican Google celebrated the 111th anniversary of the birth of architect and engineer Luis Ramiro Barragan on March 9, 2013, with a Doodle featuring one of his most iconic creations, Cuadra San Cristobal.

27. St. Patrick’s Day, 2013

There’s one day per year on which everyone wears green and has the luck of the Irish – St. Patrick’s Day.

Google Doodle: St. Patrick's DayScreenshot from Google, February 2023

In honor of the feast day of the patron saint of Ireland, the Google Doodle for March 17, 2013, featured an animated line of traditional Irish dancers wearing shirts that spelled out the search engine’s name.

28. Ella Fitzgerald’s 96th Birthday

No vocalist has ever embodied the spirit of jazz so much as Lady Ella.

Known for her tone, timing, diction, and scatting ability, she is one of the most influential singers of all time.

Ella Fitzgerald Google doodleScreenshot from Google, February 2023

The Google Doodle used to honor the Queen of Jazz was constructed from cut paper to mimic the effect of stage lighting and theatricality.

29. 100th Anniversary Of The First “Loop De Loop”

On September 9, 1913, Russian pilot Pyotr Nesterov completed the first aerial “loop de loop.”

One hundred years later, Google’s Doodle honored his achievement.

30. Shakuntala Devi’s 84th Birthday

Though she had died earlier in the year, Google honored the “human computer” on November 4, 2013, with a Doodle featuring her likeness and the search engine’s name spelled out as if on a calculator.

55 Google Doodle Moments To Celebrate 25 Years

31. Dr. Who’s 50th Anniversary

You don’t need a time machine to play the fun interactive game Google released as a Doodle on November 23, 2013, to mark the 50th year of Dr. Who.

32. 2014 Winter Olympics

Rather than use the traditional Olympic Rings design, Google opted to create a Doodle marking the beginning of the Winter Olympics on February 7, 2014, while subtly taking a stand against host country Russia’s anti-LGBT laws.

33. Nezha Conquers The Dragon King

On May 30, 2014, Chinese Google featured a Doodle in honor of the 35th anniversary of the epic fantasy film “Nezha Conquers the Dragon King.”

55 Google Doodle Moments To Celebrate 25 Years

34. Doodle 4 Google, 2014

For its seventh annual Doodle 4 Google competition, the search engine asked students to draw an invention that would make the world a better place.

11-year-old Audrey Zhang of New York won out of more than 100,000 entrants and had her drawing featured on June 9, 2014.

35. World Cup, 2014

If there is one thing Brazil is known for, it’s being absolutely mad about soccer (or football, to you non-Yanks).

The Google Doodle that ran in the South American country on July 4, 2014, celebrated the World Cup with an animation that changed the Brazilian flag into a soccer ball.

36. Perseid Meteor Shower

Every August, a spectacular meteor shower known as the Perseids lights up the night sky.

On August 11, 2014, the Google Doodle featured a beautiful animation using stars to spell out the company’s name.

55 Google Doodle Moments To Celebrate 25 Years

37. Discovery of Lucy

The November 24, 2015, Doodle was inspired by the 45th anniversary of the discovery of the most complete Australopithecus afarensis (a fossil of an early human ancestor) ever found.

38. Beethoven’s 245th Birthday

To mark the “Fur Elise” composer’s 245th birthday, the Google Doodle for December 17, 2015, asked users to reassemble his famous Fifth Symphony.

39. Wilbur Scoville’s 151st Birthday

Fans of spicy foods everywhere will be familiar with the scale invented by American pharmacist Wilbur Scoville to measure the heat of chili peppers.

Google doodle of Wilbur ScovilleScreenshot from Google, February 2023

In honor of the Scoville scale creator’s birthday on January 2022, 2016, Google released an interactive Doodle that included facts about some of the most famous (and infamous) types of chilis, as well as a game in which you could try to defeat them with cooling ice cream.

40. Leap Day, 2016

Celebrating the extra day we get every four years, the Doodle from February 29, 2016, used a spring theme.

41. Juno Reaches Jupiter

On August 5, 2011, a spacecraft named Juno was launched from Cape Canaveral.

Nearly five years later, it finally reached its destination, entering a polar orbit of Jupiter to photograph the gas giant and collect data that will provide clues about its formation.

Juno Google doodleScreenshot from Google, February 2023

In honor of this achievement, Google’s Doodle for July 5, 2016, employed a two-dimensional style familiar to retro gamers.

42. 44th Anniversary Of The Birth Of Hip Hop

On August 11, 1973, at a party in the Bronx, DJ Kool Herc began playing and looping the instrumental breaks from songs – thus giving birth to a new style of music the world would come to know as hip hop.

the birth of hiphop Google doodleScreenshot from Google, February 2023

To mark the 44th anniversary of this momentous event, Google released a Doodle narrated by rap pioneer Fab 5 Freddy that allowed users to mix and scratch tracks with a virtual crossfader.

43. The American Solar Eclipse Of 2017

While solar eclipses are relatively common, occurring roughly every 18 months, they usually occur over the ocean or less densely populated areas.

So, the total solar eclipse that occurred over the United States on August 21, 2017, was a big deal.

Solar eclipse google doodleScreenshot from Google, February 2023

Google commemorated this event with an animated Doodle featuring two extraterrestrial creatures watching the eclipse from the comfort of their spaceships.

44. Coding For Carrots

During Computer Science Education Week, 2017, the Google Doodle on December 4 was a tribute to 50 years of kids’ coding.

Google Doodle: Carrots For CodingScreenshot from Google, February 2023

The combined work of the Doodle team, the Google Blockly team, and researchers from MIT scratch, this game invited users to use code blocks to help a rabbit collect carrots.

45. Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s 91st Birthday

Often considered one of the most important authors of the last 100 years, Gabriel Garcia Marquez was a Nobel Prize-winning novelist known for works in magical realism.

Google doodle for Gabriel Garcia MarquezScreenshot from Google, February 2023

Google honored what would have been the Colombian writer’s 91st birthday on March 6, 2018, with a colorful Doodle evoking the lush, vibrant Amazon jungle town Macondo from his famous work, “One Hundred Years of Solitude.”

46. World Cup, 2018 – Day 11

Any of the Google Doodles from the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia could have made this list, so choosing just one was difficult.

Featuring guest artists from all 32 participating countries, each sought to provide a representation of life in their homeland.

World cup Google doodleScreenshot from Google, February 2023

Day 11 is a good representative of the project, including art from England, Panama, Japan, Senegal, Poland, and Colombia – all of which played on this day, June 24, 2018.

47. Baseball 

Few things are more American than baseball – which is probably why Google opted for a Doodle game featuring the nation’s pastime for the Fourth of July, 2019.

Google doodle: BaseballScreenshot from Google, February 2023

In this timing-based game, the user clicks on a swing button to help a team of foods rack up runs against an opposing peanut team.

48. Museo Del Prado

Madrid’s Museo del Prado first opened its doors on November 19, 2019.

Two hundred years later, the world-famous art museum got its very own Google Doodle.

49. Tatyana Lioznova’s 96th Birthday

Google commissioned Moscow-based artists Sveta Mullari to create a Doodle celebrating Tatyana Lioznova, a rare female director in the Soviet movie industry.

It was published on July 20, 2020.

55 Google Doodle Moments To Celebrate 25 Years

50. Celebrating Johannes Gutenberg

Few people have had as large an impact on the human species as Johannes Gutenberg, inventor of the printing press.

The April 14, 2021, Doodle celebrated his legacy.

51. Lunar New Year, 2022

Throughout the world, people celebrate the new year based on the ancient Chinese lunar calendar.

Google doodle: Chinese New YearScreenshot from Google, February 2023

To symbolize this time of new beginnings and ancient traditions, the February 1, 2022, Doodle welcomed the Year of the Tiger with a representation of that animal, as well as traditional foods, lanterns, and flowers.

52. Valentine’s Day, 2022

Valentine’s Day is another holiday that Google always does right. One of the cutest has to be the one from 2022.

Google doodle: Valentine’s DayScreenshot from Google, February 2023

This February 14, 2022, Doodle allows you to help two love-struck hamsters find their way to one another via user interaction.

53. Doodle Champion Island Games

In the summer of 2021, Google published a series of Doodles in which users took control of feline avatars to explore a world filled with sports mini-games, boss fights, and side quests.

Doodle Champion Island GamesScreenshot from Google, February 2023

The ultimate goal was to defeat each sport’s champion and collect seven sacred scrolls – a fun way to amuse yourself on the web.

54. Celebrating Marie Tharp

Marie Tharp was an American geologist whose work helped prove the theory of continental drift.

She was honored with a Doodle on November 21, 2022, the 20th anniversary of being named one of the 20th century’s greatest cartographers by the Library of Congress.

55. Lunar New Year, 2023

Google marked the beginning of a new lunar year on January 22, 2023, with three Doodles marking the important Asian holiday.

55 Google Doodle Moments To Celebrate 25 Years

A Doodle For Every Occasion

One of the most fun things about Google Doodles is that they keep pushing the envelope.

From beautiful works of art to interactive games, the search engine company continually finds innovative new ways to spice up its homepages.

And even better, they’re open to suggestions.

If you have an idea for a Doodle, email to share it.

If you’re lucky, you may even see it brought to life.

More Resources: 

Featured Image: GoodStudio/Shutterstock

Interactive Content: 10 Types To Engage Your Audience via @sejournal, @JuliaGeekPack

With people online more than ever before, interactive content marketing is your best bet to boost engagement and grow your audience.

Many savvy businesses have a content marketing strategy, so it’s important to think of ways to make your content stand out from your competitors.

Let’s explore different ways you can turn static content into interactive posts and pages that will encourage your audience to stay engaged.

But first, let’s understand a bit more about interactive content and why it is so important.

What Is Interactive Content Marketing?

Interactive content means content that prompts your audience to participate in some way, rather than simply consuming the information passively.

It doesn’t necessarily need to be anything fancy, it could be as simple as clicking a button, or answering a poll.

This type of content can make the experience more fun for your audience, and therefore make you and your brand more memorable.

Plus, it’s also a great way to get to know your audience better and collect important data.

Here’s a recent example we’ve implemented in my business.

For about one year, I’ve been asking my community what new skills they would like to learn. I’ve done that in different ways and in different platforms – on our private Facebook group, on Instagram Stories, on social posts, and on YouTube.

Those questions have both generated more engagement and given me solid data to decide what to do next.

Why Is Engaging Your Audience Important?

From the content they consume to the products they buy, people have more options (and more information) than ever before – and this can make gaining their attention quite difficult.

With a highly competitive market, it’s more important than ever to learn the best ways to engage an audience and keep them connected with your brand.

Interactive content marketing is more effective than other types of content not only because it boosts engagement (which we know all algorithms love), but also because it keeps people’s eyes on your brand for longer.

How Do You Measure Interactive Posts

You may be wondering what makes a post successful.

When you start testing different types of content, it’s important to keep an eye on these metrics:

Social Media Metrics

  • Comments.
  • Saves.
  • Shares.
  • Direct messages.
  • Likes.
  • Traffic to links.

Most social platforms provide business and creator accounts access to analytics, and you’ll find some of this information there.

If you’re running a promotional campaign or giving your audience a link to click on, it may be useful to leverage link tracking so you know where your traffic comes from.

You can use Google Analytics to track those links, and we also use the WordPress plugin, Pretty Links, to make them less overwhelming.

Web Page Metrics

  • Session time.
  • Sign-ups & leads.
  • Conversion rate.
  • Backlinks.

10 Different Types Of Content To Boost Engagement

There are different ways to create interactive content, and my best advice for you is to pick a couple and start testing.

Try different things until you have enough data to decide which type of content your audience responds best to – and then keep creating more of that.

1. Live Videos And Q&As

Videos are truly taking over the internet – which has made it one of the most effective types of marketing.

Live video content can be scary at first, especially if you’re an introvert like me. But it does get easier with time, and it’s totally worth it!

Live content allows you to hang out with your community, get to know them better, and help them get to know you and your brand!

This personal element and interaction can make a huge difference.

2. Create Polls, Multiple Choice Questions, And Quizzes

Polls and multiple-choice questions are super easy for people to interact with, and are super easy to create.

They’re also incredibly engaging. Why? Because people love to share their own thoughts and opinions on topics, and contribute to the conversation!

You can use polls and questions on Instagram Stories and Facebook groups, or if you have a YouTube channel with more than 500 subscribers, you can also create polls on your YouTube Community tab.

People also love quizzes! They’re an effective way to spark interest and get people’s attention.

They are also shareable, so they can become a great lead-generation tool. You can use online tools such as Typeform or Paperform to create your quiz.

3. Let Your Audience Rate Your Content

Another great way to engage your audience with your content is to allow them to rate your content. You can add rating widgets to your blog posts and/or website pages.

Showing the rating results on your website can increase your credibility and help you create content that people are interested in.

4. User-Generated Content (UGC)

Testimonials and reviews are so important for a reason. Let your clients or customers speak for you!

Word of mouth is one of the most powerful tools in marketing, and even though it may happen naturally, there’s no reason why you can’t incentivize your audience to get involved.

For example, you can create shareable content (such as a meme) and have a call to action to share, tag, or send to a friend who can relate.

You can also give your current customers an incentive to share about you and your brand with a customizable story template or a giveaway, for example.

5. Gamification

Who doesn’t love a good game?

From simple word searches to sophisticated online games – gamification is a great way to engage your audience.

Big companies have had great success with such campaigns, and there’s no reason why you can’t scale them down and make them work for your audience.

6. Animations

Animations go a long way to catch people’s attention – so try adding some movement to your content!

You can do that with GIFs, hover effects, or even dynamic scrolling (where items move as the user scrolls through the page).

Especially on sales pages, when you usually have a lot of information to include, animations can help keep people interested – and maybe even improve your conversion rate.

And now, building HTML/CSS animations is even easier with ChatGPT – you can simply ask it to build one for you!

For example, you can run the below prompt and use the codes generated.


7. Infographics

Big chunks of text can often look overwhelming and this might be a turn-off for readers.

If you have a lot you want to communicate, the best way to do this is by creating an infographic.

They combine aesthetically pleasing design with important information – and often, people are more likely to read them than generic text.

8. Giveaways

Giveaways are a great marketing technique, as they pique people’s attention and encourage them to engage with your brand.

You can offer incentives for people to share the content, tag friends, or even encourage your audience to show up to live events.

If you can generate more shares of your content, this can also become a great lead generation tool, as you’ll reach more people who may not have heard of your brand.

And the prize could be a product or service you offer, or even gift cards from Amazon and Starbucks, for example.

9. Tabs & Carousels

Another way to break up text-heavy content is by using tabs and carousels.

Giving users an option to choose what they want to see. It also helps keep the content organized and easy to find.

Instead of having to scroll through long pages, they can easily click and find what they’re looking for.

It also adds more interactivity to your content, which can be far more interesting than just reading big blocks of text.

10. Repurposed Content

Creating content is very time-consuming and can be exhausting. So don’t be afraid of repurposing content.

Marketing is about repetition, it’s about finding different ways to transmit your message and reach the right people.

If you have a post that received tons of engagement, think of different ways you can share that again. Maybe you can create a quiz related to the topic, or even make some tweaks and share it again on a different platform.

Not only will you save time, but you’ll also create content more effectively, as you’ll be repurposing content you already know resonates with your audience.

Think YouTube videos, blog posts, and podcasts – longer forms of content can easily be repurposed into several small pieces of content.

Final Thoughts

As usual with marketing, there’s no one-size-fits-all recipe that’ll make your content stand out.

But interactivity is extremely important in the online world, and it will improve user experience.

Also important to note that your audience’s interests and expectations may change from time to time. What works well today may not be the best option one year from now.

Don’t be afraid of changing and testing as you go; that’s the best way to learn more about your target audience.

More resources:

Featured Image: Interactive Content/Shutterstock

18 Online Review Statistics Every Marketer Should Know via @sejournal, @jonleeclark

Online reviews are an unavoidable part of doing business in today’s digital age.

Every marketer worth their salt knows that online reputation is everything.

Whether you own or manage a small mom-and-pop restaurant, a computer software company, or a chain of coffee shops, your customers are likely to look for you online.

That means one of the first things they’ll do is look for online reviews about your business.

Of course, positive reviews help you to create a trusted brand, which people are more likely to purchase from. However, how you respond to negative reviews also says much about your business.

Why Online Reviews Are So Powerful

Yelp, Google Business Profile, TripAdvisor, and similar are a boon for consumers, giving them a platform to learn about businesses before patronizing them.

For business owners? Not so much.

It seems that no matter how hard you try, you’re bound to get that one bad review that could potentially overshadow all your glowing reviews.

Online reviews, however, are an unavoidable part of doing business online.

For millennials, reviews are empowering, helping them make an informed and thought-out purchase decision (useful when deciding if a restaurant’s $15 avocado toast is worth it).

If you still aren’t completely on board, here are online review statistics that may change your mind.

1. Positive & Negative Reviews Influence Consumers

According to a 2021 report by PowerReviews, over 99.9% of customers read reviews when they shop online.

Furthermore, 96% of customers look for negative reviews specifically. This figure was 85% back in 2018.

When people look for bad reviews, they’re interested in knowing some of the company’s weaknesses. Where could they improve? If the downfalls are minor, it makes the researcher feel assured.

A near-perfect rating is often viewed as less credible and leads to consumer skepticism if reviews are too positive.

2. Consumers Trust Reviews Like Recommendations From Loved Ones

BrightLocal’s local consumer survey shows that 49% of consumers trust reviews as much as personal recommendations from friends and family members.

Consumers Trust Reviews as Much as Recommendations from Loved OnesScreenshot from BrightLocal, January 2023

When you consider just how much we trust the people we love, it’s compelling to think that every 1 in 2 people trust online reviews as much.

However, the research reveals that some occasions cause consumers to suspect a review’s validity. So, you do need to be mindful of this.

Situations that can raise suspicion that a review may be fake include:

  • The review is overboard in its praise (45%)
  • The review is one of many reviews with similar content (40%)
  • The reviewer uses a common pseudonym or is anonymous (38%)
  • The review is overboard in negativity (36%)
  • The review is one of only a few positive amongst many negative reviews (32%)
  • The review contains hardly any text and is just a star rating (31%)

3. The More Reviews, The Better Reputation

The More Reviews, the BetterScreenshot from BrightLocal, January 2023

BrightLocal’s research also found that 60% of consumers feel that the number of reviews a business has is critical when reviewing and deciding whether to use its services.

Although this has dropped since 2020, it’s still a high figure, especially compared to 2019, 2018, and 2017.

4. Most Consumers Don’t Trust Advertising

While online reviews are seeing a rise in consumer trust, the same can’t be said for traditional advertising.

According to Performance Marketing World, 84% of millennials don’t trust conventional advertising.

If anything, this finding is a sign of the times. People are tired of ads being pushed on their faces, especially ads that belie the truth of the quality of the products and services they get from brands.

5. Shoppers Research Product Reviews On Their Phones – Outside Of Your Store

OuterBox recently revealed that every 8 in 10 shoppers use their smartphones to look up product reviews while they are in-store.

Before buying an item, shoppers will quickly search to see what other people have had to say about the product in question.

Some will compare prices, determining whether they can find the item elsewhere cheaper.

This statistic shows how the online and offline worlds are becoming increasingly integrated. If you don’t have a good online review presence, it can have a negative impact on the number of sales you make in-store.

6. Reviews Shared On Twitter Increase Social Commerce

Yotpo has revealed that reviews on social media platforms increase social commerce, especially on Twitter. You can see this displayed in the chart below:

Reviews Shared on Twitter Increase Social Commerce by More Than 6%Screenshot from, January 2023

When we think of social media, we associate it with building brand awareness. However, it’s also effective for driving sales.

Shopify recently published a survey that revealed the average conversion rate for the social media websites represented in the graph above:

  • The average conversion rate for LinkedIn is 0.47%
  • The average conversion rate for Twitter is 0.77%
  • The average conversion rate for Facebook is 1.85%

Yotpo Data found that when reviews are shared on social platforms, the conversion rate is 5.3 times higher for LinkedIn, 8.4 times higher for Twitter, and 40 times higher for Facebook.

All these statistics show us that reviews are an incredibly powerful form of social proof that results in higher conversion levels across LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

Furthermore, a lot of the eCommerce world is underestimating Twitter’s force.

7. Reviews Are Just As Important Among Jobseekers

If you thought consumers were the only ones concerned about reviews, think again.

Research published by Glassdoor indicates that 86% of employees and job seekers research reviews on a business and ratings to determine whether they should apply for a job.

Google Reviews on GlassdoorScreenshot from, January 2023

As competition for talent in certain industries gets tougher, companies will have no choice but to be more conscious about their employer brand if they wish to attract top talent.

8. 3.3 Stars Is The Minimum Rating Customers Accept

When deciding whether to engage with a business, it has been indicated that 3.3 stars out of 5 are the lowest rating customers are likely to consider.

If you have a lower rating than this, your business may be overlooked and lose valuable consumers to the competition.

It probably does not come as a shock to discover that only 13% of consumers will contemplate using a company with a rating of 2 stars or less.

9. Sustainability Is A Recurring Theme In Travel Reviews

The Travel Recovery Trend Report revealed that the environment and sustainability are two chief themes for online guest reviews.

Some of the terms most typically found in reviews include the following:

  • Renewable energy
  • LED light bulbs
  • Electric car charging
  • Single-use plastics
  • Recycling

Expedia believes that millennial and Gen-Z travelers are more likely to consider environmentally friendly travel options.

10. 18 – 34 Year Olds Trust Online Reviews as Much as Personal Recommendations

Research shows that 91% of 18 to 34-year-olds trust reviews online just as much as personal recommendations.

Let’s think about this for a second: we’re now trusting online comments just as much as we trust feedback from the people we know and love.

This shows how much high regard millennials and Gen Z give to online reviews.

11. Tiny Subject Line Changes Can Get More Reviews

When soliciting reviews, most businesses send an email post-purchase.

Yotpo studied the subject lines of 3.5 million of these post-purchase review request emails to discover what works and what doesn’t when asking customers for reviews.

While this is much more than a single statistic, here is a synopsis of the top subject line tweaks to get more reviews:

  • An emotional appeal doesn’t greatly impact the review response rates.
  • Include your store name to increase reviews.
  • Incentives inspire more reviews in every industry.
  • Ask a question in the subject line.
  • Exclamation points boost reviews for food and tobacco businesses!
  • Avoid using a totally uppercase word in your subject lines.

12. Reputation Management Software Pays For Itself

Podium released a very interesting report on online reviews, stating that 94% of local companies who utilize a reputation management tool make up for the cost with the ROI.

How your company appears online massively dictates what shows up in terms of your bottom line.

Because of this, companies are investing more in their reputations than ever before.

One way they do this is by investing in reputation management software. This gives them the ability to have clarity regarding how their business is reviewed online.

13. Customers Believe A Product Should Have 100+ Reviews

Power Reviews recently posted interesting statistics about the number of reviews shoppers want.

In a perfect world, 43% of consumers have indicated that they want to see more than 100 reviews for an item.

Take a look at the table below to see consumer expectations regarding review volume:

43% of Customers Believe a Product Should Have 100+ ReviewsScreenshot from, January 2023

Consumers indicate that a notably high volume of reviews can have a big, positive impact on their purchase likelihood.

Out of those surveyed, 64% indicated that they would be more likely to purchase an item if it had over 1,000 reviews than if it only had 100 reviews.

Furthermore, 54% are more likely to purchase an item if it has 10,000+ reviews compared to 1,000 reviews. So, more is always better when it comes to quantity.

14. Few Travelers Post Unsolicited Online Hotel Reviews

BrightLocal has also uncovered that 78% of travelers never post unsolicited online hotel reviews. This means you cannot simply rely on customers to post hotel reviews of their own free will. They need to be encouraged to do so.

Customers say that the main ways they have been asked to leave a review are as follows:

  • Via email (41%)
  • During the sale/in-person (35%)
  • When receiving an invoice or receipt (35%)
  • SMS text (27%)

You need to be mindful of how you approach customers when asking to leave a review. The last thing you want to do is come across as pushy. At the same time, you want to make customers feel compelled to post a comment.

Offering an incentive, such as a special discount or entry into a competition, is a good approach.

15. Consumers Are Becoming Increasingly Suspicious Of Facebook Reviews

While online consumers rely on reviews to make purchasing decisions, they’re also suspicious of fake reviews. In fact, 93% of Facebook account holders are suspicious of fake reviews on this social media platform.

Consumers Are Becoming Increasingly Suspicious Of Facebook ReviewsScreenshot from Brightlocal, January 2023

As you can see from the table, only 7% of users don’t feel at all suspicious about Facebook reviews.

Users also have low trust in Google, Yelp, and Amazon reviews.

16. Most Consumers Use Rating Filters

Did you know that 7 in 10 consumers utilize rating filters when looking for companies?

Out of all the different rating options, the most popular is to narrow down a search based on the rating it is, for example, to only show hotels with ratings of four stars or above.

This helps customers only view products, locations, and services that fall within their standards. No one wants to waste their time on things that don’t fit!

17. Customers Expect You To Respond To Negative Reviews Within 7 Days

When customers post negative reviews about a business, they expect a response. Not only this, but they don’t want to wait around for it.

Review Trackers have stated that 53% of customers expect companies to respond to negative feedback within one week.

One in three consumers has a shorter timeframe than this; three days or less.

Therefore, you really need to ensure you’re keeping up with the reviews you receive and responding appropriately.

18. Your Response To A Review Can Change How Customers View Your Business

Podium’s 2021 State of Reviews publication revealed that 56% of consumers had changed their perspective on a business based on how they responded to a review.

We know that it can make you feel sick to your stomach when you receive a bad review from a customer. However, this statistic shows that there is the potential to turn this into a positive.

If you respond empathetically and try to understand the customer, they will feel like you really care about them and the service they receive. You can turn an unsatisfied customer into a loyal one.

And, even if the consumer who has complained does not reply, the fact you’ve tried to rectify their grievance will show your business in a positive light when others read the review.

The Bottom Line On The Impact of Online Reviews

These statistics reveal one unavoidable truth: online reviews are important and are here to stay.

Simply put, online reviews are directly linked to consumer trust and creating social proof.

Rather than fear them, you should look at them as a way to get a direct line to your customers.

If you are yet to begin your efforts to manage your online reputation, now’s as good a time as any to get started by doing the following:

  • Educate your customers on the importance of leaving reviews, but make sure to communicate that these reviews will help you improve your business, which can only be a good thing for them.
  • Take charge of your brand on all review platforms. Respond to feedback and make sure complaints are managed in a timely and orderly fashion.
  • Claim your Google Business Profile to ensure that any information about your business on Google is accurate and updated.
  • Ask and encourage your customers to leave a review of your product or service.

More resources:

Featured Image: ParinPix/Shutterstock

How To Use Slack Effectively: 10 Tips To Increase Productivity via @sejournal, @digital_future

Few brands, like Google, have become commonplace words in our everyday language. Slack is one of the other few that has been awarded this honor. While one teammate googles tips to figure out a snag, another slacks with a heads up that the solution is in pursuit.

For many, Slack has overtaken email as the dominant means of communication. And just like some wrestle with unmanageable email inboxes, many others are trying to tame their Slack.

So here are 12 handy tips for making the best of Slack and leveraging it to enhance what you do across the rest of your suite of programs.

1. Set Reminders For Important Tasks In Channels Or Direct Messages

You have probably used or heard of Slack reminders. Either to remind someone while you are always on vacation or simply so you don’t forget to do that optimization, schedule a reminder to stay on top of important tasks.

Use the slash command to set up reminders in channels or direct messages.

How To Use Slack Effectively: 10 Tips To Increase ProductivityScreenshot from Slack app, January 2023

Editor’s note: There are three types of slash commands: the ones built by Slack, the ones built by third-party apps, and the custom ones by your organization. You can learn more about how to use slash commands for Slack in this article

2. Create Keyword Notifications To Specific Updates

Feeling overwhelmed by all the notifications from the myriad of channels that are important but are too time-consuming to follow? You can mute the channels while setting up keyword notifications, so you are alerted only when specific terms come up.

Open the Notifications section under your Slack preferences and select the “My Keywords” section to set up your list. As new projects come up and others are completed, refine your keyword list to stay tuned only to the most pertinent updates.

How To Use Slack Effectively: 10 Tips To Increase ProductivityScreenshot from Slack app, January 2023

3. Schedule A Meeting Without Leaving Slack

Having to jump between programs or apps is perhaps the biggest source of wasted time. Scheduling meetings is arguably one of the most common daily tasks. Good news: you can do that without leaving Slack and start having less frenetic days.

First, you must download the Google Slack Calendar or the Outlook Slack Calendar app. Then, when chatting with a contact, click on the lightning icon for a menu with the option to schedule the meeting.

How To Use Slack Effectively: 10 Tips To Increase ProductivityScreenshot from Slack app, January 2023

4.  Keep Key People And Channels At The Top

To avoid scrolling and searching for key contacts, use the star feature to lock a person or channel so that they always appear at the top. A starred category will then appear in your left navigation panel, to help prioritize the contacts or channels which you never want to miss.

How To Use Slack Effectively: 10 Tips To Increase ProductivityScreenshot from Slack app, January 2023

5. Integrate Your Emails With Slack

It is often easier to discuss something as a group via slack than over email, especially if numerous recipients are involved. Slack can help here by leveraging Slack’s capability to receive incoming emails.

Set up an email address that Slack can use as a recipient. Then, either automatically or manually forward mail to this address. Then, you (or Slack channel recipients if you are using a channel) will receive the email within the channel and could all chime in more easily.

6. Sort Slack Channels Into Sections For Quick Browsing

Another organizational hack is to combine channels into groups. Some common grouping approaches are to organize channels by team, project topic, or deliverable timeframe.

As sections are editable, you can shift channels from one grouping to another like you would emails from one folder to another.

With channels grouped into sections, you can then minimize all but the most important section focusing your attention on the conversations that matter most.

7. Send Messages Directly From Any Text Box With /msg

Wouldn’t it be nice not to have to search for a contact to message them? That is actually possible. Send a message to anyone from any text box with the /msg command.

How To Use Slack Effectively: 10 Tips To Increase ProductivityScreenshot from Slack app by Editorial, January 2023

8. Leverage Workflow Builder To Streamline Frequent Requests

If you find yourself often getting asked the same set of questions, use Slack’s workflow builder to create intake forms.

This will not only save you time by receiving all the information you need in one go but also help the inquiring party understand what you need to help them. No more back and forth to collect disjointed pieces of information. Get it all in one go and repeat that for anyone else who inquires.

9. Use Slack With Your Manage Project Management Tools

While all project management tools are well intended, they come with the challenge of needing to manage them on top of managing the project they are supposed to streamline. At times, it can seem that managing the project management tool is as much work as the project itself.

Slack can also alleviate the need for working on two separate platforms by allowing notifications from project management tools.

Most of them – like Asana, Trello, or – have integrations with Slack supporting duplicate notifications whereby alerts go to Slack on top of showing up within the project management provider’s own interface.

10. Get Updates Via A RSS Feed Link

On rare occasions, you might actually want more Slack updates. When a vendor launches a new service, a client makes a key announcement or around big events like the Super Bowl or elections. You may find yourself needing all the updates you can possibly gather.

An RSS feed is a big help in these cases. What’s even better is an RSS feed that’s connected directly to your Slack, where you can seamlessly forward them to colleagues or save them for reference. Not all RSS feeds may work with Slack, but they can point to the ones that do.


Approach 2023 and your next Slack encounter with optimism. Never forget to water your plant, miss your client’s earnings call, and scale back notifications to those that really matter with top-of-mind keywords.

More resources:

Featured Image: Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock